Safe and effective use of cattle steroid ear implants

Jerad Jaborek, Michigan State University Extension

Steroidal ear implants are a growth promoting technology administered subcutaneously in the back of the middle one-third of the ear to increase growth, feed efficiency and carcass leanness of beef cattle.

As of July 1, 2023, label claims on cattle steroid implant products were updated by their respective manufacturing companies to meet a request from the FDA to provide clarification on reimplanting use within a production phase. There are currently 25 approved implants for use in beef production in the U.S.

Three main types of hormones are used in cattle ear implants: androgens, estrogens and progestins. Estrogens consist either of the naturally occurring estradiol-17β, a synthetic version called estradiol benzoate or an estrogen-like compound called zeranol. Estrogens can be used either alone or in combination with the naturally occurring progestin, progesterone, or a synthetic version of testosterone, trenbolone acetate. Implants vary in potency and are commonly classified as low-, medium- or high-potency implants depending on their active ingredients and the concentration of their active ingredients (Table 1). Less potent implants usually . . .

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