– Stan Smith, OSU Extension PA, Fairfield County
Beef cattle educational programs planned for early in 2020 have been designed to help Ohio cattlemen take full advantage of what’s expected to be continued strength in the beef cattle sector throughout the coming year.
Despite total U.S. beef production being up in 2019 over last year, demand for beef remains strong. While the progress with recent trade agreements certainly bodes well for prices, much of the strength in demand domestically is for high-quality beef as indicated by a weekly Choice-Select spread that has averaged $22.84/cwt. since June, compared to $12.09/cwt. for the same period last year.
Over this decade, cattlemen have made significant progress in the quality of the product we’re producing. While the industry averaged 61% Choice and 3% Prime in 2010, we’re ending this decade with 71% of our cattle grading Choice and 8.5% Prime . . . and it’s still not enough!
As we enter a new decade, Ohio’s cattlemen have several opportunities this winter to explore ways to meet the demands we’re seeing for more high-quality beef. Realizing that genetic choices and nutrition management during gestation not only impact the odds of birthing a live calf, but also the odds of that calf eventually grading Choice or Prime, these far reaching programs will be of value to both cow/calf and feedyard owners. Make plans now to attend as many of these sessions as possible.
January 20, 2020, 6 p.m., OSU Animal Science Building, Columbus Campus.
OCA Cattlemen’s Academy; focusing on bull selection, nutritional management of the prepartum cow, calving facilities, determining calf presentation and calving assistance techniques.
January 29, 2020, 6 p.m., Luckey Farmers Inc. main office in Sandusky Co.
Ohio Beef Cattle Management and Nutrition School session #1; focusing on utilizing small grains in the diets of all ages and production groups of beef cattle, utilizing alternative forages, by-product feeds and managing your herd or feedlot nutrition. Featuring Dr. Francis Fluharty
January 30, 2020, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Claylick Run Farm Sale Facility, near Newark, Licking Co.
Ohio Beef Cow/Calf Workshop session #1 focusing on alternative feeds and forages, and managing beef brood cow nutrition. Discussion led by Dr. Francis Fluharty.
January 30, 2020, 6 p.m., OSU Newark Campus in Licking Co.
Ohio Beef Cattle Management and Nutrition School session #1; repeat of January 29th session focusing on utilizing small grains in the diets of all ages and production groups of beef cattle, utilizing alternative forages, by-product feeds and managing your herd or feedlot nutrition. Featuring Dr. Francis Fluharty
February 12, 2020, 6 p.m., Luckey Farmers Inc. main office in Sandusky Co.
Ohio Beef Cattle Management and Nutrition School session #2; focusing on marketing strategies, commodity market outlook, feeding for the grids/carcass quality, forage testing, and managing annual forages for grazing and hay. Featuring several OSU Extension Educators.
February 13, 2020, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Claylick Run Farm Sale Facility, near Newark, Licking Co.
Ohio Beef Cow/Calf Workshop session #2 focusing on herd health and reproduction including live demonstrations from OSU Extension Beef Team members on body condition scoring, bull breeding soundness evaluation, and semen handling. Featuring Dr. Les Anderson, University of Kentucky and Dr. Foster Anderson, Bailey Vet Clinic.
February 13, 2020, 6 p.m., OSU Newark Campus in Licking Co.
Ohio Beef Cattle Management and Nutrition School session #2; repeat of February 12th session focusing on marketing strategies, commodity market outlook, feeding for the grids/carcass quality, forage testing, and managing annual forages for grazing and hay. Featuring several OSU Extension Educators.
February 17, 2020, 6 p.m., University of Findley Animal Science Center, Findley, OH
OCA Cattlemen’s Academy; focusing on bull selection, nutritional management of the prepartum cow, calving facilities, determining calf presentation and calving assistance techniques.
February 22 & 29, 2020, Animal Science building, OSU Campus, Columbus
Beef 509; must attend both days, will include a live animal evaluation session, grid pricing discussion, carcass grading and fabrication, plus additional activities.
Follow the links above and get registered today for the sessions you’d like to attend. Beginning with conception and including everything that follows right up until carcass fabrication, these programs will explore the depth of what’s required to produce live calves that result in the high-quality beef consumers are demanding today!