– Clifton Martin, OSU Extension Educator, Muskingum County
Rental rates and hay prices are two questions quickly asked with potential lengthy answers. Many factors will affect market prices both over time and regionally. This is a quick discussion to look at some ballpark ranges on how pasture rental rates can be determined.
Published in 1998, OSU Bulletin 872, Maximizing Fall and Winter Grazing of Beef Cows and Stocker Cattle, presents calculations using the rent per unit of livestock on a monthly basis using the formula animal weight per 1,000 lbs x hay price per ton x pasture quality factor.
Where Pasture Quality Factors are as follows:
0.12 = 0.12 unimproved condition
0.15 = 0.15 fair to good permanent pasture
0.18 = 0.18 very good permanent pasture
0.20 = excellent meadow (grass/legume)
0.22 = lush legume pasture
The example in Bulletin 872 uses a Continue reading Pasture Rental Rates and the Price of Hay