JMLC releases its 14.2–15.1 special issue “Chinese Poetry and Translation: Moving the Goalposts”
Guest-edited by Maghiel van Crevel, this special issue of the Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese (JMLC) comes out of a June 2017 workshop at Lingnan University. Rather than from real and imagined problems of (Chinese)-poetry-and-translation, the authors of this issue work from its potential: for rocking the boat rather than providing safe passage, for moving the goalposts and getting away with it, for empowering the translator to choose, time and again, which rule s/he wants to break, and unleashing whatever it is that happens next. While translation—interlingual and otherwise—is a central feature of the study of Chinese literature as practiced in an international community, it nevertheless doesn’t always get the attention it deserves, and we are happy to help address this. The papes conjoin theoretical contributions with in-depth reflection generated from inside processes and results of translation and its infrastructure. The abstracts can be viewed at
Table of Contents:
Introduction: “Chinese Poetry and Translation: Moving the Goalposts”
Maghiel van Crevel
Strong and Weak Interpretations in Translating Chinese Poetry
Lucas Klein
Can We Say an Ear of Cabbage: On Translating Wordplay in Xi Xi’s Poetry
Jennifer Feeley
Where You End and I Begin: Notes on Subjectivity and Ethics in the Translation of Poetry
Andrea Lingenfelter
Translating Migrant Worker Poetry: Whose Voices Get Heard and How?
Eleanor Goodman
Half-Heard Voices of the Primal Zone; Sleep and Waking in a Poem by Cao Shuying
George O’Connell with Diana Shi
Mapping Hong Kong’s Atlas
Christopher Mattison
Dog Barking at the Moon: Transcreation of a Meme in Art and Poetry
Cosima Bruno
The Transculturation of American Poetry in China, 1917–1937
Chris Song
Forms of World Literature and the Taipei Poetry Festival
Nick Admussen
The Cultural Translation of Battlers Poetry (Dagong shige)
Maghiel van Crevel
Posted by: Chris Song <>