When You Clean out a Feedlot Pen, Don’t Scrape Too Deep

Stephen Boyles, OSU Extension Beef Specialist

The surface of a feedlot is actually a series of layers due to density differences, including, from the surface down: Manure Layer, Manure Soil Layer, Compacted Soil. The density of the top manure layer is 40 pounds to 58 pounds per cubic foot. The compacted manure/soil layers immediately below has a density of 62 to 106 pounds per cubic foot. Compacted layers of manure and soil usually provide Continue reading When You Clean out a Feedlot Pen, Don’t Scrape Too Deep

Feedlot Mud Management

Stephen Boyles, OSU Extension Beef Specialist

Mud could be the biggest environmental problem facing some Corn-Belt cattle feeders right now. Not only does it affect animal performance, but it can also affect feedlot owner behavior. Some cattle feeders may be less inclined to purchase/add cattle to an already muddy feedlot.

Mud reduces accessibility to feedbunks for cattle. The general effect of muddy lots is to decrease Continue reading Feedlot Mud Management