Good evening,
Are you a beef or dairy cattle producer interested in assuring the best possible bids for your market cattle? If so, you might be interested in participating in our Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) certification training coming up Tuesday, February 23. The webinar starts at 6:00 pm and you need to pre-register to get the link sent to your email. There is limited seating for Hardin County cattle producers who are unable to watch it on a computer because of poor internet or access. See the attached news release and flyer for information about how to participate. Since in-person seating is limited to 10 individuals seated 6 feet apart with a mask, you will need to call me at 419-767-6037 if you are interested in attending at the Extension office in Kenton. No walk-ins are permitted due to the pandemic as per OSU and county health department guidelines.
Beef Quality Assurance Training News Release
Beef Quality Assurance Training Flyer
Have you enrolled your farms in ARC/PLC for the 2021 crop year yet? Producers will need to make sure they have enrolled their FSA farms and made their elections with the FSA office before the March 15 deadline. Don’t wait until the last minute to make your 2021 crop year elections. There is not much information out there yet but it may be in your best interest take a look at how things have changed. You will want to watch the recording of one of our Hardin County OSU Extension ARC/PLC seminars held this past week available now at Hardin County ARC-PLC Webinar for more information. You can view parts of the webinar or the entire program at your own pace, and I have also included the slides with notes with this email in case you are interested in further study. If you have questions, feel free to contact me. In addition, there is another statewide OSU Extension ARC/PLC webinar coming up February 25. You can see the attached flyer for more details about how to connect to this live webinar.
ARC/PLC 2021 Crop Year Decision Slides
Statewide OSU Extension ARC/PLC Webinar Flyer
I heard that the Northwest Ohio OSU Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Newsletter booklet has finally arrived in mailboxes so make sure you take a look at it if you received one to read about available OSU Extension programs and specifically, pesticide and fertilizer recertifications. As explained in previous e-newsletters, there are both online and in-person options for you to get your private applicator licenses renewed if this is your year to get that done. I have included a news article about this subject, describing the options for Hardin County. Make sure you take a look at it as most of these local recertification update classes happen the first week of March and you need to pre-register for whichever method you decide to use to get recertified. Again, there are no walk-ins due to limited seating at the different locations. Also, if you need to get certified for fertilizer for the first time (apply fertilizer on 50 acres or more of crops for sale), there is an upcoming Fertilizer Certification training in Lima on March 3 that I have attached a flyer with details about how to register to attend. Our next Virtual Ag Coffee Hour is coming up Friday, March 5 so check out the attached flyer about how to participate in our roundtable discussion and learn about Ohio Farm Custom Rates.
Pesticde-Fertilizer Recertification News Release
First Time Fertilizer Certification Flyer
The next “Water Quality Wednesday – Best Management Practices for Water Quality” webinar is coming up February 24. The same day, there is a 2021 Ohio Cattle Feeding School in the evening. The Conservation Tillage & Technology Conference (CTC) is also virtual this year. This annual agronomy and soil health event, which is normally held in Ada at Ohio Northern University, will be held online March 9-12. A “new” crop to Ohio, hemp, will be the subject of the 2021 Ohio Land Grant Hemp Conference being held March 5-6 virtually. Participate in this conference if you are curious about the potential of this crop in Ohio. See the attached flyers for information about how to register for these upcoming events. As an added bonus, I have included the latest Ohio Fruit News that you may be interested in looking at if you produce fruit or hops on your property. In addition, there are some ag crops articles included below for your reading.
Water Quality Wednesdays – BMP Flyer
2021 Ohio Cattle Feeding School Flyer
Ohio Fruit News – February 2021
Health and Safety Recommendations for On-Farm Grain Bin Facilities – Wayne Dellinger, Dee Jepsen
In the ten-year period from 2009 to 2018 Ohio had 9 fatalities in grain handling and grain storage facilities. Five of these fatalities were from suffocation and 2 were from falls from the structure, while the others involved auger entanglements. Purdue University reported 38 grain entrapments across the U.S. in 2019. Twenty-three of these entrapments resulted in a fatality. Read more about grain bin safety at
Summary of Multi-State State Research on Soybean Row Width, Planting Date, and Plant Population – Laura Lindsey
With funding from the United Soybean Board, soybean agronomists across the US came together to summarize soybean row width, planting date, and seeding rate research trials. (Ohio-specific research trials were funded by Ohio Soybean Council.) Here’s what we found: Row width: Soybean row width varies across the US. In Ohio, most farmers plant soybean in 7.5, 15, or 30-inch row widths. Across the US, narrow rows (7 to 15 inch) out-yielded wide rows (≥ 30 inches) 69% of the time. Narrow rows tend to out-yield wide rows due to earlier canopy closure which facilitates light interception and drives photosynthesis. Click on to learn more about this multi-state soybean research.
Corn and Soybean School: Q and A on Corn Disease Management with Fungicides – Pierce Paul
On Feb 11, 2021, I gave a talk entitled “Management of Gibberella ear rot and Vomitoxin in Corn with Fungicides: Lessons Learned from Head Scab” as part of the 2021 Virtual Corn and Soybean School. I summarized years of fungicide efficacy research on head scab, a disease of wheat caused by the same fungus (Fusarium graminearum [Gibberella zeae]) that causes Gibberella ear rot (GER) in corn. Head scab and vomitoxin in wheat have been more widely studied than GER and vomitoxin in corn, as a result, a lot more is known about fungicide efficacy against scab/vomitoxin than against GER/vomitoxin. I therefore used lessons learned from head scab research, coupled with data from a limited number of GER fungicide efficacy studies to provide guideline on GER and vomitoxin management in corn. More than 220 people attended the 40-min-long program, asking questions covering various aspects of corn pathology. Continue reading at
Register Now for Virtual CTC – Mark Badertscher
Have you registered yet for this year’s Conservation Tillage & Technology Conference (CTC)? This annual conference, which is normally held on the campus of Ohio Northern University in Ada will be virtual this year. Four days of topic related programming will be provided March 9-12, 2021 (Tuesday-Friday). There is still time to register and get your snacks ready for this year’s conference. Each day will start at 8:00 a.m. (EST) and will have 5 hours of great value, ending about 2:00 p.m. That adds up to 20 hours of presentations on current topics important for farmers, crop consultants, and educators. Because the program is virtual and therefore travel is not an issue, the planning committee has put together a list of national experts from universities, agencies, industry professionals, and others. Finish reading about the CTC at
Updated Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendation Webinar – Ed Lentz, Eric Richer
A virtual walk through the Updated Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations for Corn, Soybean, Wheat, and Alfalfa will be offered on February 23 at 8:30-10:00 a.m. and again at 7:00-8:30 p.m. Private and commercial fertilizer recertification 0ne-hour credit will be offered to those who participate during the ‘live’ programs. Each participant will receive in the mail a copy of the Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations; hardcopy may not arrive prior to class. Cost for the program is $15. Register and pay for the program at the following link: The zoom link for the program will be sent to your email one day before the webinar. Instructors and contacts for the program include Eric Richer – 419/337-9210, and Ed Lentz – 419/422-3851,
Mark A. Badertscher
Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator
OSU Extension Hardin County
1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326