At these prices, can bred females have a profitable life?

Dr. Andrew Griffith, Assistant Professor, Livestock Marketing Specialist, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Tennessee

Can good, bred females be profitable at these prices.

There have been several heifer and cow-calf pair sales over the past several weeks. Given the price levels, some observers have asked if those females will have a profitable life or if the purchaser will lose money on those females.

First, the West Kentucky Select Bred Heifer Sale sold 193 bred heifers with an average purchase price of $3,264 per head. A couple of weeks prior to that heifer sale, I attended a bred cow and cow-calf pair sale. The biggest portion of those animals sold for more than $3,000, and I would make no claim that they were anything special. Given the information of where female prices have been recently, can the buyer make money with these animals?

The answer is always “it depends.” If calf prices remain elevated for three or four years and those females produce a calf each year then they will likely be profitable. Another way to be profitable may be to market the animals first calf and sell a bred female or cow-calf pair next year. If they fail to rebreed or lose a calf then profitability will be difficult.

Beefenomics: Cattle Market Update – Beef Demand Resilient Through 2024

– William Secor, Ph.D. University of Georgia Department of Agricultural & Applied Economics

Beef demand has been great this year. In 2024, the U.S. is estimated to consume the most beef per person since 2009. This comes amid the highest prices on record, with the all-fresh retail beef price averaging above $8 per pound for the last five months (Figure 1 below). This represents historically strong demand that has not been seen in years.

Figure 1.

Figure 2 plots beef consumption per person against the inflation-adjusted all-fresh retail price by year. Each year is represented by the last two numbers of each year (e.g., 1999 is the number “99” in the right-hand corner). The red circle area represents where . . .

Continue reading Beefenomics: Cattle Market Update – Beef Demand Resilient Through 2024

Strong Calf Prices Finish the Year

– Stephen R. Koontz, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics, Colorado State University

Cattle and beef markets are wrapping up the fourth quarter on a very strong note – especially for smaller animals. Calf prices for 5-6 weight animals in the southern plains have advanced better than $50/cwt in the last four weeks. And prices for 4-5 weight animals have moved further. The fall run is apparently over.

Live fed cattle prices remain strong with cash trades better than $190 but prices for the year look range-bound to me between $180 and just better than $190. The boxed beef cutout value is holding better than $300 with a mix of performance at the primal level. Rib prices have been seasonally outstanding, and tenderloins have also been strong. Loins are showing some seasonal weakness as is ground beef. End meats are showing solid price levels but not much in terms of improvements. Once the market retreats from the strong rib purchases, and the Choice-Select spread seasonally softens, much will be determined by Continue reading Strong Calf Prices Finish the Year

Livestock Water Development

– Mark Landefeld, Extension Educator (retired), Agricultural and Natural Resources, Monroe County and Jeff Bettinger, Lead District Conservationist, Natural Resources Conservation Service

The tank should hold a minimum of 25% of the daily herd requirement and allow 5 to 10% of the animals to drink at one time.

Many factors need to be considered when developing watering sources for livestock. Adequate amounts of water are needed to maintain high levels of production. Limiting water intake reduces animal performance quicker and more drastically than any other nutrient deficiency (Boyles). Improving springs or seeps by excavating, cleaning, capping or providing a collection and storage area improves the distribution of water and preserves water quality.

The Water Trough or Tank
The trough or tank should have adequate capacity to meet the requirements of all livestock. This should include the stor age volume necessary for carry-over between periods of replenishment. The trough or tank, when installed, should be . . .

Continue reading the OSU Extension Fact Sheet Livestock Water Development

Getting the Most Out of Your Stockpiled Grass

– Dr. Chris Teutsch, UK Research and Education Center, Princeton

Figure 1. Strip grazing stockpiled grass can extending grazing by as much as 40%.

Stockpiling tall fescue is the is the most economical way feed cows during the winter months. Once stockpiled growth has accumulated, how you choose to utilize it can dramatically impact how may grazing days you get per acre. Research in Missouri showed that giving cows access to only enough forage for 3-days versus 14-days resulted in a 40% increase in grazing days per acre. The following tips will help to get the most out of your stockpiled forages.

Graze pastures that contain warm-season grasses first. Although we often like to think of pastures as monocultures, they are often complex mixtures of cool- and warm-season grasses, legumes and weedy forbs. If pastures contain warm-season grasses, use these first since their quality will Continue reading Getting the Most Out of Your Stockpiled Grass

Posted in Pasture

While Looking for Signs of Heifer Retention, Don’t Ignore Production Levels of Competing Meats

– Dr. Kenny Burdine, Extension Professor, Livestock Marketing, University of Kentucky

The decrease in feed prices over the last two years has had a significant impact on the beef sector. Cheaper feed has incentivized cattle feeders to push fed cattle to higher slaughter weights. The combination of higher weights and increased imports of live cattle has resulted in a slight increase in beef production for 2024, despite the fact that federally inspected slaughter has been down by about 3.5%. This can be seen in the table below and stands in sharp contrast to the decrease in beef production seen in 2023 and what USDA-ERS is projecting for 2025. The table also shows year-over-year production changes for pork and broilers for the same time period.

While increased harvest weights are impacting beef production at the present time, long term production growth will come from increasing the size of the US cowherd. Analysts are closely watching female slaughter, heifers on feed, and other factors for signs of heifer retention, but those signs are not yet present. Once heifer retention is underway and the cowherd actually starts to grow, one can start to Continue reading While Looking for Signs of Heifer Retention, Don’t Ignore Production Levels of Competing Meats

Are Growth Promoting Technologies Becoming a Lost Art for the Cow-calf Sector?

– Dr. Katie VanValin, Assistant Extension Professor, University of Kentucky

Implanted suckling calves often have weaning weights 10-20+ lbs higher. Photo: Mitzi Goodman.

Growth promoting technologies, when used correctly, are valuable tools that improve efficiency and increase weight gain in growing cattle. In the cow-calf sector, these include ionophores and implants. Although “technology” often implies new, these tools have been in the beef industry for decades. Yet, adoption seems to be stagnant or even declining – why?

Ionophores are antimicrobial feed additives, including monensin (RumensinⓇ), lasolicid (BovatecⓇ), and laidomycin propionate (CATTLYSTⓇ). While ionophores are antibiotic-like, they are not considered medically important for humans, so they do not require a veterinary feed directive (VFD) meaning ionophores do not fall under the veterinary feed directive (VFD) and can be purchased without a prescription. However, as they Continue reading Are Growth Promoting Technologies Becoming a Lost Art for the Cow-calf Sector?

Why should I castrate bull calves?

Dr. Andrew Griffith, Assistant Professor, Livestock Marketing Specialist, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Tennessee

Why would I castrate bull calves when prices are so high? There are producers who castrate bulls and make them steers. There are producers who simply sell bull calves. There are producers who think they castrate bull calves, but they clearly struggle with counting to two or their castration technique needs to be refined. Regardless, there is still a good reason to castrate bull calves and market steers instead of bulls when prices are high.

For instance, 525 pound bulls were discounted $13 per hundredweight compared to same weight steers while 575 pound bulls were discounted $20 per hundredweight the week before Thanksgiving compared to same weight steers.

What other reason does a person need to castrate bull calves? What one will eventually realize when asking this question of those who do not castrate is the higher price does not always outweigh their cost of castration. Those who do not castrate will most likely never castrate bull calves and that is perfectly fine.

Insurance Observations

– Matthew Diersen, Ph.D., Risk & Business Management Specialist, Ness School of Management & Economics, South Dakota State University

LRP premiums adjust with volatility in the market.

Recently a producer asked if Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) premiums adjusted with volatility in the market like options do. The quick response was yes; as futures prices and options premiums change, so do LRP premiums. Like options, LRP has several moving parts. However, expected (or implied) volatility is the only aspect that is not known. A comparison of LRP and options when volatility is both low and high would provide some empirical evidence that both respond to volatility in a similar way. The implied volatility can be backed out of premiums. The CME Group provides LEVL, which is an index of volatility levels for nearby live cattle contract. Recently the volatility in that market has been about 12 percent or a relatively low level for live cattle. Back in late August the volatility was higher, above 16 percent.

How do the premiums compare under different volatility levels? An at-the-money put option on the April Live Cattle contract settled last Friday at Continue reading Insurance Observations

Winter Application of Manure in Ohio

Glen Arnold, CCA, Field Specialist, Manure Nutrient Management, OSU Extension

Once ground freezes, stockpiling solid manure is an option.

With the colder weather, some livestock producers will be applying manure on frozen ground. Here are some things to keep in mind. For the article below, frozen ground would be soil that you cannot inject the manure into or cannot conduct tillage within 24 hours to incorporate the manure.

Permitted farms are not allowed to apply manure in the winter unless it is an extreme emergency, and then movement to other suitable storage is usually the selected alternative. Several commercial manure applicators have established . . .

Continue reading Winter Application of Manure in Ohio