Chinoperl 34.1

Volume: 34, Number: 1 (July 2015)
The issue is now available online at:

Dream, Drama, Metadrama: Tang Xianzu and/in Jiang Shiquan’s Linchuan
meng (Dreams of Linchuan)
Qiancheng Li
CHINOPERL, Vol. 34, No. 1: 1-21.
Teaching AMERICAN Students the “Essence” of Chinese Theatre at the
National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts (Zhongguo xiqu xueyuan)
Rose Jang
CHINOPERL, Vol. 34, No. 1: 22-40.
A Report on the Sixth International Nanxi (Southern Drama) Conference
Josh Stenberg
CHINOPERL, Vol. 34, No. 1: 41-45.
The Touring Canteen: Notes from the 2014 European Tour of the Quanzhou
Liyuan Theatre
Josh Stenberg
CHINOPERL, Vol. 34, No. 1: 46-56.
Book Reviews
Kimberly A. Besio
CHINOPERL, Vol. 34, No. 1: 57-72.
Performance Review: The American Conservatory Theater/La Jolla
Playhouse Co-Production of The Orphan of Zhao
Cathryn Fairlee
CHINOPERL, Vol. 34, No. 1: 73-77.
Liu Zengfu as One of the Last Connoisseurs of Jingju (Peking Opera)
XU Peng
CHINOPERL, Vol. 34, No. 1: 78-80.

The focus of CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature is on literature connected to oral performance, broadly defined as any form of verse or prose that has elements of oral transmission, and, whether currently or in the past, performed either formally on stage or informally as a means of everyday communication. Such “literature” includes widely-accepted genres such as the novel, short story, drama, and poetry, but may also include proverbs, folksongs, and other traditional forms of linguistic expression. Find out more at

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Kind regards,
Rosie Paley
Maney Publishing

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