– Stan Smith, OSU Extension PA, Fairfield County
“ . . . remind fellow farmers something they already know, keep a eye on momma!” In part, that’s the message I received last week from a reader who was telling me that while working with a newborn calf, his father-in-law had been attacked by the momma cow. The result was multiple broken ribs, a collapsed lung, and a stay in the hospital. While we all know that even the most docile cows – perhaps even past show heifers – can become irritated and react out of the ordinary with a new calf at their side, many of us still tempt fate. Bulls can do the same as breeding season approaches and cows begin to cycle.
With that in mind, consider the reminders in the reprint below of an article we ran last fall from Kent McGuire.
Injury Prevention- Working with Livestock Safety – Kent McGuire, Ohio AgrAbility Program Coordinator
Many farmers never stop to think of their personal safety when working with livestock. Farmers may work carefully around livestock most of the time, however because an animal’s behavior can be unpredictable at times, individuals can be injured because of preoccupation, haste, impatience, or even anger. Injuries that are common when working with livestock include bites, kicks, being stepped on, pinned against a solid surface, or overcome by a single animal or the whole herd. Some general guidelines when working with livestock include:
* Understand and study the typical behaviors of the livestock you are working with.
* Herd livestock such as cattle or sheep can become agitated or stressed when one animal is isolated from the herd.
* Maternal female livestock can become aggressive in an effort to protect their young.
* Mature male livestock can become aggressive in an attempt to show dominance.
* Understand aggressive warning signs such as showing of teeth, ears laid back, or stomping of feet.
* Avoid startling an animal by making it aware of your approach before getting too close.
* Move calmly, deliberately, and patiently. Avoid quick movements or loud noises that may startle animals.
* Excessively changing of the animal’s environment or daily routine can take the animal out of their comfort zone.
* Avoid being in travel paths during the feeding of a herd or large group of livestock.
* Be aware of your surroundings and always leave an escape route when working in close quarters with livestock.
* Bottle fed or show livestock can become playful because of constant handling, After being placed back in with the general livestock as an adult, they may still approach you in a playful manner when you are not expecting it.
* Be patient, and avoid frustration when working with difficult or stubborn livestock. Back injuries, muscle strains and slip /fall injuries can occur when frustrations lead to over aggressive handling practices.