July 31, 2016


This past week continued to be hot and dry for the most part in Hardin County.  While some areas are reporting rain this weekend, the county could still use more to help with pollination of corn and flowering of soybeans.  Hardin County was considered ‘Abnormally Dry’ as of July 26.  See http://droughtmonitor.unl.edu/Home/StateDroughtMonitor.aspx?OH for more information.  Friday evening I was able to begin taking ear leaf samples in our Nitrogen Rate plots after a short shower Friday afternoon.  The corn is tall and has good color, unlike some other areas where stalks are starting to dry out from the ground up.

If you are a livestock producer or commercial manure applicator, a big event in Ohio this week will be the North American Manure Expo on Wednesday and Thursday, August 3-4.  This event is being hosted at the Molly Caren Agricultural Center in London (Farm Science Review site).  With the exception of the tours on Wednesday, the event is free to attend.  See the article that I have attached to this e-newsletter for more information about this upcoming event.

Manure Expo News Release

I have also attached a copy of the Hardin County Fruit and Vegetable Crop Walk flyer to this email.  This local event is coming up on August 9, which is planned for commercial fruit and vegetable producers, but open to anyone, including gardeners with an emphasis on pumpkins, squash, cucumbers, melons and the diseases and insects that affect these crops.  Soil fertility and water quality will also be discussed.  Featured speakers will be OSU Extension Horticulturist Jim Jasinski and Dr. Sally Miller, OSU plant pathologist from the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center.

2016 Crop Walk Flyer

Hardin County Sheep Improvement Association members will be helping out at the Ohio State Fair Monday, August 1 at the ’Taste of Ohio Lamb Cafe.’  Farm Bureau is meeting Tuesday, August 2 at Ag Credit, starting at 7:30 pm.  Ag Council will meet for breakfast at Henry’s Restaurant Friday, August 5 starting at 7:00 am.  The Fairboard will meet Saturday, August 6, starting at 7:30 pm at the fair office.  I have included some agronomy articles below that you may be interested in reading.


Western bean cutworms (WBC) emerge as adults from late June until August, with peak flight usually occurring the 3rd week of July.  After mating, they lay eggs in corn, and the developing larvae may eventually enter the ear to cause significant ear damage.  While our trap catches have increased slightly over the past few years, we have been noticing an increase in damage, some of which may be economic.  WBC prefers to lay eggs in pre-tassel corn—so any corn that does not develop tassels over the next 2 weeks is at high risk for western bean cutworm infestation.  We have a lot of late planted corn, so good scouting is important!  To read more about Western Bean Cutworm, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/western-bean-cutworm-flight-beginning-and-concerns-late-planted-corn.


On a typical midsummer day, peak pollen shed occurs in the morning between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. followed by a second round of pollen shed late in the afternoon.  Pollen grains are borne in anthers, each of which contains a large number of pollen grains. The anthers open and the pollen grains pour out in early to mid morning after dew has dried off the tassels. Pollen is light and is often carried considerable distances by the wind. However, most of it settles within 20 to 50 feet. Pollen shed is not a continuous process. It stops when the tassel is too wet or too dry and begins again when temperature conditions are favorable. Pollen stands little chance of being washed off the silks during a rainstorm as little to none is shed when the tassel is wet.  Silks are covered with fine, sticky hairs, which serve to catch and anchor pollen grains.

The month after wheat harvest provides an opportunity to control marestail and prevent further increase in the soil seedbank, but coming up with the right strategy has not necessarily been easy.  Keep in mind that the primary goal of marestail control here is preventing seed production, which doesn’t mean that any treatment applied has to provide 100% control of the plants themselves.  We have conducted several studies targeting tough marestail situations, representing plants that have been previously treated with herbicide or mowed, or survived tillage, and also one study in a wheat stubble situation. Go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/controlling-marestail-wheat-stubble for further recommendations to control marestail in wheat stubble.

As we mentioned in a previous newsletter article, there is a product newly labeled for spider mite control in soybean and sweet corn (Agri-Mek SC).  We would like to test this product in Ohio soybeans, and are looking for a producer field for this trial.  The soybean field must have an at-threshold spider mite population to treat, and the producer must be willing to leave some untreated check strips.  The product will be free.  If you would like to participate in this trial please contact Kelley Tilmon at tilmon.1@osu.edu or 330-202-3529.

Although it may be a dim memory at this point, we started the 2016 growing season on the wet side.  Some planned spring forage seedings did not happen due to wet conditions and a compressed spring planting season.  Add to this the fact that some alfalfa stands are not holding up as planned because of harvest injury during the wet and rainy conditions of 2015 and now the dry summer conditions of 2016 and there are potentially a lot of acres of alfalfa or another perennial forage that need to be planted as we look ahead to 2017.  August gives us another window of opportunity to establish a perennial forage stand and it fits nicely into rotations after wheat grain harvest. Go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/late-summer-seeding-perennial-forages to finish reading this article.


Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office


July 23, 2016

Good afternoon,

This week I began collecting ear leaf samples from our Nitrogen Timing plots.  These samples are to be taken at R1, when the corn begins to silk.  The samples are sent to OARDC (Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center) in Wooster to be analyzed for nutrients.  These nutrient values will be compared with earlier soil tests, cooperating farmer crop management surveys, and GreenSeeker remote crop sensor readings.  This is not the most pleasant thing to be doing with such high temperatures and being out in the field with hay fever during peak pollination times, but you do what you have to do to get the job done.

The results are in for June’s rainfall.  Extension rainfall reporters recorded an average of 5.81 inches of rain in Hardin County. Last year, the average rainfall for June was 10.99 inches. Rainfall for June was 0.61 inches more than the ten year average rainfall in the month of June.  To read more about your township rainfall totals, see the attached news article.  Some areas are very dry now, as the past weekend’s rainfall was not as much as other areas within the county.  Rainfall will be very important as more and more corn fields start to pollinate.

June 2016 Rainfall Summary

If you raise fruits and vegetables, you may be interested to know that there will be a Hardin County Crop Walk program on Tuesday, August 9.  This program will feature topics such as plant nutrition and soil fertility, plant diseases, and insect management.  So mark this date on you calendar if you have fruit and vegetable crops.  See the attached flyer for more information about this upcoming program in Kenton.  Specialty crop producers may also be interested in attending the free NAP (Non-insured Crop Disaster Assistance Program) workshop being held in London on August 18.  See the attached flyer or your Farm Service Agency office to register.

2016 Crop Walk Flyer

NAP Workshop Flyer 2016

Upcoming local events this week include a Master Gardener Volunteer meeting Monday, July 25 starting at 7:00 pm at Harco Industries.  I will be traveling to Little Rock, Arkansas to attend the National Association of County Agricultural Agents conference this week.  If you need to contact me, I can be reached by email.  I would imagine it will be just as hot in Hardin County as it will be in Arkansas, so stay cool when you can and read the ag crops articles below in the air conditioning.














We have seen a large increase in Western Bean Cutworm catches (see figure), which is typical for this time of year. Given the heat in the forecast later this week, it might be safe to say that we are into peak flight.  We have also heard of eggs hatching—as more adults emerge, more eggs will be laid. Now is the time to scout your corn for egg masses, especially if they have not tasseled yet. Economic threshold is more than 5-8% of corn (10 plants in 10 locations) with egg masses.












According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service for the week ending 7-10-16, 7% of the state’s corn was silking compared to 17% for the  5-year average. Given the range in corn planting dates this year, some late planted (corn planted in early-mid June corn) may not achieve tasselling and silking until late July. The pollination period, the flowering stage in corn, is the most critical period in the development of a corn plant from the standpoint of grain yield determination. Stress conditions (such as hail damage and drought) have the greatest impact on yield potential during the reproductive stage.  To read more about the pollination process, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/corn-pollination-underway-early-planted-fields.









The frequency of Palmer amaranth infestations in Ohio seems to be holding relatively steady again into this year with the exception of one county, as far as we know.  In two areas where Palmer amaranth was most prevalent – far southern Scioto County and an area along the Madison-Fayette County line north of Jeffersonville – Palmer has not increased its footprint.  Palmer has been found in several new fields in Mahoning County, however, and the discovery occurred too late to implement effective POST herbicide treatments.  Waterhemp infestations, or at least the discovery of them, have been increasing with no real geographic pattern to their locations.  It can be found almost anywhere in the state but the highest concentration is in west central Ohio.  Go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/reminder-about-late-season-scouting-palmer-amaranth-and-waterhemp to read more about scouting for palmer amaranth and waterhemp.










Though we have not received many reports of spider mites in field crops, continued hot dry weather will favor this pest, and scouts should keep their eyes open for mites and their stippling damage.  We will provide a more comprehensive article later in the season if reports indicate that spider mites are on the rise.  For more information, see http://ohioline.osu.edu/factsheet/ENT-24.










Following last week’s storms I received several reports of “rootless” and “floppy corn”. The problem was evident in several fields at the OSU Western Agricultural Research Farm at S. Charleston. Rootless corn (or rootless corn syndrome) occurs when there is limited or no nodal root development. Plants exhibiting rootless corn symptoms are often leaning or lodged. Affected corn plants may only be anchored in the soil by seminal roots or by a single nodal root. To read more about rootless and floppy corn, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/rootless-and-floppy-corn.




Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office


July 15, 2016

Good afternoon,

There have  been a lot of interesting field days going on this month, with more to follow.  These are excellent opportunities to increase your knowledge and possibly expand your opportunities for your operation.  This week I had the opportunity to learn more about precision agriculture in Miami County and spray diagnostics in Auglaize County.  I have attached a couple of other field day flyers to this email for the Nutrient Management and Placement Field Days being held both at the Southwest OARDC Research Station in South Charleston and the Northwest OARDC Research Station in Custar.  You can choose the date and location which is most convenient to you as both programs are identical, but make sure you pay attention to the registration deadlines on the flyer. 

Nutrient Mgt FD Flyer 2016 Southwest

Nutrient Mgt FD Flyer 2016 Northwest

Another event that is coming up is the North American Manure Expo.  If you are a livestock producer or have manure spread on your farm from a commercial livestock operation, you won’t want to miss this two day expo which is being held this year at the Molly Caren Ag Center in London (Farm Science Review site).  There will be tours, demonstrations, educational sessions, and a trade show.  See the attached flyer for more details and information about registration.

NA Manure Expo 2016 Flyer

This week I have been working in the Nitrogen Rate plots taking GreenSeeker remote crop sensor readings in the corn.  These readings can be used to determine nitrogen recommendations for growing corn.  The sensor uses an infrared NDVI chlorophyll meter to determine the dark green color of the corn, which can be used to make a nitrogen recommendation based on a yield goal.  Although this sounds good, it is only about 50-62.5% accurate, so it is another tool that is available for farmers to use to manage nitrogen inputs.

The Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents document has been updated for 2016 by The Ohio State University.  According to this survey, both  cropland values and cash rents in Western Ohio are expected to decrease in 2016.  See the attached news article and a copy of this document.  When using this information, make sure you look at data for Northwest Ohio, which includes Hardin County.  This is just a survey, so you may have heard of values either above or below the amounts listed, but it can give you an idea of ranges that are typical for average (70% of land), top (15% of land), and poor (15% of land) in this part of the state. Upcoming events this week are a Soil and Water Conservation District meeting on June 21, starting at 7:30 am at the SWCD office.  I have also attached some ag crops articles that you may be interested in reading.

Land Values and Cash Rents News Release 2016

Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2015-16




Low Head Scab and Vomiitoxin and Very Good Grain Yield and Quality – Pierce Paul, Laura Lindsey

Thanks in part to cool spring conditions followed by relatively dry weather during early grain-fill, head scab and other disease levels were generally low in most areas; and low disease severity often means very good grain yield and quality. Stripe rust was our biggest disease problem this year, but outbreaks only occurred in pockets within and across fields. Moreover, several of the affected fields were treated with a fungicide which helped to keep this and other later-season diseases in check. Harvest numbers are showing yields above 80 bushels per acre and test weight in the upper 50s. While we expect these numbers to vary from field to field, if the rain stays away as harvest continues, we expect to have very good grain yield and quality. Lodging has been reported in some fields, but unless it becomes very windy and rainy, this will likely not be a major problem. However, getting the wheat off as soon as possible minimizes the chance of lodging and other late season problems. If you opted to harvest early (moisture in the upper teens or lower 20s), make sure you dry the grain down to minimize post-harvest problems.


Have you been slimed? Slug damage reports are coming in – Kelley Tilmon, Andy Michel

Numerous locations in Ohio have reported slug problems early this season, especially on soybeans. With late planting in many areas, the small size of both soybean and corn lead to a greater damage potential from slugs. Although all fields should be scouted, focus on those with a history of these pests, where weed control was less than effective, or with a lot of residue left on the field.  To read more about slug damage to crops, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/have-you-been-slimed-slug-damage-reports-are-coming.


Is it Phytophthora stem rot? Is it flooding injury? Or is it both? – Anne Dorrance

It can take a while for some pathogens to develop symptoms and impact their hosts, and by the end of June 29/30th, reports were coming in on dying plants from the areas of the state that received 2 to 5 inches of rain during the week of June 20th.  Technically this is called the latent period, from the time of infection until symptom development or sporulation (the next generation of spores that are ready to infect the crop).  Phytophthora stem rot was evident in many of our historical fields that did not have the full resistance package.  Symptoms include dying plants, wilting and a characteristic root rot and brown coloration at the base of the stem.  To learn more about Phytophthora stem rot, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/it-phytophthora-stem-rot-it-flooding-injury-or-it-both.


How Can the Timing of Stress Affect Yield in Corn? – Alexander Lindsey, Peter Thomison

Extreme weather events have begun again in 2016 with renewed force. Frost damage in May impacted early planted corn in parts of the state, with exposed leaf tissue showing extreme necrosis. Alternating periods of wet and dry conditions has also led to some variability in crop stage in some fields. Corn ear development occurs throughout the growing season, and extreme temperature or moisture stress at different growth stages will decrease different aspects of grain yield.  Go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/how-can-timing-stress-affect-yield-corn for a quick summary of the yield component most affected by environmental stress at different growth stages.


Time to stock up on nozzles now! But do you know which one to buy? – Erdal Ozkan

Although nozzles are some of the least expensive components of a sprayer, they hold a high value in their ability to influence sprayer performance. Nozzles meter the amount of liquid sprayed per unit area, controlling application rate, as well as variability of spray over the width of the sprayer boom. Nozzles also influence droplet size, affecting both target coverage and spray drift risk. Nozzles come in a wide variety of types and sizes. The best nozzle for a given application will maximize efficacy, minimize spray drift, and allow compliance with label requirements such as application rate (gallons per acre) and spray droplet size.  To read more about sprayer nozzle selection, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/time-stock-nozzles-now-do-you-know-which-one-buy.



The Ohio State University

Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office




July 8, 2016

Good evening,

Today summer agribusiness intern Taylor McNamara and I had the opportunity to ride in the combine as wheat was being harvested that is inter-seeded in 15 inch rows with soybeans.  While this is different than double cropping, it allows two crops to be harvested in one year from the same field.  The wheat yield was running about 78 bushel per acre in this field with hopefully an additional good soybean crop, depending on whether or not we get rain when it is needed.  I plan to have a Twilight Tour event at this field so others can learn more about this practice.  Speaking of events, make sure you save the date of August 26 for this year’s Hardin Field Day.  This year SWCD/NRCS, The Nature Conservancy, Findlay Implement/John Deere, and OSU Extension are teaming up with ODA and the Farm Bureau/Blanchard River Demonstration Farms Network to host this Conservation, Nutrient Management, and Water Quality field day.  For more information about this year’s event, see the attached postcard.


This week we did soybean population counts in the Soybean Population plot near Foraker.  The populations turned out lower than expected, possibly because of some beans drowning out or not sprouting during the dry spell.  If you have 15 inch rows, you can count the number of plants in 35 feet and multiply by 1000 to get your population per acre.  If you have 30 inch rows, count the number of plants in 17.5 feet for this test.  I had a question come in about European Corn Borer (ECB).  Although we are early for this pest, the first brood is out there and has done some damage to area corn.  If you see shot holes in leaves, tunneling in the leaf midrib, or frass (ECB droppings) near the whorl, this could very likely be ECB damage.  Check for larvae boring holes in the stalk, 8-20 inches from the ground.  These larvae will pupate into adult moths, and lay eggs in about 2-3 weeks.  The second generation is the one that does the most damage to corn.  See the attached ECB fact sheet for more information, especially if you did not plant traited corn so you will know what to look for.

European Corn Borer Factsheet

While you are outside walking the edges of fields, ditches, and fencerows, keep an eye out for Poison Hemlock.  There have been reports of this poisonous weed growing in the county as I have found it growing along these areas and roadsides.  See the attached news article about precautions you need to take when people or livestock are exposed to this weed.  Normally it doesn’t show up in areas that are sprayed or mowed.  It resembles a large Wild Carrot or even a Giant Hogweed, and is often confused with Yellow Parsnip, which has yellow flowers instead of white flowers.  I have attached a photo of Poison Hemlock to go along with the news article.  There is a Pesticide Applicator Field Day coming up July 22 in Champaign County for anyone whose pesticide license expires in 2017 and beyond.  This is a more hands-on format for renewing your license compared to the usual pesticide recertification meetings OSU Extension normally offers.  See the attached flyer for more details and registration information if you are interested.

Poison Hemlock News Release

2016 Pesticide FD Champaign Co. Flyer

Have a nice weekend, and see the articles below for additional agronomy information.




Nutrient Value of Wheat Straw – Ed Lentz, Laura Lindsey

With wheat harvest underway and many people in Hardin County are baling straw; we often get questions about the nutrient value of straw.  The nutrient value of wheat straw is influenced by several factors including weather, variety, and cultural practices.  Thus, the most accurate values require sending a sample of the straw to an analytical laboratory.  However, “book values” can be used to estimate the nutrient values of wheat straw.  To determine the nutrient value in straw left in the field, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/nutrient-value-wheat-straw.


Five Tips to Reduce Spray Drift – Erdal Ozkan

Due to concerns for production costs, safety, and the environment, it is important to maximize the pesticide deposit on the target. One of the major problems challenging pesticide applicators is spray drift, which is defined as movement of pesticides by wind from the application site to an off-target site. Spray drift accounts for about half of all non-compliance cases investigated by the Ohio Department of Agriculture. Spray drift not only results in wasting expensive pesticides and pollution of the environment, it may damage non-target crops nearby, and poses a serious health risk to people living in areas where drift is occurring. To learn more about solving spray drift issues, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/five-tips-reduce-spray-drift.


Management for Red Clover Seed Production – Mark Sulc

Producing seed of forage species is not common in Ohio, because our climate is not as conducive to high yields of high quality seed of forages as in western and northwestern states. But each year around mid-July to early August I usually get a few questions about how best to produce red clover seed here in Ohio. Although seed produced by reputable seed dealers out west is of higher quality than what we can produce here in Ohio, there are a few management steps that will help improve the yield and quality of seed produced here in our region.  To read more about red clover seed production, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/management-red-clover-seed-production.


Mid-season diseases – what are we watching out for?  – Anne Dorrance

I’ve scouted a number of fields and driven by many acres in the past two weeks and the crop looks great.  A bit behind in some areas, but soybeans can compensate fairly well.  With that comes the question what do we need to watch out for next.  Go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2016-18/mid-season-diseases-%E2%80%93-what-are-we-watching-out to read about frogeye leaf spot, soybean rust, and brown spot.


Flooding and ponding injury to corn — “Muddied Corn” – Peter Thomison

Heavy rains during past weeks have resulted in flooding and ponding in Ohio corn fields. In some localized areas, this may have resulted in partial and complete immersion of corn plants, especially in low spots and in river bottoms and along streams. When water drains off these fields, plants may be covered to varying degrees with a layer of mud. Will corn plants covered by a layer of mud survive and can it perform normally? The layers of silty mud covering plants will limit or prevent leaf photosynthesis. Bacteria deposited in leaf whorls by flooding can result in disease and kill plants. On the positive side, most corn in Ohio was at a stage of growth less vulnerable to flood damage when it occurred.  To finish reading about muddied corn, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/flooding-and-ponding-injury-corn-muddied-corn.


The Ohio State University

Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office




July 1, 2013

Good afternoon,

Well, ask for rain and we got it!  Maybe too much in some areas.  The rain reports are coming in and it will be interesting to see what the month of June provided in the way of rain around the county as many of the rains were spotty.  The corn and soybean crops are making good progress and now we will need some days without rain for the wheat to dry down before harvest.  I don’t know how many of you subscribe to the C.O.R.N. newsletter, but it is a valuable resource to find out OSU Extension recommendations regarding crops.  This morning I officially participated in my first C.O.R.N. call to report Hardin County crop conditions and hear about problems and issues around the state.  Articles will be submitted by 5:00 pm today for the weekly release of the newsletter.  If you are not familiar with the newsletter, below are some details about what you get if you subscribe. 

I have also included several field days that are coming up this month.  I attended the Wheat Field Day in June and found it to be very informative.  There are field specialists and “experts” at these functions, so plan to attend one that interests you and bring along your questions.  I spent a couple of days in June soil sampling for the statewide soybean yield-limiting factor study that is going on involving six Hardin County farms.  Thanks to agronomy field specialist Steve Prochaska for helping me get started with proper sampling techniques and use of the GPS unit for proper field mapping areas for the study.  Once it dries up, we will be going out again to take soybean leaf samples for tissue analysis and also to do our first round of scouting for weeds, insects, and disease.  We hope that the research will help us determine what factors are limiting yields in soybean fields in Hardin County.  I now have four farmers who have volunteered for our Western Bean Cutworm traps, but unfortunately the pheromone scents are still on backorder before I can place these traps around the county to monitor this corn pest.

This past week I visited the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) in Wooster for the annual OSU Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator conference.  Here I had the opportunity to meet with several other Extension Educators to get updated on state programs, attended training meetings, and took tours of current research being done to improve agriculture in Ohio.


Have a good week,



What you will find in the CORN Newsletter

In season pest observations and predictions

Weed control options

Insect and disease control information

Production technology

Crop development issues

Timely Integrated Pest Management guidelines


Why C.O.R.N.?


The goal of C.O.R.N. is to provide Ohio’s crop industry with the quickest, most accurate information to deal with changing crop conditions. C.O.R.N. is produced through a weekly telephone conference and sent via e-mail and fax to hundreds of Ohio farmers and input industry personnel. C.O.R.N. content is the basis for newsletters, and other mass media efforts in Extension. In one way or another, almost every crop producer in Ohio has been exposed to information from this newsletter.


Our users say things like:


“Excellent, easy to read and understand.”


“I feel C.O.R.N. helps to keep me timely in confirming those things my scouts and I have located and in reminding us to keep certain management and scouting aspects in perspective. Please continue it.”


“Overall very good information throughout the growing season. Very valuable in the ever changing spring situations.”


How can you start taking advantage of C.O.R.N. in your operation?


Electronic Mail (E-Mail)


Corn is sent via e-mail every Monday from April through September and once a month from October through March. Those with Internet access can subscribe directly to the listserv for this newsletter.


Subscribe Online


World Wide Web (WWW)


The newsletter including back issues can be found on the web at the following URL address: 




Many County Extension Offices fax the newsletter to clients. If you have a fax contact your Extension Office to see if they provide this service.


Handheld Devices:

We are now working on getting the C.O.R.N. newsletter to you in a format that can be downloaded and viewed on handheld personal digital assistants. In this manner, you can have the most up to date information concerning agronomic crop production in your hands all of the time! To find out how to set this up, click here for our handheld setup page.


OSU Weed Science Field Tour – July 10 – 9:00 am – 12:00 pm – OARDC – Western Agricultural Research Station, 7721 South Charleston Pike, South Charleston, Ohio 45368

Review of weed control plots and issues with Dr Mark Loux at Western Agricultural Research Station. Pre-registration required.  To find out more information and to pre-register, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/calendar/copy2_of_2012-western-ars-agronomy-field-day


Hardin County Ag Council – July 12 – 7:00 am – 8:30 am – Henry’s Restaurant in Kenton.  This month’s Ag Council meeting is a week later than normal due to the July 4th holiday.  Join the group for an informative breakfast meeting to find out what is going on with Hardin County agriculture, agribusiness, and other county news.


Agronomy Field Day– – July 17 – 9 am to 3:15 pm – OARDC – Western Agricultural Research Station, 7721 South Charleston Pike, South Charleston, Ohio 45368

• “Drought tolerance, planting date and planting depth issues,” Peter Thomison and Alex Lindsey, Horticulture & Crop Science, OARDC and OSU Extension

• “Scouting for that ‘disease of the year’,” Pierce Paul and Anne Dorrance, Plant Pathology, OARDC and OSU Extension

• “Soybean canopy development across planting dates,” Laura Lindsey, Horticulture & Crop Science, OARDC and OSU Extension

• “Weed management issues for 2013,” Mark Loux, Horticulture & Crop Science, OARDC and OSU Extension

• “There are more bugs this year, or are they insects?,” Andy Michel, Entomology, OARDC and OSU Extension

• There will be a morning wagon tour of the farm. Immediately following lunch, you are invited to attend in-depth discussions with the specialist of your choice.

Pre-registration required, payable at the door $20. Register by email or phone to: Harold Watters (watters.35@osu.edu), 937 599-4227  or Joe Davlin (davlin.1@osu.edu), 937 462-8016.  See the attached flier for further information.

 2013 Agronomy Field Day

Nutrient Application Field Day  – July 18 – 8:30 am – 2:30 pm – Wood County, Ohio – a quarter mile west of the intersection of I-75 and Hwy 582 – about 6 miles north of Bowling Green.

Phosphorus fertilizer is essential to Ohio crop production when applied at correct rates, timing and placement.  But, if nutrient applications are not managed, farm field phosphorus can be lost into water resources and promote Hazardous Algal Blooms (HAB). Major water quality problems have occurred in Lake Erie, Grand Lake St. Marys and other Ohio water resources in recent years.  Within these aquatic ecosystems, harmful organisms – Hazardous Algae Blooms (HAB) – have been prevalent in recent years.

To protect Ohio water resources, phosphorus fertilizer must be put in the right place.  “Right place likely holds the greatest opportunity for improvement (in water quality as it related to farm field P loss),” The Right Place to Put Phosphorus ; Dr. Tom Bruulsema, Northeast Director of IPNI; http://www.ipni.net

Thus to examine the impact of tillage on phosphorus loss and other crop production factors that influence crop yields, the following field day to be held July 18, 2013 from 8:30 AM, to 2:30 PM in Wood County, Ohio – a quarter mile west of the intersection of I-75 and Hwy 582 – about 6 miles north of Bowling Green.

8:30        Registration

9:00        Welcome

9:30        Phosphorus (P) Basics

10:10     Cropping System Rotation #1

11:10     Cropping System Rotation #2 

Noon     Lunch – Compliments of Northern Ohio John Deere Dealers:  Findlay Implement, Shearer Equipment and Kenn-Field Group

12:45     Cropping System Rotation #3

1:45        Phosphorus State of the Union


The three cropping systems that will be utilized in a rotation are:

1.Phosphorus movement in Full width till systems and related equipment solutions

2.Phosphorus movement in No-till systems and related equipment solutions

3.Phosphorus movement in Strip-till systems and related equipment solutions


Within each cropping system, the following will be discussed:

The discussion content will focus on the potential mechanisms of phosphorus movement within a tillage system.  For example: In a full width tillage system (including conventional tillage and conversation tillage systems) there will be a field demonstration of the ability of various tillage tools to effectively incorporate phosphorus in to the soil profile. Topics covered with the specific tillage demonstration will include particulate P movement via erosion associated with that tillage system, relationship of P soil test levels to P loss, phosphorus solubility within the tillage system, and impacts of tillage on phosphorus stratification, relationship of P stratification to soil test P and soluble P loss.

The field day will be held in Wood County, Ohio – a quarter mile west of the intersection of I-75 and Hwy 582 which is about 6 miles north of Bowling Green.  The program is free but an email RSVP is required to nopat@live.com .  Please include your name and a phone number where you can be reached in the email.    Four and a half hours of CCA credits have been applied for including 1 hour of soil and water and 3.5 hours in nutrient management.   Contact Steve Prochaska at  740-223-4041 or Prochaska.1@osu.edu with any questions.


Hardin County Lamb Picnic – July 21 – 6:00 p.m. at Wilcox Woods shelter house.  The Hardin County Sheep Improvement Association directors will provide the meat and drinks for the picnic, and ask that you please bring a covered dish and your own table service.  To get to the Wilcox Woods, take State Route 309 West of Kenton to County Road 106, turn left onto County Road 106 and follow it for about five miles.  Entrance to the picnic area will be on the left side of the road.  Watch for the shelter house.  In case of wet grounds, an alternate parking area may be designated.  To help the association plan, please call our office at 419-674-2297 by July 19 indicating how many adults and how many children plan to come to the picnic.


Field Crops Day – July 25 – 8:00 am – 12:00 pm – OARDC – Northwestern Agricultural Research Branch, NW Ag Research Station, 4240 Range Line Road Custar, OH 43511

Rows of corn, soybeans and wheat are easily distinguishable in the fields of OARDC’s Northwest Station in Wood County. This area is known as the ‘Great Black Swamp’ region ­ once an ancient lake bed. OARDC purchased 247 acres of this land in 1951, and since then scientists have focused on the area’s unique soils. The soil here is a challenge to area crop producers. Visit with select Extension Specialist and view research activities at the research station.  See the attached flier for more information about the Field Crops Day.

2013 Field Crops Day

• “Fungicide in Corn: Let’s Pencil it Out,”

Pierce Paul, Plant Pathology

OARDC and OSU Extension

• “Phosphorus and Water Quality-Researching the Ag Link,”

Greg LaBarge, Field Spec, Agronomic Systems

OARDC and OSU Extension, Marion County

• “Soybean Planting Date and Seeding Rate from 10 Years of On-Farm Trials,” Laura Lindsey, Horticulture & Crop Science

OARDC and OSU Extension

• “Re-examining Corn Seeding Rates: How Much is too Much,”

Peter Thomison, Horticulture and Crop Science OARDC and OSU Extension


The Ohio State University

Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office
