Critical Asian Humanities grad conference–cfp reminder

Call For Papers:
Graduate Student Conference
in conjunction with the second annual
Critical Asian Humanities workshop
at Duke University
April 8th, 2016

Duke University will host a select graduate student conference on April 8th, 2016, in conjunction with its second annual Critical Asian Humanities workshop, which will run from April 8th to April 9th. Integrating approaches and methodologies from cultural studies, critical theory, and area studies, Critical Asian Humanities is an interdisciplinary field that emphasizes humanistic inquiry while critically interrogating many of the assumptions on which the humanities have traditionally relied. The workshop’s keynote speakers will be:

David Der-wei Wang (Harvard): “Worlding Literary China: History, Literature and Chinese Modernity”

John Treat (Yale):  “Arendt in Asia: Judgment and Responsibility in Nanjing and Hiroshima”

Colleen Lye (UC Berkeley): “Asian American Sixties”

Closing remarks: Prasenjit Duara (Duke)

The graduate student conference component of the workshop will feature papers by 4-6 graduate students, to be selected by a panel of Duke faculty and grad. students. Duke will cover the domestic travel and 3 days of room/board for the graduate students who are invited to speak. 

Although the workshop does not have a formal theme, preference will be given to graduate student papers that complement the keynote speakers’ focus on transregionalism and transnationalism. Students working on Asia in any discipline in the humanities or interpretive social sciences are welcome to apply.

Please send a 500-word abstract and brief biographical blurb to Carlos Rojas ( by December 1, 2015.

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