Call for papers: Asian Comparative Literature and Film Panels at the 2016 Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Annual Convention. The convention will be held October 6-8, 2016, Salt Lake City, Utah at the Hilton Salt Lake City Center.
Papers dealing with comparative studies of Asian literary and filmic texts written in any language are welcome. Topics may include, but are not limited to: analysis of literature and film production from the perspectives of class, ethnicity, gender, or ideology; everyday life, body and sexuality; construction of cultural memory; representation of violence and trauma; the issue of belief; trans-Asian cultural exchange and circulation; Asian cultural production and consumption in a global context.
Prospective participants please submit an abstract of approximately 250 words along with a short biography to Tonglu Li ( by March 1, 2016. Notice of acceptance or rejection will be sent out by March 31, 2016.
Tonglu Li <>