Finding the Right Cow Size is Not Simple

– Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension Service

The beef industry has tremendous potential for growth within individual cattle.

But just because we can, does that mean we should?

Sound cattle management focuses on maintaining growth and efficiency and, in many operations, pushing for improvement. The fear of paths that may take an alternative route is real. Like life, management of alternatives with only a partial knowledge of the outcome amplifies concerns.

Without question, the incorporation of alternative management programs is Continue reading

A Cheap Bull May Be Just That

– Andrew P. Griffith, University of Tennessee

There have been several discussions recently concerning bull sales and expected progeny differences (EPDs) which is probably a factor of the impending breeding season. The discussions have ranged in topic and have included the timing of a bull sale, saturation of the bull market, bulls that should be steers, and matching EPDs to a herd of cattle or individual cattle to get the best end product from the dam. This is a wide range of topics, but they are all related to understanding the herd sire market and the intended market of the sire’s offspring.

Producers must first know and understand the Continue reading

Weekly Livestock Comments for March 2, 2018

– Andrew P. Griffith, University of Tennessee

FED CATTLE: Fed cattle traded $1 to $2 lower than last week on a live basis. Prices on a live basis were mainly $126 to $127 while dressed prices were mainly $203 to $205. The 5-area weighted average prices thru Thursday were $126.80 live, down $1.35 from last week and $204.30 dressed, down $0.15 from a week ago. A year ago prices were $124.83 live and $199.99 dressed. Cash cattle trade did not wait until the clock struck midnight to trade this week. Cattle feeders and packers were able to come to terms and trade cattle well before the end of business on Friday. Both parties had reason for urgency as it relates to trading cattle. Cattle feeders had urgency due to live cattle futures declining much of the week while packers have recently seen Continue reading