Minerals: Too Much of a Good Thing

Dr. Katie VanValin, Assistant Extension Professor, University of Kentucky

Minerals are an essential nutrient for beef cattle. This means like protein and energy, minerals must be supplied in the diet, however minerals make up a very small portion of the total diet. Many feedstuffs are deficient in one or more essential minerals which is why mineral supplementation is a critical component of meeting the nutritional needs of the herd. So, this begs the question, “if a little is good, isn’t more better?”. The truth is we can have too much of a good thing when it comes to minerals, and this can lead to serious and sometimes fatal consequences.

The sulfur requirement for beef cattle is 0.15%, with maximum tolerable concentrations of 0.3% in high concentrate diets (15% roughage or less), and 0.5% in high roughage diets (40% or greater roughage). By-product feeds including corn gluten feed and distillers grains can be high in sulfur content. According to the Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle (NASEM, 2016), sulfur content of corn gluten feed, dried distillers grains, and distillers solubles averaged 0.58%, 0.66%, and 0.82% S, respectively. Sulfur content of forages also needs to be accounted for and can range between 0.15-0.20% S. Lastly, sulfur content of water can vary greatly from one source to the next but can also add to the total S intake of the animal. Thus, it is possible to overfeed sulfur if careful consideration is not taken when formulating the diets, especially when utilizing by-product feeds. When sulfur is fed above the maximum tolerable concentrations, it is possible for cattle to develop sulfur toxicity which causes Poloioencephalomalacia (PEM), a neurological disorder resulting in blindness, ataxia, seizures, and death.

By-product feeds can be a great asset to the feeding program, but care should be taken to avoid complications from over-feeding. Just because a feed ingredient is “free” or “cheap” does not mean we should be feeding as much as the cow wants to consume. Unfortunately, it is not all that uncommon to see rations with sulfur concentrations above maximum tolerable levels, and this is often caused by over feeding of by-product feeds.

Calcium and Phosphorus
Calcium and phosphorus requirements vary depending on stage of production, but in general the requirements of calcium compared to phosphorus are a 2 to 1 ratio. However, many concentrate feed stuffs such as corn or distillers grains actually have an inversed calcium to phosphorus ratio, meaning they are higher in phosphorus than calcium. Evaluating the calcium to phosphorus ratio of the diet is an important step, when developing a feeding program because when calcium in the diet is low and phosphorus is high, cattle are at risk of developing urinary calculi or stones. A simple solution is to feed a co-product balancing mineral product which will have higher levels of phosphorus and lower levels of calcium compared to a more typical or 2:1 cow-calf mineral.

Initially, selenium was known for its toxic effects and negative impacts on human and animal health. It was not until 1957 that selenium was recognized as an essential nutrient, and research was conducted to understand the dietary selenium concentrations needed to prevent deficiency and toxicity in livestock. It was not until 1978 that the FDA approved feeding supplemental selenium to beef cattle. Mineral tags will often include verbiage stating that this product was formulated to provide 3 mg of selenium per head per day, which is the maximum level allowed by the FDA. This means that for a free-choice mineral product with a target intake of 3 oz. per head per day the selenium concentration shall not exceed 35.2 ppm, and for a target intake of 4 oz. per head per day selenium concentrations shall not exceed 26.4 ppm.

Regulations on the selenium content of mineral supplements, help to prevent selenium toxicity, and instead we often talk more about selenium deficiency. In Kentucky and other parts of the southeast it is not uncommon for forages to be deficient in selenium, making a good mineral program that includes selenium an important management practice. However, other parts of the world have areas where selenium concentrations in plants can be quite high, resulting in selenium toxicity. For this reason, selenium is another example of a mineral where a little is good, but more is not always better.

Minerals have many complex interactions with one another, which can make understanding and developing mineral requirements difficult. At the same time, it is possible to overfeed certain minerals in the diet which can result in serious complications. For this reason, it is recommended to work with a nutritionist to develop a feeding program to meet the needs of your herd while minimizing the potential for negative or unintended complications. For most herds a good quality, complete free-choice mineral is a great starting point for ensuring the mineral needs of the herd are being met, but if concentrates or by-product feeds, a co-product balancing mineral might be recommended. For questions regarding mineral supplementation, reach out to your local county extension office.