No room for western values in Chinese education (13)

On the campaign to weed out “Western” books from Chinese universities, I thought people on this list would be interested in Duowei News of March 17:

Summary: The article is headlined “Yang Guiren talking the talk and walking the walk: Beijing higher education institutions investigate teaching materials from outside the border”, and says there has been a systematic survey of Western textbooks, so as to weed out those that promote Western ideas, and strengthen the control of others (presumably those that are Western but that do not convey any Western values, maybe in mathematics or something?). The survey, according to unnamed “professors at the universities,” began when forms were sent out to Beijing universities after March 9, asking them to identify and quantify any such books and return the forms by March 11. The forms had 13 questions including on how the school handled imported original books (purchase, photocopying, etc.); question 12 asks the professor filling it out whether there have ever been, “since 2012,” any instances of a professor himself assigning foreign original books without institutional approval, and if so, how this was handled and punished by the university.

The report also comes with a cartoon with a university professor having his head suddenly grabbed and mouth covered by a bodiless brown hand reaching out from the inside the screen behind him, to silence him, while his textbooks, entitled “Constitutional politics” and “Democracy” are falling off his desk onto the floor, seemingly suggesting what may be the more precise targets of the campaign. The students in the classroom seem aghast, but they are wearing zi gan wu (自干五) headbands — someone else can better translate the term, but as I understand it this refers to a kind of “fifty-centers” (petty online propagandists paid small sums by the police to add comments online) who are not even paid but do it anyway, so, without a salary, they have to “bring their own food” (zi dai gan liang = zi gan).

ps. –about this MCLC list, I have begun to hesitate to post anything at all since my posts are often edited to put words in my mouth and then posted without running it by me, which I cannot understand, — and, worse, recently three(!) colleagues in three different countries separately told me they too were uncomfortable posting for the same reason. So, I have begun to think anything posted is actually an edited version of whatever they tried to say, not in fact what they said. –Other moderated lists will have a mechanism for author’s response to and final approval of editorial changes, which I think is better. I suggest that system is adopted.

Sincerely, Magnus Fiskesjö <>


您的位置:多维新闻 > 中国 > 袁贵仁“说到做到” 京高校摸底境外教材

袁贵仁“说到做到” 京高校摸底境外教材

[多维新闻] 2015-03-17 02:10:26
















除了高校要交问卷和表格,各省区市教育厅(教委)也要提交一份调研分析报告,内容是汇总分析本地高校境外原版教材使用管理的总体情况、取得的成绩和效果、存在的问题。 “报告要全面客观、实事求是,要用具体数据说明,并提供典型案例。”按照教育部的要求,各省区市要在3月13日前将上述内容发送到教育部高教司。

(那了 编辑)

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