Frontiers of Literary Studies in China, 9.3

The latest issue of Frontiers of Literary Studies in China is now available! Below, please find the table of contents and see the link for more information:

Frontiers of Literary Studies in China
ISSN: 1673-7318 E-ISSN: 1673-7423

From Representing Trauma to Traumatized Representation: Experiential and Reflective Modes of Narrating the Past
Auhor: Irmy Schweiger
pp 345–368

Gender in Gao Xingjian’s Between Life and Death: The Notion of Originary Self and the Use of Tripartition
Author: Mary Mazzilli
pp 369–394

Reconstructing Mysticism as Epistemological Endeavor in Haizi’s Poems
Author: LI Si
pp 395–416

The Identity Vacillation of a Technological Elite: The Tension between Poetry and Technology in Liu Cixin’s “The Poetry Cloud” (Shi yun)
Author: FAN Yilun
pp 417–435

Tales of Encounter: A Case Study of Science Fiction Films in Greater China in the 1970s and 1980s
Author: YANG Qiong
pp 436–452

Blade of Remembrance: Memory, Objects, and Redemption in Lu Xun
Author: Shakhar Rahav
pp 453–477

Comparing and Analyzing Two Stories from Iran and China (Khotan)
Author: Alireza Nabilou
pp 478–491

Book Review: Frazier, Robeson Taj. The East Is Black: Cold War China in the Black Radical Imagination. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2015. 328pp. US$25.95 (paperback). ISBN: 9780822357865.
Author: Sophia Azeb
pp 492–495

Book Review: Coble, Parks M. China’s War Reporters: The Legacy of Resistance against Japan. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2015. 288pp. US$39.95 (hardcover). ISBN: 9780674967670.
Author: Keith Schoppa
pp 496–498

Book Review: Wang, Xiaojue. Modernity with a Cold War Face: Reimagining the Nation in Chinese Literature across the 1949 Divide. Cambridge (Massachusetts) and London: Harvard University Asia Center, 2013. xiii+359pp. US$35.14 (cloth). ISBN: 9780674726727.
Author: Lingchei Letty Chen
pp 498–501

Book Review: Hee, Wai-Siam. 许维贤. Cong yanshi dao xingshi: Tongzhi shuxie yu jinxiandai Zhongguo de nanxing jiangou. 从艳史到性史: 同志书写与近现代中国的男性建构 (From Amorous Histories to Sexual Histories: Tongzhi Writings and the Construction of Masculinities in Late Qing and Modern China). Taipei: National Central University Press and Yuan-Liou Publishing Company, 2015. 351pp. NTD 420 (paperback). ISBN: 9789868794405.
Author: CHEN Song-Chuan
pp 502–506

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