TAP fall 2017–cfp reminder


CALL for Submissions: TAP Review Fall 2017

The fall 2017 issue of the Trans Asia Photography Review is currently open to all topics, so that the editors can become aware of, and publish, new work that might not fit a specific theme. We welcome proposals relating in any way to historical or contemporary photography in or from Asia (East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, West Asia and Central Asia).

Please use the following formats to submit proposals:

Article (length open). Your proposal should contain an abstract and the author’s CV.

Curatorial project (10-15 images with introductory text). Your proposal should contain up to 5 thumbnail images in a pdf file, not to exceed 50 MB in total. Please send your images to editor@tapreview.org via www.wetransfer.com or a similar service. Images should be accompanied by a brief introduction and your CV; these may be included in the pdf or sent separately via email.

Translation (from an Asian language into English) of historical or contemporary articles about photography. Your proposal should contain information about the work to be translated and the translator’s CV.

Interview. Your proposal should contain background information about the interviewee and the interviewer’s CV.

Book/exhibition review. Your proposal should contain the title of the book or exhibition and the reviewer’s CV. (Note: An exhibition being reviewed must have a catalogue.)

Authors are responsible for obtaining picture permissions; forms for these are available on the TAP Review website.

Proposal deadline is April 7, 2017. Proposals will undergo a preliminary review and you will get a response by April 24, 2017.

We must then receive completed projects (based on accepted proposals) by June 1, 2017; full peer reviews will take place after that.

Questions? Contact editor@tapreview.org.

Sandra Matthews
Editor, Trans-Asia Photography Review

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