Dear friends and colleagues,
This is our labor of love to the history of Chinese language cinema. For your information, research and reference.
Emilie Yeh <>
Academy of Film and HKBU Library launch database on film news in early Chinese newspapers for free public access
A launching seminar was held yesterday (18 March) for a collaborative digital humanities project between Professor Emilie Yeh, Director of Academy of Film of the School of Communication, and the Hong Kong Baptist University Library. The resulting database on film-related materials in early Chinese newspapers is now available online for free public access. Among the participants at the launching seminar was Ms Janet Young, Head of Hong Kong Film Archive.
Professor Emilie Yeh, principal investigator of the project, introduced the background of the database, saying that the research team spent three years to collect over 22,000 records on film advertisements, news and reviews published between 1900 and 1950 in eight selected Chinese newspapers from late Qing to the Republican era in four cities: Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Hangzhou and Tianjin. Professor Yeh said that during the research process, new primary historical documents were uncovered which greatly facilitated the reconstruction of the early cinema scene in these regions. She also shared some interesting findings, such as the discovery of various translations of the word “movie” used in different regions in China.
Dr Liu Hui, Associate Professor of the College of Mass Communication of Shenzhen University who served as the project co-investigator, discussed the missing links and inaccurate assumptions in existing Chinese film history due to a lack of primary historical documents. In addition, Ms Rebekah Wong, Senior Assistant Librarian and Head of the Digital and Multimedia Services Section, introduced some of the key features of the database.
Although there is a vast amount of film-related materials in early Chinese newspapers which carry historical significance, it can be a challenge to locate. This online database, with a keyword index and easy search function goes beyond geographical limitations and will serve as an essential reference for future research on Chinese film history. For details of the Project, please visit
This is the second digital humanities project. The first database created through collaboration between the University Library and scholars was “Tribute Data Curation”.
負責研究計劃的葉月瑜教授於會上介紹了史料庫的成立背景與過程。她說,研究團隊耗時三年,廣閱香港、廣州、杭州和天津等四個城市的八份晚清至民國時期的華文報紙 ─《華字日報》、《公評報》、《越華報》、《廣州民國日報》、《浙江日報》、《東南日報》、《北京時報》和《益世報》,搜集超過兩萬則刊登於1900年至1950年期間的電影廣告、新聞及專欄文章。葉教授說,在研究過程中有不少新史料出土,大大推動了早期華語電影史的重構。她同時分享了不少有趣的發現,例如當時全國各地對「電影」一詞有不同譯名。