Call for Papers Rocky Mountain MLA Annual Convention October 12-14, 2017 in Spokane, WA “Aesthetics in Chinese Poetry or Music”
This panel invites papers addressing the aesthetics in Chinese poetry or music, both traditional and modern. The goal is to investigate the power of poetic or musical aesthetics, and how specific formal structures, psychological and emotional energy, sociopolitical backdrops, conditions of production and reception change the aesthetic standards we used to understand Chinese poetry or music. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to: poetic form, comparative poetics between traditional and modern poetry, musical performance and performativity, poetry or music’s relation with emotion, culture, gender, visuality, sound, and historical interpretations, etc. Ideally, papers would breach the divide between traditional and modern Chinese poetry or music in terms of aesthetics, affect, form, and history. Please submit a paper abstract of approximately 300 words and a short bio to Sijia Yao ( and Ling Kang ( by March 1, 2017. Notice of acceptance or rejection will be given by March 31, 2017.
Posted by: Sijia Yao <>