Haying Pastures Likely Not the Cure for Depleted Forage Supplies

– Travis Meteer, University of Illinois Extension Educator, Commercial Agriculture, Orr Agricultural R&D Center

Severely tight hay reserves will undoubtedly cause many farmers to aggressively put up hay this spring. When the weather is right and hay fields are mowed there will be many farmers looking over the fence at pastures as an opportunity to make more bales. While it is important to get hay reserves built back up on your farm, I would caution producers against baling pastures.

Forage harvested from pasture fields isn’t free feed!

Illinois is not home to many pasture-rich cattlemen. Thus, baling pastures will likely rob forage that could be consumed by cows during the grazing season. Cows harvesting pasture is much more efficient than a mechanical harvest. The last thing any farmer wants to do is bale grass in the spring to feed it in the summer.

Next, taking hay off of pastures is not free. For each ton of dry hay baled, approximately 40 lbs. of Nitrogen (N), 20 lbs. of Phosphorus (P2O5), and 50 lbs. of Potassium (K2O) are removed. Using current fertilizer costs, the total nutrient value of hay harvested per ton would be around Continue reading Haying Pastures Likely Not the Cure for Depleted Forage Supplies

Pastures May Need Extra Management This Year!

– Victor Shelton, NRCS State Agronomist/Grazing Specialist

Forage is maturing exponentially fast. Extra management may be needed this year to maintain quality and production . . .

I am running a bit late this month. What can I say; busy times. May was a very interesting month. Forages went from barely growing, to boot stage, to seed production in what it seemed about ten days. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen forages jump quite like this. We were shy on growing degree days up to that point, then with ample sunshine and some heat, there was “compensatory” growth.

Forages were stressed this spring. Though I have seen some really nice pastures and hay fields this year, those numerous cloudy and cool days earlier this year have Continue reading Pastures May Need Extra Management This Year!

Southeastern Ohio Hay Day June 21, 2018

Christine Gelley, Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, Noble County, OSU Extension

“Hay Day” is free, but please RSVP

Southeastern Ohio Hay Day returns to the Eastern Agricultural Research Station (located near 16714 Wolf Run Road Caldwell, OH 43724) on Thursday, June 21, 2018 with hay equipment demonstrations, a trade show, educational presentations, a meal, and door prizes. This event is free and open to the public. Doors open at 4:00 p.m. with the trade show, meal offered beginning at 4:30 p.m., and equipment demos beginning at 5:30 p.m.

Demonstrations and presentations will include topics such as raking, weed control, mowing, cutting height, tedding, hay drying tips, baling, hay preservatives and conditioners, bale wrapping, and Continue reading Southeastern Ohio Hay Day June 21, 2018

You’re Invited to a Grazing Educational Opportunity in Hocking County

Hocking and Vinton Soil and Water Conservation Districts are holding a pasture walk on Tuesday June 12, from 6:00 pm-8:00 pm. The topic for the evening will be parasite management and livestock health as it pertains to grazing. We will also look at management strategies for livestock with different grazing habits. It will be a great educational opportunity to learn about grazing management practices.

The workshop will be at the Donna Alba’s farm 32280 Fairview Road Logan, OH 43138. Reservations are appreciated but not required. For more information or to make a reservation contact Hocking SWCD 740-385-3016

Posted in Events

Weekly Livestock Comments for June 1, 2018

– Dr. Andrew Griffith, Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Tennessee

FED CATTLE: Fed cattle trade was steady compared to last week. Prices on a live basis were mainly $110 to $111 while dressed prices were mainly $177 to $178.

The 5-area weighted average prices thru Thursday were $109.82 live, down $2.70 from last week and $177.63 dressed, down $2.72 from a week ago. A year ago prices were $136.26 live and $215.14 dressed.

Cattle feeders are less than thrilled with packer bid prices on finished cattle which likely stems from the precipitous decline in prices. In three weeks, live cattle prices declined $14 to $15 per hundredweight which goes without mentioning that prices this week are $26 per hundredweight lower than the same week one year ago. Adding insult to injury, basis for fed cattle was near $20 per hundredweight and now sits near $5 with nearly all of the narrowing resulting from lower cash prices. The narrowing of the basis means that most hedging strategies did little to nothing to protect against the expected price decline. It may be several weeks before cattle feeders escape Continue reading Weekly Livestock Comments for June 1, 2018