Mobility in contemporary Chinese culture panel–cfp

Dear list members,

We (Pamela Hunt and Heather Inwood) are seeking presenters for a proposed panel at the AAS 2017. Professor Michel Hockx will act as discussant. The topic will be mobility in contemporary Chinese culture, considering how new possibilities of movement – be it physical, cultural, social or virtual – are reflected or reimagined. Suitable papers might cover such themes as: representations of new forms of movement in the PRC; ways in which mobility has been used to explore self and nation; the relationship between mobility and the production and dissemination of film, literature and art; and ways in which mobility in cultural production intersects with gender, class and ethnicity.

We welcome submissions from all fields and from scholars at all stages. We ask for  abstracts (maximum 250 words) to be sent by July 28th, but please get in touch with Pamela Hunt ( as soon as possible, if you are interested in contributing.

From: Pamela Hunt <>

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