– Chris Zoller, Extension Educator, ANR, Tuscarawas County and Gustavo M. Schuenemann, Professor and Dairy Extension Veterinarian, Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine, Ohio State University Extension

Maintaining accurate and proper treatment records is just as important as having adequate working facilities!
At a recent Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) training session, we discussed livestock drug use, proper administration, the importance of following the label (and veterinary instructions), and the importance of keeping records of drugs administered.
Real-Life Example
A producer attending the session stood up and described to the group what happened when he had an animal test positive for a drug residue. An official from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) came to his farm multiple times until finding him at home. He was required to write a letter explaining what steps he would take to prevent the issue from arising again. The FDA determined the first letter wasn’t adequate in addressing their concerns. He was provided with websites to consult and had to write another letter addressing the concerns. The producer now keeps detailed medication records and strongly encouraged every Continue reading Livestock Medication Records: Are They Really Necessary?