September 18, 2017


The Hardin County Carcass Show of Champions was held this past Thursday at Mt. Victory Meats.  Thanks to Craig and Ed Powell at Mt. Victory Meats, the Hardin County Fair Sale Committee, Pork Producers, Sheep Improvement Association, and Cattle Producers for help sponsoring this event.  The OSU meat judge evaluated the grand and reserve champion steers, barrows, gilts, lambs, and goats based on their carcass value.  To find out how they did, see the attached carcass show results.  The Dairy Service Unit has begun their fall cheese sale as a fundraiser to support their group’s activities.  Make sure you open the attached news article and order form so you don’t miss out on this semi-annual cheese sale.

Hardin Co. Carcass Results Show 2017

Fall Cheese Sale News Release

Cheese Sale Flyer

Have you picked up your Farm Science Review ticket yet?  Today is the last day you can buy discounted pre-sale tickets at the Extension office for $7.  After that you will need to get your ticket at the gate for this annual farm show sponsored by the OSU College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.  The show runs Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (September 19-21) of this week near London in Madison County.  I will be working there at the Ag Crops Team tent, Pesticide Safety Education spray building, and the Water Quality booth in the Firebaugh Building in the afternoons, so make sure you stop by during your visit to the Farm Science Review and say hello.  If you are still interested in participating in the Farm Bureau ATV Tour, the registration date has been extended to September 20 and the Burgess sheep farm has been added.  See the attached flyer to contact Paul Ralston if you would like to be a part of this annual event in the northwest part of the county.

ATV Tour Flyer

Now is also the time of year that we encourage people to nominate candidates for the Hardin County Agriculture Hall of Fame.  I have attached a news article as well as a copy of the nomination form.  Please consider nominating outstanding farmers and agribusiness people in your community.  It is as simple as encouraging their family to fill out the nomination form, so please help out by sharing this form with those who you feel should be considered for this year’s class.  The nominations are due October 16 and the annual Ag Hall of Fame Banquet is scheduled for Tuesday, December 5.  In closing, if you are thinking about planting wheat this fall and have yet to select your variety, I have attached the Ohio Wheat Performance Test information for 2017.  The fly-free date for Hardin County is September 26 in case you have a field of soybeans that will be coming off soon and plan to seed that field to wheat.  See below for agronomy articles that you may be interested in reading.

Ag Hall of Fame Purpose and Nomination Form 2017

Ag Hall of Fame Nominations News Release

2017 Ohio Wheat Performance Test


Managing Corn Rust with Fungicides – Pierce Paul

Both southern and common rust have been confirmed in multiple corn fields across the state this season, but as is usually the case in Ohio, the latter is much more wide-spread than the former, and most of the affected fields were in the southern half of the state. Southern rust is characterized by the presence of small, circular, light orangish pustules predominantly on the upper surface of the leaves, whereas common rust produces larger, more elongated, and darker (cinnamon-brown) pustules on both leaf surfaces. Common rust in particular tends to become less severe as the season progresses as it prefers cooler conditions. By contrast, late-planted fields, are at greater risk for yield reduction due to rust. Southern rust can be very damaging if the hybrid is susceptible, symptoms develop early (before tassel), and the weather stays warm and wet during pollination and grain fill.  To learn more about rust in corn, go to

Soybean Fields with Sudden Death Syndrome are Popping up Around the State – Anne Dorrance

I don’t think too many people in the state will deny that Ohio’s planting conditions were tough. We had a mix of saturated soils and cool temperatures. We have several soil borne pathogens that love these conditions, among them is Sudden death syndrome, which is caused by Fusarium virguliforme. In Ohio, this disease tends to occur with greater frequency in fields that have higher populations of soybean cyst nematode. With the environmental conditions we had earlier this spring, extensive flooding injury, I would not be surprised to see a much wider distribution of this disease in the state. Go to to read more about SDS in soybean.

Wheat Management for Fall 2017 – Laura Lindsey, Pierce Paul, Ed Lentz, CCA

Wheat helps reduce problems associated with the continuous planting of soybean and corn and provides an ideal time to apply fertilizer in July/August after harvest. With soybean harvest around the corner, we would like to remind farmers of a few management decisions that are important for a successful crop. Optimum seeding rates are between 1.2 and 1.6 million seeds per acre. For drills with 7.5-inch row spacing this is about 18 to 24 seeds per foot of row with normal sized seed. When wheat is planted on time, actual seeding rate has little effect on yield, but high seeding rates (above 30 seeds per foot of row) increase lodging and the risk of severe powdery mildew development next spring. For more information about wheat management, go to

The Dicamba Situation – Assessment and Some Action Items  – Mark Loux

We have had the opportunity to walk additional Ohio fields where soybeans were damaged by off-target movement of dicamba since our last C.O.R.N. newsletter article on this subject and we continue to hear about even more affected fields.  This situation continues to develop across the Midwest and South, and everyone involved is trying to assess causes and what these mean for future use.  A couple of action items here for anyone associated with an off-target dicamba movement and injury situation. Take the time to report the problem to Monsanto (XtendiMax), BASF (Engenia), or DuPont FeXapan) so that they create a record of it.  The compilation of these records has to be reported by companies back to regulatory agencies, which provides the agencies with information on how extensive the issues are.  Reporting to the companies does not result in specific information being provided to ODA, or any further regulatory action or investigation by ODA.  To read more, go to

Be on the Lookout for Soybean Aphids – Andy Michel, Kelley Tilmon

We have heard reports of growers spotting a few soybean aphids in their fields. Finding aphids at this time of year is consistent in the past—we have seen them arrive later and later. We do have a lot of late-planted soybean that are in R4 or R5 stage soybean. Remember that our economic threshold to treat soybean aphids is a rising population of 250 aphids per plant. But also remember that, at higher growth stages (>R6) the threshold increases dramatically. At this point it is important to note that none of the fields in Ohio have reached treatable levels. Given the aphids’ arrival, the growth stage of soybean and the oncoming onslaught of natural enemies, it may be unlikely that we see any significant impact from soybean aphids this year, but we should monitor our fields. An additional word of caution—many of you have heard that insecticide resistant soybean aphids have been found out West (especially Minnesota and Iowa). While we have not heard of any resistant aphids in Ohio, we certainly do not want to encourage their presence by applying insecticides when we don’t need to.

Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office

September 18, 2017


The Hardin County Carcass Show of Champions was held this past Thursday at Mt. Victory Meats.  Thanks to Craig and Ed Powell at Mt. Victory Meats, the Hardin County Fair Sale Committee, Pork Producers, Sheep Improvement Association, and Cattle Producers for help sponsoring this event.  The OSU meat judge evaluated the grand and reserve champion steers, barrows, gilts, lambs, and goats based on their carcass value.  To find out how they did, see the attached carcass show results.  The Dairy Service Unit has begun their fall cheese sale as a fundraiser to support their group’s activities.  Make sure you open the attached news article and order form so you don’t miss out on this semi-annual cheese sale.

Hardin Co. Carcass Results Show 2017

Fall Cheese Sale News Release

Cheese Sale Flyer

Have you picked up your Farm Science Review ticket yet?  Today is the last day you can buy discounted pre-sale tickets at the Extension office for $7.  After that you will need to get your ticket at the gate for this annual farm show sponsored by the OSU College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.  The show runs Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (September 19-21) of this week near London in Madison County.  I will be working there at the Ag Crops Team tent, Pesticide Safety Education spray building, and the Water Quality booth in the Firebaugh Building in the afternoons, so make sure you stop by during your visit to the Farm Science Review and say hello.  If you are still interested in participating in the Farm Bureau ATV Tour, the registration date has been extended to September 20 and the Burgess sheep farm has been added.  See the attached flyer to contact Paul Ralston if you would like to be a part of this annual event in the northwest part of the county.

ATV Tour

Now is also the time of year that we encourage people to nominate candidates for the Hardin County Agriculture Hall of Fame.  I have attached a news article as well as a copy of the nomination form.  Please consider nominating outstanding farmers and agribusiness people in your community.  It is as simple as encouraging their family to fill out the nomination form, so please help out by sharing this form with those who you feel should be considered for this year’s class.  The nominations are due October 16 and the annual Ag Hall of Fame Banquet is scheduled for Tuesday, December 5.  In closing, if you are thinking about planting wheat this fall and have yet to select your variety, I have attached the Ohio Wheat Performance Test information for 2017.  The fly-free date for Hardin County is September 26 in case you have a field of soybeans that will be coming off soon and plan to seed that field to wheat.  See below for agronomy articles that you may be interested in reading.

Ag Hall of Fame Nominations News Release

2017 OWPT

Ag Hall of Fame Purpose and Nomination Form 2017


Managing Corn Rust with Fungicides – Pierce Paul

Both southern and common rust have been confirmed in multiple corn fields across the state this season, but as is usually the case in Ohio, the latter is much more wide-spread than the former, and most of the affected fields were in the southern half of the state. Southern rust is characterized by the presence of small, circular, light orangish pustules predominantly on the upper surface of the leaves, whereas common rust produces larger, more elongated, and darker (cinnamon-brown) pustules on both leaf surfaces. Common rust in particular tends to become less severe as the season progresses as it prefers cooler conditions. By contrast, late-planted fields, are at greater risk for yield reduction due to rust. Southern rust can be very damaging if the hybrid is susceptible, symptoms develop early (before tassel), and the weather stays warm and wet during pollination and grain fill.  To learn more about rust in corn, go to

Soybean Fields with Sudden Death Syndrome are Popping up Around the State – Anne Dorrance

I don’t think too many people in the state will deny that Ohio’s planting conditions were tough. We had a mix of saturated soils and cool temperatures. We have several soil borne pathogens that love these conditions, among them is Sudden death syndrome, which is caused by Fusarium virguliforme. In Ohio, this disease tends to occur with greater frequency in fields that have higher populations of soybean cyst nematode. With the environmental conditions we had earlier this spring, extensive flooding injury, I would not be surprised to see a much wider distribution of this disease in the state. Go to to read more about SDS in soybean.

Wheat Management for Fall 2017 – Laura Lindsey, Pierce Paul, Ed Lentz, CCA

Wheat helps reduce problems associated with the continuous planting of soybean and corn and provides an ideal time to apply fertilizer in July/August after harvest. With soybean harvest around the corner, we would like to remind farmers of a few management decisions that are important for a successful crop. Optimum seeding rates are between 1.2 and 1.6 million seeds per acre. For drills with 7.5-inch row spacing this is about 18 to 24 seeds per foot of row with normal sized seed. When wheat is planted on time, actual seeding rate has little effect on yield, but high seeding rates (above 30 seeds per foot of row) increase lodging and the risk of severe powdery mildew development next spring. For more information about wheat management, go to

The Dicamba Situation – Assessment and Some Action Items  – Mark Loux

We have had the opportunity to walk additional Ohio fields where soybeans were damaged by off-target movement of dicamba since our last C.O.R.N. newsletter article on this subject and we continue to hear about even more affected fields.  This situation continues to develop across the Midwest and South, and everyone involved is trying to assess causes and what these mean for future use.  A couple of action items here for anyone associated with an off-target dicamba movement and injury situation. Take the time to report the problem to Monsanto (XtendiMax), BASF (Engenia), or DuPont FeXapan) so that they create a record of it.  The compilation of these records has to be reported by companies back to regulatory agencies, which provides the agencies with information on how extensive the issues are.  Reporting to the companies does not result in specific information being provided to ODA, or any further regulatory action or investigation by ODA.  To read more, go to

Be on the Lookout for Soybean Aphids – Andy Michel, Kelley Tilmon

We have heard reports of growers spotting a few soybean aphids in their fields. Finding aphids at this time of year is consistent in the past—we have seen them arrive later and later. We do have a lot of late-planted soybean that are in R4 or R5 stage soybean. Remember that our economic threshold to treat soybean aphids is a rising population of 250 aphids per plant. But also remember that, at higher growth stages (>R6) the threshold increases dramatically. At this point it is important to note that none of the fields in Ohio have reached treatable levels. Given the aphids’ arrival, the growth stage of soybean and the oncoming onslaught of natural enemies, it may be unlikely that we see any significant impact from soybean aphids this year, but we should monitor our fields. An additional word of caution—many of you have heard that insecticide resistant soybean aphids have been found out West (especially Minnesota and Iowa). While we have not heard of any resistant aphids in Ohio, we certainly do not want to encourage their presence by applying insecticides when we don’t need to.

Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office

September 7, 2017

Good afternoon,

The Hardin County Fair is off to a good start and several champions have been named.  Yesterday the fairgrounds received a hard rain in between the Jr. Fair Dairy Show and the Jr. Fair Market Lamb Show.  It brought people into the show arena and livestock barns seeking shelter.  Speaking of rain, I have attached the July 2017 Rainfall Summary to this Hardin County Agriculture and Natural Resources Update.  During the month of July, Extension rainfall reporters recorded an average of 8.23 inches of rain in Hardin County.  Last year, the average rainfall for July was 1.68 inches.  The wet spring experienced by the county up until July was continued with an even more wet July, with several rainfall events adding to already wet soils. This year’s July was exactly the opposite of last year, when the county received very little rain for the month.  See the summary for more information.

July 2017 Rainfall Summary

Tonight there will be a Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training (FACT) in Troy from 6:00-9:00 pm if you are still looking for opportunities to get your certification before the September 30 deadline.  I have attached a flyer if you are still in need of a class.  There will be another FACT class in Findlay on September 14 from 9:00 am-12:00 pm at the Hancock County Extension office.  Call 419-422-3851 if you need to register for this 3 hour fertilizer certification class.  We certified an additional 22 people at the Hardin Precision Ag Field Day out of the 130 or so in attendance.  If you would like to see a video of this field day held at Kellogg Farms, go to  There are getting to be less and less opportunities around the state to take care of this fertilizer certification as we move closer to the deadline.  After the deadline there will be opportunities to gain certification, but not near as many that have been offered initially.  So far, OSU Extension has certified over 17,500 fertilizer applicators in the state over the past three years.

FACT Training Flyer

The Hardin County Carcass Show of Champions is coming up the Thursday (9/14) after the fair.  This year the show will be again held at Mt. Victory Meats starting at 6:00 pm.  You will be able to see the grand champion and reserve champion steers, barrows, gilts, lambs, and goats hanging on the rail.  An OSU meat judge will evaluate the carcasses and provide rankings and reasons at this event.  For more information, see the attached news release and flyer.  The Hardin County Farm Bureau is once again holding its ATV Tour on September 23 starting at 7:00 am with breakfast.  There will be four stops on this year’s ATV Tour of the northwest corner of the county including Harvest Pride Tortilla Chips, Powell Seeds, Daft’s Straw Blankets, and the ONU Solar Farm.  See the attached flyer for registration information that is due by September 11.  The tour will start and finish in at the Ada Park.  It’s time to head back out to the fair, so I hope to see you there.  I have included some agronomy articles below if you are interested in reading them.

Carcass Show News Release

2017 Carcass Show Flyer

ATV Tour Flyer


Assessing the Success or Failure of Pollination in Corn – Peter Thomison, Rich Minyo

Many Ohio corn fields have been subject to excessive rainfall this year. The fields where the Ohio Corn Performance Test (OCPT) were planted are no exception. Extraordinary rainfall accumulation has occurred at nearly all OCPT sites. Rainfall accumulations from May 15 to July 18-19 (and there’s been more since then) range from 14.0 to 19.1 inches at test sites in the southwest/west central/central region. Reports of short, waist high corn tasseling, as well as uneven development and flowering within fields, are not uncommon in parts of the state where heavy rains contributed to extended periods of saturated soil conditions and ponding.  Now there are questions as to whether such uneven development will impact pollination and thereby affect yield.  To read more, go to

Septoria Brown Spot and Bacterial Blight – Anne Dorrance, Laura Lindsey

As folks can get in through the once muddy fields a couple of foliar diseases are beginning to be spotted. The first, Septoria brown spot, is a normal disease found throughout Ohio on the very lower canopy.  On unadapted germplasm or old, old varieties this leaf spot would move up through canopy and reach the top leaves and contribute to yield loss.  In today’s modern germplasm, this disease is kept in check and is kept in the lower 1/3 of the plant.  We completed a study over 3 years and at two locations on four different soybean varieties.  We used a special fungicide program to grow soybeans that had healthy leaves with no brown spot and could only measure a 2.9 to 4.3 bushel yield difference. Go to to learn more about Septoria Brown Spot and Bacteria Blight in soybeans.

Establishment of Perennial Forages – Rory Lewandowski, CCA, Mark Sulc

Our wet weather conditions throughout much of 2017 prevented spring establishment of perennial forages for many producers.  Additionally, the wet weather has caused stand loss in alfalfa fields due to compaction and crown damage from harvest on wet soils, and from root rot in poorly drained field areas.  As a result, replacement of some of those acres is necessary.  August provides growers with another window of opportunity to establish a perennial forage stand. Typically, the main risk with a late summer August planting is having sufficient moisture for seed germination and plant growth but this year that risk may be low. To read more about establishment of fall forages, go to

Recent Rainfall: A Historical Perspective – Aaron Wilson, Jim Noel

To say that many parts of the state have experienced a wet stretch of weather would be an understatement. Heavy rainfall has left a wide variety of negative crop conditions, from yellowing in soybean fields where ponding has been persistent to highly variable heights on corn stands, delayed wheat harvest and hay cutting. With all of this rain, streams and rivers have been running much above normal as well. But how historic is our recent rainfall? To find out historical trends in rainfall in Ohio, go to

Stink Bugs in Soybean – Kelley Tilmon, Andy Michel

As beans start to put on pods, it’s time to start scouting for stink bugs.  In 2016 a number of farmers had significant stink bug damage but didn’t realize it until harvest, when they discovered shriveled, blasted seeds.  Seed damage can be prevented by scouting and treatment at appropriate threshold levels. There are several species of stink bugs that can be found in soybean, even beneficials. These include the green, the brown, the red shouldered and the brown marmorated stink bug. The spined soldier bug looks similar to the brown stink bug, but has sharper points on its shoulders, and is more brown on the underside (the brown stink bug is actually more green underneath). Both nymphs (immatures) and adults feed on the developing seed by using their piercing/sucking mouthparts to poke through the pod. Seed that is fed upon will take a flat or shriveled appearance.  To find out more about stink bugs, go to

Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office

September 7, 2017

  • Good afternoon,

    The Hardin County Fair is off to a good start and several champions have been named.  Yesterday the fairgrounds received a hard rain in between the Jr. Fair Dairy Show and the Jr. Fair Market Lamb Show.  It brought people into the show arena and livestock barns seeking shelter.  Speaking of rain, I have attached the July 2017 Rainfall Summary to this Hardin County Agriculture and Natural Resources Update.  During the month of July, Extension rainfall reporters recorded an average of 8.23 inches of rain in Hardin County.  Last year, the average rainfall for July was 1.68 inches.  The wet spring experienced by the county up until July was continued with an even more wet July, with several rainfall events adding to already wet soils. This year’s July was exactly the opposite of last year, when the county received very little rain for the month.  See the summary for more information.

    July 2017 Rainfall Summary

    Tonight there will be a Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training (FACT) in Troy from 6:00-9:00 pm if you are still looking for opportunities to get your certification before the September 30 deadline.  I have attached a flyer if you are still in need of a class.  There will be another FACT class in Findlay on September 14 from 9:00 am-12:00 pm at the Hancock County Extension office.  Call 419-422-3851 if you need to register for this 3 hour fertilizer certification class.  We certified an additional 22 people at the Hardin Precision Ag Field Day out of the 130 or so in attendance.  If you would like to see a video of this field day held at Kellogg Farms, go to  There are getting to be less and less opportunities around the state to take care of this fertilizer certification as we move closer to the deadline.  After the deadline there will be opportunities to gain certification, but not near as many that have been offered initially.  So far, OSU Extension has certified over 17,500 fertilizer applicators in the state over the past three years.

    Sept 2017 FACT Training Flyer

    The Hardin County Carcass Show of Champions is coming up the Thursday (9/14) after the fair.  This year the show will be again held at Mt. Victory Meats starting at 6:00 pm.  You will be able to see the grand champion and reserve champion steers, barrows, gilts, lambs, and goats hanging on the rail.  An OSU meat judge will evaluate the carcasses and provide rankings and reasons at this event.  For more information, see the attached news release and flyer.  The Hardin County Farm Bureau is once again holding its ATV Tour on September 23 starting at 7:00 am with breakfast.  There will be four stops on this year’s ATV Tour of the northwest corner of the county including Harvest Pride Tortilla Chips, Powell Seeds, Daft’s Straw Blankets, and the ONU Solar Farm.  See the attached flyer for registration information that is due by September 11.  The tour will start and finish in at the Ada Park.  It’s time to head back out to the fair, so I hope to see you there.  I have included some agronomy articles below if you are interested in reading them.

    Carcass Show News Release

    2017 Carcass Show Flyer

    ATV Tour Flyer


    Assessing the Success or Failure of Pollination in Corn – Peter Thomison, Rich Minyo

    Many Ohio corn fields have been subject to excessive rainfall this year. The fields where the Ohio Corn Performance Test (OCPT) were planted are no exception. Extraordinary rainfall accumulation has occurred at nearly all OCPT sites. Rainfall accumulations from May 15 to July 18-19 (and there’s been more since then) range from 14.0 to 19.1 inches at test sites in the southwest/west central/central region. Reports of short, waist high corn tasseling, as well as uneven development and flowering within fields, are not uncommon in parts of the state where heavy rains contributed to extended periods of saturated soil conditions and ponding.  Now there are questions as to whether such uneven development will impact pollination and thereby affect yield.  To read more, go to

    Septoria Brown Spot and Bacterial Blight – Anne Dorrance, Laura Lindsey

    As folks can get in through the once muddy fields a couple of foliar diseases are beginning to be spotted. The first, Septoria brown spot, is a normal disease found throughout Ohio on the very lower canopy.  On unadapted germplasm or old, old varieties this leaf spot would move up through canopy and reach the top leaves and contribute to yield loss.  In today’s modern germplasm, this disease is kept in check and is kept in the lower 1/3 of the plant.  We completed a study over 3 years and at two locations on four different soybean varieties.  We used a special fungicide program to grow soybeans that had healthy leaves with no brown spot and could only measure a 2.9 to 4.3 bushel yield difference. Go to to learn more about Septoria Brown Spot and Bacteria Blight in soybeans.

    Establishment of Perennial Forages – Rory Lewandowski, CCA, Mark Sulc

    Our wet weather conditions throughout much of 2017 prevented spring establishment of perennial forages for many producers.  Additionally, the wet weather has caused stand loss in alfalfa fields due to compaction and crown damage from harvest on wet soils, and from root rot in poorly drained field areas.  As a result, replacement of some of those acres is necessary.  August provides growers with another window of opportunity to establish a perennial forage stand. Typically, the main risk with a late summer August planting is having sufficient moisture for seed germination and plant growth but this year that risk may be low. To read more about establishment of fall forages, go to

    Recent Rainfall: A Historical Perspective – Aaron Wilson, Jim Noel

    To say that many parts of the state have experienced a wet stretch of weather would be an understatement. Heavy rainfall has left a wide variety of negative crop conditions, from yellowing in soybean fields where ponding has been persistent to highly variable heights on corn stands, delayed wheat harvest and hay cutting. With all of this rain, streams and rivers have been running much above normal as well. But how historic is our recent rainfall? To find out historical trends in rainfall in Ohio, go to

    Stink Bugs in Soybean – Kelley Tilmon, Andy Michel

    As beans start to put on pods, it’s time to start scouting for stink bugs.  In 2016 a number of farmers had significant stink bug damage but didn’t realize it until harvest, when they discovered shriveled, blasted seeds.  Seed damage can be prevented by scouting and treatment at appropriate threshold levels. There are several species of stink bugs that can be found in soybean, even beneficials. These include the green, the brown, the red shouldered and the brown marmorated stink bug. The spined soldier bug looks similar to the brown stink bug, but has sharper points on its shoulders, and is more brown on the underside (the brown stink bug is actually more green underneath). Both nymphs (immatures) and adults feed on the developing seed by using their piercing/sucking mouthparts to poke through the pod. Seed that is fed upon will take a flat or shriveled appearance.  To find out more about stink bugs, go to

    Mark A. Badertscher

    Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

    OSU Extension Hardin County

    1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

    419-674-2297 Office

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