Points of Origin by Diao Dou

Points of Origin by Diao Dou

Points of originWinner of a ‘PEN translates’ award, Points of Origin is 9 short stories, translated by Brendan O’Kane. This is Diao Dou’s first appearance in English. Diao Dou is wildly regarded as one of China’s leading satirists, praised for his refusal to follow any of the numerous literary trends that often dominate the Chinese literary scene – his work going between, and not exclusively, social realism to surrealist parody.

Head to YouTube, to hear the translator, Brendan O’Kane talk about the process of translating Chinese Literature, and specifically Diao Dou’s work.

Comma Press is an independent publisher specialising in short fiction and short fiction in translation. I thought you might like to know about our forthcoming release, published on the 26th of November.

Samantha Clark
Translation Editor
Comma Press

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