Great Lakes Professional Cattle Feeding and Marketing Short-course

The 2017 Great Lakes Professional Cattle Feeding and Marketing Short-course is a joint effort of Ohio State University Extension, Michigan State University, and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture to enhance the cattle industry in the Eastern Corn Belt.

The first session of this two part program will focus on early nutrition management, the veterinary feed directive, managing manure and beef cattle nutritional requirements. The second session will include cattle economics and cattle marketing topics.

Both Ohio sessions will be held at the Wood County Junior Fair Building in Bowling Green with the first being on Wednesday, January 25 and the second on February 8. Registration and refreshments will be provided beginning at 6 p.m. each evening.

Participants may enroll by:

Registering on line at: and click “MSU Extension – Great Lakes”

or by

Printing off this registration form and sending a check with it made payable (US Funds) to Michigan State University ($35 for 1st person and $25 for each additional family/farm member (College, FFA/4-H students can register for $15 each) and mailed to Carla McLachlan, Dept. Animal Science, Michigan State Univ., 474 S. Shaw Lane, 1287 Anthony Hall, E. Lansing, MI 48824-1225. Please mail before January 19, 2017.  If not mailed by January 19, contact Alan Sundermeier (419-354-9050), Allen Gahler (419-334-6340) or Steve Boyles (614-292-7669) if you desire to attend the program or if you have any questions about the program.