Folding Beijing to be made into a movie

Source: (5/24/17)
Award-winning short story Folding Beijing will now be a movie
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Award-winning short story Folding Beijing will now be a movie

Author Hao Jingfang wrote the award-winning Folding Beijing. Photo: SCMP

The Hugo Award-winning science fiction short story Folding Beijing will be adapted into a movie, author Hao Jingfang told science fiction conference Melon Hong Kong recently.

The film will be directed by Korean-American screenwriter Josh Kim, whose previous credits include 2015’s How To Win At Checkers (Every Time).

Folding Beijing tells of a city divided into three classes, each of which has unequal access to time and resources. The protagonist, Lao Dao, travels illegally between each class, transporting goods in order to earn school fees for his child.

Since it is a short novel, Kim will be adding extra characters as well as details to the plot.

The story will take place in a fictional city of the future rather than in Beijing. “The major structure of the story will remain,” Hao, 32, says. “But taking out the geographical context can let the movie speak to more people. And the issues the story depicts are not just happening in Beijing either. Other places also face similar social concerns.”

Hao had previously been approached by other production companies about making a film of her novel, but eventually chose to collaborate with Kim because she appreciates his sincerity.

“He contacted me through Ken Liu, who translated (Folding Beijing into English). And we met on mainland China to discuss the collaboration. I think he’s a great storyteller,” Hao says. “With other production companies, you never know who will end up directing the film or writing the screenplay.”

Hao says she will give Kim artistic autonomy. But she may offer suggestions about the added characters and overall plot, especially the ending.

She also plans to continue developing the story of Folding Beijing, although the results won’t be ready for at least two years since she is currently working on two other writing projects.

Hao is the second Chinese writer – after Liu Cixin – to win a Hugo award; she beat American horror fiction icon Stephen King to the best novelette prize in 2016. – South China Morning Post/Rachel Cheung


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