– Rory Lewandowski, Extension Educator Wayne County
A lot of acres of corn has been harvested over the past several weeks. For every bushel of corn harvested by the combine, between 14 to 16 pounds of corn residue dry matter is left in the field. Graziers need to view that residue as a resource opportunity. That remaining corn residue is composed of corn grain, cob, husks, leaves, and stalks, all of it with some nutritional value. Corn residue, when grazed during a mid-October through December time frame is a suitable feedstuff for most classes of ruminant livestock. The exceptions are livestock in a late gestation or lactation stage of production. In addition to using a low cost feedstuff, grazing corn residue removes animals from grass pastures during the late fall period. This can benefit pastures, insuring that they are not overgrazed before they go dormant. Grazing corn residues can help Continue reading Grazing Corn Residue