Welcome to the 951st issue of the Ohio BEEF Cattle letter! As we begin the 20th year of publishing this weekly letter, today it comes to you with a totally new web appearance that includes many new and improved features.
What you saw before was a site published in html format that allowed pretty fast download times in areas of the state that were still on dial-up web service. While we hope this new format will load just as quickly, it does, indeed, come with several features that will better accommodate today’s technology, many of which our readers have been asking for.
On the front page of the site, find quick links in two places to the newsletter, listings of events and programs, resource library, the Team’s YouTube channel and team members contact information.
You will find that we are now very mobile phone and iPad friendly.
You will also find that newsletter articles are now very Social Media “friendly” and easily shared with your colleagues and friends on your favorite Social Media platform.
You may read (or share) each article separately, or at the bottom of each article find a link that will migrate you directly into the next article.
The newsletter is now much more searchable allowing you to find archived articles that focus on specific topics of interest.
- As readers scroll down the newsletter page they will find all published articles listed in the order in which they were posted for as far back as they want to go. Not all the ancient past articles have been moved to this new site, but most that remain pertinent and timely may be found with a few of the oldest posts having been authored in 1998.
- Using the “Search this blog” box immediately left of the first news article, readers may type in a specific topic of concern or an author’s name and get a list of results for that search.
- Scrolling down the newsletter page, readers will find articles archived on the left under general topic categories.
- Scrolling further down the newsletter page, readers will find articles also archived on the left under their publication month and year.
On the left side of the newsletter page, readers who are new to the Ohio Beef Team’s website will find a “Subscribe by Email” box that will allow them to subscribe and receive weekly announcements of the articles that have been posted to the site. If you’re already receiving the weekly letter announcement, you don’t need to subscribe again.
Moving to the links aligned across the page near the top of the site, in addition to the link to the newsletter (Ohio Beef News) readers will find links to:
- EVENTS/PROGRAMS: a listing of meetings and beef cattle related programs offered by OSU Extension and related organizations.
- RESOURCE LIBRARY: links to fact sheets, publications, recordings from past presentations, and other beef cattle production and management information. Also at the bottom of the Library page you’ll find a link to the Beef Team’s YouTube channel that presently includes 34 videos on various beef cattle production topics that collectively have received over 58,000 views to date.
- TEAM MEMBERS: contact information for the members of the Ohio State University Extension Beef Team members. We’re here to help improve the management and productivity of Ohio’s beef cattle operations, don’t hesitate to contact us.
As we move forward there will likely be some adjustments made to the site. In the meantime, if you can’t find something, or have a suggestion, please let us know.