Wow. A history of the IUP, ICLP, and Stanford’s own current center in Beijing would make a good dissertation topic, not least because the IUP was for a long time administered by Stanford University and even called the “Stanford Center,” but it is no more. Not only that, during the Vietnam War era, quite a few of today’s alumni rose up in rebellion against the IUP, so a dissertation on the alums might be just as interesting! (And complicated—James Dew told me that at least one of the “rebels” wrote him a personal letter, decades later, to apologize. Dew and Vivian Ling, I think, were a link between the IUP in Taiwan and the ICLP after the transfer, and some of the old teachers remained, too. But not forever.) It’s hard to see how “old alums” would feel 100% nostalgic affinity with any of the three current institutions, given all the changes. On the other hand, we might feel some loyalty to all of the above named institutions. (Disclaimer: I have not in recent years had communication with any of them.)
Jeff Kinkley <>