Beef Industry Resolutions for the New Year

John F. Grimes, OSU Extension Beef Coordinator

As we enter the year 2014, I am sure many of you have established personal or business-related goals for the coming year. I know the whole New Year’s Resolutions issue can be very exciting to some as we set such lofty goals as weight loss, regular church attendance, increasing charitable donations, and generally being a better person. When we reach the end of a given year, our frustration level grows significantly as we realize that we didn’t reach those optimistic targets. Do you remember the goals that you set 12 months ago?

Every business needs to set aggressive goals for improvement to remain competitive and profitable in today’s challenging economy. This is especially true for the beef industry in the United States. While price prospects for most segments of the beef cattle industry look promising for 2014, we can’t afford Continue reading Beef Industry Resolutions for the New Year

Winter Livestock Care

Rory Lewandowski, Extension Educator Wayne County

The weather forecast is calling for some extended cold temperatures. Over the course of winter cold temperatures, wind chill, snow, freezing rain and mud are all possible. All of these winter weather conditions can negatively impact livestock performance and increase the energy requirement of the animal.

All animals have a thermo neutral zone, that is, a range in temperature where the animal is Continue reading Winter Livestock Care

Lice on Cattle

Rory Lewandowski, OSU Extension Educator, Wayne County

If lice are going to be a problem, winter is the time when they will show up. In Ohio, cattle can become infested with both biting and sucking lice. Both types of lice can build up to very high numbers on cattle during the winter months. In most herds, 1-2% of the animals may be carriers, most often bulls and/or older animals. During the summer months the thin hair coat of the animal permits self-grooming, sunshine, and rain to keep lice populations at low levels. However as hair coats thicken in the late fall into winter period, it becomes easier for the lice to survive and thrive. Winter stress and inadequate nutrition are contributing factors to Continue reading Lice on Cattle

Posted in Health