– Jason Hartschuh, OSU Extension Field Specialist, Dairy Management and Precision Livestock

Spring seeded oats are an option for early forage.
The past six to nine months have been brutal for perennial forage production, from drought conditions that have damaged pastures and hay fields. To winter annuals that look much browner than we are used to this winter. Additionally, the colder than normal winter weather conditions caused livestock to need more energy than in recent winters, causing them to eat more hay than usual. Some drought damaged pastures may require remediation practices this year. All of these factors may lead to a need for early spring seeded forage.
It definitely feels like spring is here, and it is time to think about planting as the sun shines and my thermometer has risen to 63°F today. While it might still be a little early in Northern Ohio for spring planting, for the southern part of the state, we can start planting spring summer annuals soon. These forages can provide high-quality feed for livestock, improve soil health, and enhance pasture productivity by allowing reseeded pastures to rest. Planting of spring annuals can begin once Continue reading Early spring seeded forage to fill shortfalls