Crawford Soil and Water Conservation District and The Ohio State University Extension- Crawford County, will be hosting a Manure Nutrient Management Day at the Scott-Reinhard Seeds Warehouse on August 30th. The day will start at 9 am with featured speaker Jenifer Yost, a soil scientist with the USDA from Temple, Texas speaking about the benefits of manure and its positive effects on soil health. Dr. Scott Shearer from The Ohio State University will show everyone the latest advancements in application technology. Composting, poultry litter, and cover crops will also be discussed in the morning session.
After a lunch sponsored by Burkhart Farm Center, Hord Family Farms, Ag Credit, and Scott-Reinhard Seeds, field demonstrations on both dry and liquid manure will be shown.
Please register for this event by calling the Crawford SWCD office at 419-562-8280 ext 3 by August 26th.