Meanwhile, back at the Running H . . . She’s going the wrong way

– Darren Henry, Assistant Professor Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences – Tifton Campus, College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, University of Georgia

Join us in Caldwell this fall and learn from the likes of Curt Pate, Ron Gill, or Dean Fish.

The last couple of weeks have really tested my ability to work with a level head. Normally, when I am not out working with young stock, I try to stay cool as a cucumber. If you ask my wife, who has worked thousands of head with me over the years, she’ll tell you my fuse seems to get cut short before it is ever lit sometimes.

Some of us are built that way, we can accept the fact that our elected officials have lost their minds somewhere between their large intestine and lower sphincter, then turn around and beat our heads on the ground because the 4-year-old female standing in the middle of the grass keeps going the wrong direction. To some of us less evolved humans, we can’t understand why she doesn’t move the way we want her to move – even with our whistling and screaming.

Lucky for us, there are educational programs out there that can have an impact on all parts of our lives. Beef Quality Assurance, or BQA for those in the know, is just one of those programs. One of BQA’s motto is “The right way is the only way.” If I may paraphrase, their main goal is to provide training and information to beef producers in the US, and the consumers of that product, of how commonsense ranching and . . .

Continue reading Meanwhile, back at the Running H . . . She’s going the wrong way

EDITOR’s NOTE: Learn more about cattle handling at the Stewardship and Stockman’s Tour in Caldwell on September 29 and 30.