New Wai-Lim Yip publications


I would like to bring to your attention two recent publications, one by and one about  UC San Diego emeritus professor of literature, Wai-Lim Yip.  The first is a two-volume anthology of his critical writings, Gemlike Flame: Essays on Modern Poetry from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan (晶石般的火焰:兩岸三地現代詩論; National Taiwan University Press, March, 2016), which  includes more than twenty of Professor Yip’s essays on the modernist poetry of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan since the 1950s. The second, Compilation of Studies on Modern and Contemporary Taiwan Writers: Volume on Wai-Lim Yip (葉維廉:台灣現當代作家研究資料彙編 79; National Museum of Taiwan Literature, December, 2015), draws together studies by twenty-two poets and scholars on Wai-Lim Yip’s own poetry and critical theory. As readers of this list are aware, Professor Yip was a major figure in the Modern Poetry Movement of Taiwan and Hong Kong in the 1950s and 1960, and is well-known as a poet, translator, theorist and critic of modern Chinese poetry.

Kuiyi Shen <>

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