– Steve Boyles, OSU Extension Beef Specialist (this originally appeared in the Ohio Farmer on-line)
Type differences exist due to size, milk production, suitability to the environment and desirability of different types for profit. All these factors affect the amount of nutrients required by the individual. The nutrient requirements of the various types can determine different management schemes.
There are several segments of the industry that influence size of beef cattle. The packer-grocery store segment has preferred USDA Choice carcasses in the 700 to 900 lb range. The feedlot operator is looking for calves that have an acceptable dressing percent and attain USDA Choice grade at 1100 to 1400 lbs (weights have been somewhat heavier in 2020). Various combinations of different bulls and cows can accomplish this goal.
Size and Nutrition: Considerable changes in outputs and requirements per animal may be induced by changes in cow size. Table 1 illustrates the Continue reading Matching the Cow’s Milk Production to Your Forage Resources