I am glad to announce the release of “Ming Qing Studies 2015.” Find the Table of Contents below. To purchase the volume, please follow the link at Aracne Publishing:
http://www.aracneeditrice.it/aracneweb/index.php/pubblicazione.html?item=9788854889583. A limited preview is also available at the URL: http://www.aracneeditrice.it/pdf/9788854889583.pdf
Tommaso Previato 托瑪索 <tpreviato@mail.ihp.sinica.edu.tw>
Post-doc Fellow, Institute of History and Philology
Academia Sinica, Taiwan
15 Making sense of Incompleteness: Approximations of Utopia in Liang Qichao’s Xin Zhongguo Weilai Ji and Chen Tianhua’s Shizi Hou. LORENZO ANDOLFATTO
45 Travelling in a Thronged Desert. GIORGIO CASACCHIA
57 The Tension between the Realistic and Imaginary Elements in Alexander’s Illustration. CHEN YUSHU 陈妤姝
87 Windows onto the Supernatural in the Second Half of the Edo Period: from the Gazu Hyakki Yagyō (1776) by Toriyama Sekien to the E-hon hyaku monogatari (1841) by Takehara Shunsen. DIEGO CUCINELLI
111 A Virtual Escape from the “Closed Country” through Painting and Humorous Verses: Shiba Kōkan’s Seiyō mitate Mimeguri fūkei zu 西洋見立三囲風景図. DONATELLA FAILLA
137 Alfonso Vagnone S.J.’s “Tongyou Jiaoyu (Child Education)” and its Contribution to the Introduction of Western Learning into Late Ming China. GIULIA FALATO
159 Nationalism, Ethnicity, and Colonial Modernity in Liang Qichao’s Ban Dingyuan Conquering the Western Region 班定遠平西域. GAO YUNWEN 高韵闻
175 Chinese Painters in Nagasaki: Style and Artistic Contaminatio during the Tokugawa Period (1603-1868). MARCO MECCARELLI
237 The Historical Comparison between Italy and China Emerging from Kang Youwei’s Yidali Youji 意大利遊記. MARTINA TURRIZIANI
257 Child Imagery and the Representation of Li Nezha in the Fengshen Yanyi. BARBARA WITT
285 Translation, or Transliteration? The Question of Chinese within the Catholic Liturgy in the Xiru Ermu Zi (1626). XIE MINGGUANG 謝明光
309 Forensics and Politics in Qing China – A Beijing Case. XIE XIN-ZHE 謝歆哲