Residual Growth Impacts Orchardgrass Regrowth!

– Stan Smith, OSU Extension PA, Fairfield County

Back on September 10, 2008 of this publication, University of Maryland Forage Specialist Emeritus Les Vough discussed the importance of cutting height as it relates to the loss or retention of orchardgrass hay stands. Along the same lines, forever during Ohio grazing schools and forage management sessions, grazing and cutting height or residual growth has been a focus as we look at ways to optimize forage regrowth.

To further “graphically” support the importance of leaving appropriate residual growth during each pass in order to optimize total forage productivity, last week during a “net meeting” the Cool Season Grass Initiative shared a video and power point presentation by Dr. Ray Smith, State Forage Agronomist from the University of Kentucky. Continue reading Residual Growth Impacts Orchardgrass Regrowth!