August 26, 2015

Good afternoon,

Have you been to a field day lately?  This is the time of year for several field days, so take advantage of the nice cool weather to attend a program that may be of interest to you.  If you are still thinking about getting your fertilizer certification done this summer and are willing to travel, there will be a 3-hour Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training field day in Brookville on Thursday, August 27 featuring beef manure storage and lagoon as well as field demonstrations.  See the attached flyer for further details.  There is good news to report with the Western Bean Cutworm traps.  Although there has been some damage to corn in Ohio recently from this pest, once again I did not catch any adult moths in our Hardin County traps this past week.

3 Hour FACT

A field day that is closer to home is the Hardin County Field Day on September 18.  I have already mentioned this in a previous version of this newsletter, but have included an attached Save-the-Date postcard to remind you of our upcoming event planned with the Hardin Soil and Water Conservation District, Natural Resources Conservation Service, The Nature Conservancy, John Deere, and OSU Extension.  And of course, the granddaddy of all field days, the Farm Science Review will be held September 22-24 at the Molly Caren Agricultural Center in London.  Our office has pre-sale tickets available now for this event at the cost $7.00 per person.


Now is the time to think about planting fall cover crops if you haven’t already considered them.  Putnam County OSU Extension Educator Jim Hoorman wrote an excellent article that I sent out to local media this past week.  If you haven’t already read it, I would encourage you to do so as I have attached it to this email.  While we are on the subject of cover crops, there will be a Soil Health workshop series this fall and winter in Champaign County.  See the attached flyer for more information and registration details about this workshop which will feature a tour of Brookside Labs as part of this series.

Fall Cover Crops News Release

Soil Health Workshop Series

The Logan County Master Gardeners are hosting an Edible Landscaping workshop on Saturday, September 12 in Bellefontaine.  Topics will include Edible Ornamentals: the Marriage Between Use and Beauty, Vegetable Gardening into Fall & Winter, and Preservation of Vegetables & Herbs.  See the attached brochure for more details and registration information for this program being held in our backyard.

Edible Landscaping Workshop

Friday and Saturday, August 28-29 will be the Ohio Master Gardener Volunteers Conference at Maumee Bay State Park.  Our Hardin County Master Gardeners are up for several statewide awards.  Other local events in the next week include an International Sheep Tour planning meeting tonight at the Extension office starting with a meal at 6:00 pm, followed by the meeting.  A Hardin County Fair Work Day will be on Saturday, August 29 at the fairgrounds.  Show up at 8:30 in the morning to help prepare the buildings for this year’s fair.  There will be an Ag Hall of Fame committee meeting on Monday, August 31 at the Extension office, starting at 6:30 pm.


The Hardin County Extension Office will be closed during this year’s fair.  If you need to contact any of our staff, call the fair office at (419) 675-2396 and they will put you in contact with us.  Also, remember that we have Hardin County Fair season tickets for sale in our office through Friday, September 4 for the price of $20.  See below for agronomy related articles that you may be interested in reading.









From Wet Weather to Dry Weather…  – Laura Lindsey

Most areas in Ohio experienced above average rainfall during soybean vegetative stages.  With wet weather, soybeans tend to have reduced tap root growth and increased lateral root growth near the soil surface.  This is a problem when the weather turns dry…Dry areas in Ohio are reporting drought stress conditions on soybean such as soybean leaves flipping upside down.  August rainfall is very important as soybean seeds begin to fill.  (Soybean yield is determined by the number of plants, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, and seed size).  On average, there are 2,500 individual soybean seeds per pound.  Soybean seeds produced during drought conditions and at high temperatures tend to be smaller than seeds produced under normal conditions.







This Might end up being a Low Foliar Disease Year in Corn  – Pierce Paul

Early development of gray leaf spot (GLS) and northern corn leaf blight (NCLB) had us all concerned about the potential for major epidemics of these diseases in 2015. However, conditions have since been warm and dry across most of the state, drastically reducing the spread of these and other foliar diseases. In fact, lesions of GLS and eye spot from early outbreaks can still be found on leaves below the ear in some fields, but in most cases they are of restricted development and the disease has not spread to the upper leaves. Even NCLB, a disease known to affect the upper leaves during the last two months of the season, appears to be low in 2015.  To read more about corn foliar diseases in 2015, go to











Scout Fields Now for Palmer Amaranth  – Mark Loux

The frequency of Palmer amaranth infestations in Ohio has been holding relatively steady again into this year.  We have mostly an isolated field or patch in about 10 counties, with the exception of two small epicenters of Palmer amaranth – far southern Scioto County and an area along the Madison-Fayette County line north of Jeffersonville.  Several new infestations of Palmer amaranth in soybeans have been reported over the past several weeks though.  It was also found in a first-year hayfield, where cutting and competition from the alfalfa/grass stand will likely keep it under control in coming years.  None of these appear to have produced viable seed yet.  To read more about scouting for Palmer amaranth, go to







2015 Ohio Wheat Performance Test Available Online  – Laura Lindsey, Rich Minyo

A pdf of the 2015 Ohio Wheat Performance Test can be found at the Soybean and Small Grain website at:   A sortable version of the Ohio Wheat Performance Test can be found at:  Test results are for 78 soft red winter wheat varieties grown at five Ohio locations (Wood, Crawford, Wayne, Darke, and Pickaway County).  Variety selection should be based on disease resistance, average yield across test sites and years, winter hardiness, test weight, and standability. Overall, grain test weight averaged 56.3 lb/bu (compared to an average test weight of 58.8 lb/bu in 2014).  Grain yield averaged between 77 and 92 bu/acre at the five locations in the test.  Lower than normal test weight and grain yield may be attributed to wet weather in June and July and delayed harvest.







Don’t Press the Panic Button on Soybean Aphid Yet  – Andy Michel

As predicted, we have begun to see soybean aphids move into soybean fields over the past few weeks.  Coincidentally, this is the 3rd year in a row that we have seen aphids move in relatively late in the growing season.  Hopefully, most of our soybean are starting to mature and reaching the R6 stage, but there are some that still have a way to go due to delayed spring maturity.  By now we all should be familiar with the soybean aphid threshold of a rising population of 250 aphids per plant.  But keep in mind that this number is the action threshold, it is not the economic injury level (EIL) at which soybean aphid causes yield loss.  Yield loss occurs when aphids reach 500-600 aphids per plant.  If you soybeans are at R4 and below, then continue to use the 250 threshold.  However, the threshold does not apply to beans at R6 and later.  The thresholds at these growth stages increase to over 1,000 aphids per plant.  For more information about soybean aphid thresholds, go to





Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office



August 18, 2015

Good afternoon,

In the month of July, Extension rainfall reporters recorded an average of 4.66 inches of rain in Hardin County.  Last year, the average rainfall for July was 2.85 inches.  Even though July’s precipitation totals were 1.81 inches more than last year, it was a change from June’s heavier rains.  However these heavy rains throughout the end of May, most of June, and middle of July have been a challenge for most crop producers in Hardin County.  The difficult year has affected the wheat, hay, soybean, and corn crops.  For more information about the July rainfall, see the attached news article.  I have also attached an informative article about the difficult crop year that was written by Hancock County Extension Educator Ed Lentz.

July 2015 summary

Difficult Crop Year

I have continued to scout soybean fields around the county as a part of our statewide soybean yield limiting factor research project.  As beans enter the R6 growth stage and begin to fill out pods with seeds, you will need to keep an eye out for stink bugs which may feed on pods.  So far, I haven’t seen these insects in the field but they may soon be out there.  There is beginning to be more evidence of Sudden Death Syndrome in some spots and White Mold may appear in some fields.  Overall, the amount of disease that I have seen has been very limited in soybeans.  The four Western Bean Cutworm traps that I have around the county were empty this past Friday when I checked them.  That is good news, but on the way home in the evening one night this week, I did remove European Corn Borer moths from my windshield.


There is going to be a Livestock Mortality Composting Certification Training being held September 9 in Greenville.  Composting livestock and poultry mortality in agricultural operations is a legal option for disposal in Ohio. This required training session will certify operators to compost livestock mortality of approved species and apply the compost to fields.  It is hoped this will expand operator’s options for disposal and enable them to improve the efficiency and profitability of farm enterprises.  See the attached flyer for more information and registration details.

2015 Composting Flyer

The Statewide Sheep Shearing School will be held Friday and Saturday, September 18-19 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Dave Cable Farm, 10491 Canal Road., Hebron, OH 43025.  There is no class size limit and the cost is $40 per student which must be returned with registration form by Friday, September 11.  See the attached registration form for more information if you would like to enroll in this year’s sheep shearing school.

2015 Sheep Shearing School Registration Form

Upcoming local events include a Soil and Water Conservation District Board meeting on Thursday, August 20, starting at 1:00 pm at the fairgrounds shelter house, followed by a customer appreciation meal at 5:00 pm and annual meeting at 6:30 pm.  The Cattle Producers are holding their Annual Beef Picnic on Saturday, August 22 starting at 6:00 pm in the Community Building at the fairgrounds.  There will be an OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteers meeting Monday, August 24 starting at 7:00 pm at Harco Industries.  I have included some agronomy related articles below that you may be interested in reading.











Estimating Soybean Yield  –  Laura Lindsey

To estimate yield, four soybean yield components need to be considered: plants per acre, pods per plant, seeds per pod, and seeds per pound (seed size).  A printable worksheet to estimate soybean yield can be found at  It is difficult to accurately predict soybean yield because of plant variability and fall weather conditions can influence seed size.  Estimates become more accurate as the growing season progresses.  To find out the process of estimating soybean yield, go to







FSR Agronomy College  – Harold Watters

The FSR Agronomy College is September 15th. We will make use of the site and facilities of the Farm Science Review’s Molly Caren Agricultural Center. We will see some things that FSR attendees won’t see. Registration is at 8:30 with the program running from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Enjoy lunch and discussion with industry and university agronomists. We encourage company Agronomists, CCAs and Custom Applicators to attend.  Go to to find out more about this hands-on educational opportunity.






Tri-state Yield Monitor Workshop  –  John Fulton, Harold Watters

A Yield Monitor Data Workshop is scheduled for Tuesday August 25th and Wednesday the 26th in Auburn, Indiana. Steve Miller (MSU) has been coordinating this event. This two-day program features John Fulton, Ohio State University Precision Ag specialist and Bob Nielson, Purdue Agronomy corn specialist. This workshop provides a quick overview of precision agriculture then focuses on the basics of yield monitors and what is necessary to effectively use the extensive amount of data generated. Email Steve Miller ( or Lyndon Kelley ( or Call 269-467-5522 with questions. Topics to be covered include: Current State of Precision Agriculture, Making Yield Data work for you, Precision Ag Technology for On‐Farm Research, Yield Monitors—basics of calibration and processing data—data cleaning, Hands on working with real data, and Demos. Cost is $50.00 per person, includes lunch Tuesday and Wednesdays and refreshment breaks. Location is the 4-H Exhibit Hall at the DeKalb County Fairgrounds, 708 S Union St, Auburn, IN 46706.






Modified Relay Intercropping Field Day  –  Jason Hartschuh

On August 26th from 10:00 to 11:45 there will be a field day at OSU Extension Unger Farm, 1303 Bucyrus-Nevada Road, Bucyrus, Ohio 44820. We will be reviewing the research that was done in Modified Relay intercropping last year. We will continue with a plot tour looking at our current research projects including seeding rate, and planting date trials. The field day will finish up by looking at our Intercropping equipment and a discussion on weed control. For more information or to register for the field day contact OSU Extension Crawford County at 419-562-8731 or






Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training Field Day  –  Amanda Bennett

A three-hour fertilizer application certification program for any applicator that does not have a pesticide license will be offered on August 27, 2015 from 8:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Dulls Homestead, Inc. at 10404 National Rd, Brookville, Ohio 45309. The morning will include topics on phosphorus and nitrogen recommendations, soil sampling, assessing nitrogen usage of corn in the field and looking at timing and placement of manure applications for maximized economic return. Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) and Ohio Certified Livestock Manager (CLM) credits will be available. Pre-registration is preferred and you can register by calling the Miami County OSU Extension office at 937-440-3945 or the Montgomery County OSU Extension office at 937-224-9654 x109 or emailing or  For more information, go to





Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office



August 12, 2015

Good afternoon,

I hope you are enjoying this nice cool weather.  Although the crops could use some more growing degree days, it does make it more comfortable for scouting fields.  This week I have been scouting soybeans and have seen some Japanese Beetle and grasshopper damage, along with evidence of brown spot, bacteria leaf blight, frogeye leaf spot, and some sudden death syndrome.  The insect damage and disease that I have seen in soybeans is very small and the herbicides have done their job to eliminate the volunteer corn and other weeds in the fields that I have walked so far.  Western Bean Cutworms also continue to be low as I only caught one adult WBC moth in the four traps I monitor around the county this past week.


Good weather might have you thinking about a barbeque.  There is much confusion when it comes to selecting meats with all the labels and grades.  Do you understand how meat is graded and labeled?  See the attached article for more information on this subject.  While you are at it, consider adding locally grown fruits and vegetables to your dinner as this is Ohio Local Foods Week.  Hardin County is known for its local foods with the many roadside stands, farmers markets, produce auction, and CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture) fruit and vegetable marketing agribusinesses.  Read the attached article I submitted to the media about this special week to support our local producers.

Steaks and USDA Grading

Local Foods Week News Release

If you are interested in gardening, I have attached a flyer about a workshop that new Auglaize County Extension Educator Jeff Stachler is having on August 20 about Late Summer/Fall Gardening.  In the past few weeks I have included flyers about hops production field days, but they have been far away.  Now one is being hosted in Bowling Green on August 25 at the Agricultural Incubator Foundation.  See the attached flyer for more details about the Northwest Ohio Hops Field Day.

Fall Gardening Program

NW Ohio Hops Field Day

Upcoming local events include the Cattle Producers meeting tonight (8/12) in the Steak Barn at the fairgrounds starting at 7:30 pm.  The Pork Producers are meeting Tuesday (8/18) at Ag Credit starting at 6:30 pm.  Both of these meetings will be discussing fair planning.  If you are interested in purchasing season tickets for the Hardin County Fair, we now have them at the Extension office.  If you wish to purchase a Hardin County Agricultural Society membership, you will need to go to the fair office.  See the agronomy related articles below for further reading.










West Central Ohio Precision Agriculture Day: Combine and Drone Technology  –  Amanda Douridas

The Precision Agriculture Day: Combine and Drone Technology will be held Friday, August 21, 2015 at the Champaign County Fairgrounds in Urbana, OH. This event will feature presentations on decision agriculture, aerial imagery, utilizing field data, nutrient management, My John Deere and MyShed-Case IH. Some of the presenters include Dr. John Fulton, the new OSU specialist in precision ag technology, Ohio Farm Bureau, Integrated Ag Services, and a panel of farmers utilizing aerial imagery technology.  Demonstrations from Case IH, John Deere, and Lexion dealers on combine setup for harvest will take place in the afternoon. Live drone flying demonstrations will also occur during the day.  For more information about this field day, go to






Late season diseases showing up in unexpected places in 2015  –  Anne Dorrance

All of the rain during May, June, & July continues to impact the soybean crop in some areas of the state during 2015 in Ohio.  Surveys of our plots and some scouting in the lower canopy have turned up some surprises and some we expected. Sclerotinia stem rot – Over the next two weeks we will begin to see above canopy symptoms.  Stem lesions are now evident in some of our historic white mold fields below the canopy.  With Sclerotinia, white fluffy mycelium is evident on the stem, while leaves turn a gray-green and stay on the plant.  To read more about late season soybean diseases such as Sudden Death Syndrome and Frogeye Leaf Spot, got to






Estimating Corn Yields  –  Peter Thomison

This is the time during the growing season when crop tours and seed companies start posting yield predictions for corn. Most of the corn crop in Ohio is probably at the dough stage (R4). Given the tremendous variability in crop quality across the state and between and within fields, it will be particularly interesting this year see how close yield estimates come to matching what’s harvested this fall. Moreover, although there may be little or no yield from many fields damaged by excessive rainfall and saturated soil conditions (and related problems, e.g. N deficiency, poorly developed root systems), the fate of other corn fields has yet to be determined. Other factors could cut yields further. To read more about estimating corn yields, go to






Stink bugs in Soybeans  –  Andy Michel

As our soybean begins to develop flowers and pods, we need to be aware of stink bugs that will begin feeding.  Although more common in the southern US, we have been noticing more stink bugs in soybean the past few years, even some fields where economic damage was seen. There are several species, including the green, the brown, the red-shouldered and the brown marmorated stink bug.  These insects have piercing/sucking mouthparts similar to aphids, and will pierce through the pod to feed on the developing seed. Damaged seed are often flat, shriveled, wrinkled or completely aborted.  Over the next few months, we will begin to see stink bugs move into soybean, and now is a good time to begin scouting.  To sample for stink bugs, take 5 sets of 10 sweeps.  An average of 4 stink bugs per set of 10 indicates an economic population.  We are interested in gathering information on stink bug species distribution across the state and will begin our surveys this week. Please let us know of any fields that might have a high number of stink bugs.







Farm Pesticide Collections  – Cindy Folck

The Ohio Department of Agriculture is sponsoring a collection for farmers to dispose of unwanted pesticides. The collection is only for farm-related chemicals so household or non-farm pesticides will not be accepted. The 2015 dates and locations are:


Mahoning County: August 13, 9:30 – 2:00 at Canfield Fairgrounds, 7265 Columbiana-Canfield Rd., Canfield, OH 44406

Ross County: August 18, 9:30 – 2:00 at Ross County Fairgrounds, 344 Fairgrounds Rd., Chillicothe, Ohio 45601

Crawford County: August 26, 9:30 – 2:00, Crawford County Fairgrounds,  610 Whestone St., Bucyrus, Ohio 44820


The pesticide collection and disposal service is free of charge, but only farm chemicals will be accepted. Household pesticides, paints, solvents, antifreeze or other non-farm pesticides will not be accepted. No pesticides will be accepted from commercial companies. All collections will run from 9:30 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. To pre-register, or for more information, contact Ohio Department of Agriculture, Pesticide Regulation Section, 614-728-6987.





Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office

August 5, 2015

Good afternoon,

It’s August already and most of the corn in our area should have been pollinated by August 1.  Corn pollination should not be a problem this year; pollination problems generally occur during years of dry and hot weather.  However, the excessive water and flooding may cause corn to develop at different rates in the same field affecting tassel and silk emergence and pollination.  This may result in grain maturing at different times in the same field.  Once pollination happens, we can expect 60-65 days until maturity.   Once the corn reaches physiological maturity, it is safe from a killing frost.  To find out more about corn pollination, see the attached article.

Corn Pollination

Western Bean Cutworm counts were low again this past week with only one moth caught in the four traps around the county.  I’ve been receiving several questions about the value of silage in the field this year.  It is difficult to determine the value of the corn silage in the field with the growing conditions we had this year and the uneven corn and lack of consistent nutrient uptake.  However, there is a method of pricing corn value in the field for use as silage.  See the article below for more information on this topic.  The big question with this corn will be the nutrient value of the silage.  So if you are considering harvesting corn as silage, it is recommended that you take send a sample to a lab for analysis.


Ohio State University Extension is asking farmers in the Maumee River Basin to help with a water monitoring research project looking at Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus (DRP) losses from fields. Increases in DRP in the watershed have been tied to increased occurrences of Harmful Algal Blooms in Lake Erie. The data collected will help better quantify actual losses from an economic and environmental standpoint, leading to tools that can target high risk fields so cost effective Best Management Practices can be designed that maintain crop productivity while reducing phosphorus losses.  Read the attached article I submitted to the news media this past week to find out how you can volunteer a field for this study in order to find out what nutrients you may be losing through your field tile.  If you are interested in participating in this research, contact me before September 1 and I’ll get you additional information.

Water Quality Monitoring News Release

There will be a Pumpkin Field Day August 20 at the Western Research Station in South Charleston.  Topics include Current and Unregistered Fungicides for Powdery Mildew, Aerial Imagery Used to Advance Early and Late Season Pest Management in Cucumbers and Pumpkins, Downy Mildew Sentinel Trial, Impact of Insecticides and Fungicides on Squash Bee and Honey Bee Populations, and Row Covers and Trap Crops.  If you are interested in attending, see the attached flyer and register by August 13.

2015 Pumpkin Field Day

There will be a Precision Agriculture Day: Combine and Drone Technology that will be held Friday, August 21 at the Champaign County Fairgrounds in Urbana.  This event will feature presentations on decision agriculture, aerial imagery, utilizing field data, nutrient management, My John Deere and MyShed-Case IH. Some of the presenters include Dr. John Fulton, the new OSU specialist in precision ag technology, Ohio Farm Bureau, Integrated Ag Services, and a panel of farmers utilizing aerial imagery technology.  Demonstrations from Case IH, John Deere, and Lexion dealers on combine setup for harvest will take place in the afternoon. Live drone flying demonstrations will also occur during the day.  See the attached flyer for more details and register by August 12 for a lunch count.

Champaign County Precision Ag Day

Have you seen any bagworms in your trees or shrubs this summer?  Bagworms on a shrub or tree can cause excessive defoliation. A severe infestation may kill the plant within one or two seasons.  Bagworms do the most damage on arbor vitae and cedars, but will attack pines, junipers, spruce and at least 130 other trees and shrubs.  They may not harm the deciduous trees, but they spread from these trees to more susceptible evergreens.  For more information about treatment of this pest, see the attached article.  The longer a homeowner waits to provide treatment, the more difficult it becomes to control this pest.


Upcoming local events include an Extension Advisory Committee meeting Thursday, August 6 starting at 7:30 am at the Friendship Gardens of Hardin County.  Ag Council will be meeting at 7:00 am this Friday, August 7 at Henry’s Restaurant.  Feel free to join us to get updated on the latest agriculture and county information.  I plan to share information from the V12 GreenSeeeker readings and updated yield projections for our two Corn Response to Nitrogen plots.  A Regional Dairy meeting will be held Monday, August 10 at St. Henry High School, starting at 10:00 am.  See the attached flyer for more details.  Below are additional agronomy articles that you may be interested in reading.

Aug 2015 Regional Dairy Meeting Flyer








Pricing Corn Silage Update (August 2015)  –  Bill Weiss, Dianne Shoemaker

Estimate grain yield using the Thomison (2013) method or other approach. On average, in the lower Midwest, you get about 1 ton of corn silage (35% dry matter (DM) per 7.5 to 8 bushels of corn. Therefore, if the estimated grain yield is 140 bu/acre, expected silage yield would be 140/8 = 17.5 tons. However, under abnormal growing conditions this may underestimate forage yield (i.e., there will be less than 8 bu of grain per ton). Based on nutrient values, corn silage is currently worth $40 to $45/ton (at 35% DM) as it comes out of the silo.  You need to deduct shrink and storage (estimated at $9/ton) and cost of harvest and filling (estimated at $6.90/ton – chop, haul and fill for a bunker silo. This means the maximum a dairy farmer should pay for standing corn is ~$24.10/ton. For more information and examples, go to






Soybean Aphids and Western Bean Cutworm Updates  –  Andy Michel

Two insects that growers may be on the lookout for are soybean aphid and western bean cutworm.  The recent rain events may have also carried with them early season soybean aphid migrants that are possibly now in soybean fields.  The forecast for this week also looks favorable for soybean aphid population growth.  Numbers are not likely to reach threshold this week, but you may want to check soybean to see if aphid numbers are beginning to build.  Remember that there is usually a time delay before the appearance of natural enemies which will help keep populations low.  To continue reading this article, go to






Managing Alfalfa Stands Damaged by Waterlogging –  Rory Lewandowski, Mark Sulc

We are receiving reports and have personally observed fields of alfalfa injured by the excessive soil wetness the first half of this growing season. Generally, waterlogging injury appears as stunting with a general yellowing of the entire plant, a result of nitrogen deficiency due to inactive N-fixation in waterlogged soils. Anaerobic respiration occurring in the plant under low soil oxygen also produces compounds that are toxic to the plant. You should evaluate your stands in the next few weeks by counting the number of live plants per square foot, based on the age of the stand.  To finish reading this article about damaged alfalfa stands, go to






Fungicide Applications Depend on Soybean Growth Stages and Presence of Disease –  Anne Dorrance

We have had lots of inquiries this past week on the benefit or lack-there-of from fungicide applications on soybean in Ohio.  There are several factors that I have found in the past that can influence this return on investment:   growth stage of the plant, conditions that are favorable for disease and the presence of inoculum.  I have outlined how these may influence the outcome for a couple of our most yield limiting late season diseases:  Sclerotinia stem rot (white mold) and frogeye leaf spot.  To continue reading about soybean fungicide applications, go to






2015 Manure Science Review  –  Glen Arnold, Sam Custer

The 2015 Ohio Manure Science Review (MSR) will be held in Darke County on Wednesday August 12 at Mississinawa Valley High School, 10480 Staudt Road, in Union City, Ohio, close to the border with Indiana.  The MSR is an educational program designed for those involved in any aspect of manure handling, management, or utilization.  The MSR consists of both classroom style presentations and field demonstrations of manure equipment.  Registration opens at 8:15 am and the program begins at 8:45 am. The afternoon field demos conclude at 4:00 pm.  For more information about the upcoming Manure Science Review, go to





Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office