– Victor Shelton, Retired NRCS Agronomist/Grazing Specialist
I’m glad that warmer weather is finally here – at least most days it is. What I really don’t like this time of year is major rainstorms, mud and the increasingly finicky palates of some livestock. I would compare the last to a nice, delicious meal on the table for the family to eat while knowing there is fresh pie for dessert. The momentary stables that are fine most any day are suddenly just not good enough and the desire to skip to dessert is almost more than some can endure.
For the ruminant there are some good reasons for this. They have the ability to get fairly quick biological feedback from what they are consuming. This allows them to seek what may have the highest energy or nutrient that they need. The cows even know “washy” grass usually only “appears” better than the hay and will balance their diet if needed.
It also can provide some feedback to items that might be harmful so they recognize that it shouldn’t be consumed. This is particularly true when Continue reading Reduce the turning wheels, let the livestock do the harvest!