7th International Forum on Chinese Cinema–cfp

第七屆中國電影國際論壇: “中國舞臺電影”
The 7th International Forum on Chinese Cinema
Chinese Stage Films
Call for Papers

在中國國家漢辦的支持下, 美國賓漢頓大學戲曲孔子學院、密歇根大學孔子學院、南卡大學孔子學院將於2016年9月8-10日在美國南卡州哥倫比亞及查爾斯頓舉辦主題為“中國舞臺電影”的第七屆中國電影國際論壇。此次論壇的協辦單位有中國戲曲電影產業聯盟、中國電影資料館、中國戲曲學院、北京大學影視戲劇研究中心、北京電影學院国际学院、北京語言大學、山東大學文学院、武漢大學哲学院、陜西師範大學新聞傳播學院及《中國電影電視市場報》。

Under the auspices of Hanban and in collaboration with Chinese Association for Stage Film Productions; Chinese Film Archive; National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts; Research Center for Drama, Film, and TV at Peking University; International College at Beijing Film Academy; Beijing Language and Culture University; School of Literature at Shandong University; School of Philosophy at Wuhan University; School of Journalism and Communication at Shaanxi Normal University; and Journal of Chinese Film and TV Market; the Confucius Institute of Chinese Opera at Binghamton University, the Confucius Institute at University of Michigan, and the Confucius Institute at University of South Carolina will cosponsor the 7th International Forum on Chinese Cinema in Columbia and Charleston, SC; September 8-10, 2016. The theme for this year’s forum is “Chinese Stage Films”.

把舞臺上的戲劇演出拍成電影是各主要電影國都存在的現象,而華語的舞臺電影,無論數量還是劇種,均属世界第一。華語電影濫觴於京劇《定軍山》; 第一部有聲電影《歌女紅牡丹》使用的是京劇片斷; 第一部彩色電影《生死恨》講的是京劇故事; 上世纪六十年代风靡港、台、东南亚的是黃梅調電影《梁祝》。據不完全統計,世界各地的華語舞臺電影已拍摄了500余部,涵蓋60余劇種。然而自上世紀八十年代以來,華語舞臺電影衰頹之勢日趨明顯。據此,本屆論壇將對華語舞臺電影的歷史和現狀進行梳理和總結,主要討論以下幾個主要方面:(一)歷史學角度的舞臺電影創意及制作;(二)舞臺電影的興盛、衰落的原因及振興策略;(三)微電影與舞臺電影;(四)舞臺電影在國際漢語教育中的使用。會議用語可為漢語或英語,如用漢語發言,需提供一頁英文提要。

Filming stage productions is common among all the major cinemas. But in terms of quantity and varieties of the filmed stage productions, Chinese cinema exceeds any other cinema. Chinese filmmaking began with a Peking Opera film Dingjun Shan; its first sound film Sing-Song Girl Red Peony comprised of four episodes from Peking Opera; Remorse at Death, the first Chinese color film, told a Peking Opera story; In the 1960s it was The Love Eterne, a Yellow-Plum Opera film, that became all the rage in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia. Approximately more than 500 stage films, covering more than 60 Chinese operatic forms, have been made. Nevertheless, since the 1980s, Chinese stage filmmaking has been in decline. Accordingly, our discussions of this year’s forum will include (1) the creation and production of the stage films from a historical perspective; (2) the causes for the evolution, success, and decline of the stage films as well as the strategy to revitalize the genre; (3) stage filmmaking in the microfilm era; and (4) utilization of stage films in teaching Chinese. The paper can be delivered in either Chinese or English. If it is in Chinese, a one-page English summary needs to be supplied.

論壇具體日程初定為9月8日下午在會議旅店 Inn at USC (1619 Pendleton St, Columbia, SC 29201, USC: www.innatusc.com, 803-779-7779) 前臺報到,9月9日全天會議,當晚觀看演出,9月10日到南卡查爾斯頓文化考察(論壇出車,費用自理)。

Tentatively, the registration will be the afternoon of September 8 in the lobby of the forum’s official Inn at USC (1619 Pendleton St, Columbia, SC 29201, USC: www.innatusc.com, 803-779-7779). September 9 the entire day will be forum panels and the evening will be performance. September 10 will be a self-funded cultural tour to Charleston (bus arranged by the forum).

有意參會的中外電影工作者和電影學者,請於2016年6月1日前填寫所附會議回執,擬發言者同時把論文提綱(100-150字, 中英文皆可)發給論壇組委會葉坦(ye@sc.edu)及朱文文(wenwen@mailbox.sc.edu),組委會將於6月10日前通知投稿者的論文是否被會議接受。如參會而不擬發言者,亦請填寫回執,以便安排會場、演出、就餐、文化考察等項。本屆論壇所有填寫了回執的與會者均免交報名費。

Those who are planning to deliver papers at the forum please fill out the “Confirmation of Attendance” and send it with the paper outline (100-150 words; in either Chinese or English) to both Tan Ye (ye@sc.edu) and Wenwen Zhu (wenwen@mailbox.sc.edu) of the Organizing Committee for the forum by June 1, 2016. The committee will inform you of the paper acceptance by June 10. In order for us to better arrange panels, food, performance, and Charleston trip, those who plan to attend but don’t intend to deliver papers, still need to fill out the confirmation but leave the “Paper Topic” open. The registration fee will be waived if you have submitted the confirmation.

Thank you for your support.

The Organizing Committee of
The Seventh International Forum on Chinese Cinema
Confucius Institute
Welsh Humanities Building 6th floor
1620 College Street
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208, USA


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