Extension rainfall reporters recorded an average of 7.08 inches of rain in Hardin County during June. Last year, the average rainfall for June was 6.09 inches. Rainfall for June 2019 was 1.46 inches more than the ten-year average rainfall in the month of June. Dudley Township received 10.24 inches, the most of the township sites. The least rain in June, 4.51 inches was collected in Liberty Township. For the growing season since April 15, the average precipitation in all the townships was 16.29 inches, with a wide range from 12.82 inches in Liberty Township to 19.23 inches in Pleasant Township. See the Extension Rainfall Report for June for information about how June rainfall affected crop production in Hardin County. I have also attached the Ohio Crop Weather Report for July 15, which shows that 64% of winter wheat has been harvested, 88% of oats are headed, and second cutting of alfalfa has begun around the state with 43% harvested. Most of the corn and soybeans in Ohio are still rated fair in Ohio.
June 2019 Extension Rainfall Summary
July 15 Ohio Crop Weather Report
There is a miniature gardens program tomorrow morning in the Friendship Gardens of Hardin County starting at 9:00 am. See the attached news release and flyer for this workshop which will be led by Master Gardener Volunteer Kim Thomas teaching both kids and adults about constructing their own take home garden. Tuesday evening, state specialists Dr. Sally Miller and Dr. Melanie Ivey will be teaching our fruit and vegetable growers about plant diseases and their management. This event is scheduled to begin at 6:00 pm at a farm located on 17051 Township Road 199, Mt. Victory. There will be a diagnostic table for samples and a crop walk through a hoop house and produce field to identify issues and answer questions. See the attached news release and flyer for more information about this program if you raise fruits and vegetables and are interested in attending.
Saturday Mornings in the Friendship Gardens Flyer
State Forage Specialist Mark Sulc has put together a fact sheet on “Annual Forage Agronomic Guidelines and Characteristics” which lists seeding rates, planting dates, planting depth, nitrogen rate, dry matter yield, crude protein, and other information for producers considering planting forages. I have attached this document to this email. Since Hardin County is contiguous to Auglaize County, the U.S. Small Business Administration has made available Disaster Loans for business physical disaster, economic injury disaster, and home disaster from the storms that occurred May 27-29, 2019. An information sheet is attached to this email providing more details for those who may have been affected by these storms. OSU Extension has put together a website for the 2019 Ag Crisis that serves as a one-stop location at https://u.osu.edu/2019farmassistance/home/ for information dealing with this year’s agricultural challenges.
Annual Forages-Agronomics Fact Sheet
U.S. Small Business Association Disaster Loans Fact Sheet
Upcoming events include the Manure Science Review on August 7 in Tuscarawas County (see attached flyer); Master Gardener Volunteers meeting on Monday, July 22 starting at 7:00 pm at HARCO Industries; and the Regional Forages for the Future program being held Thursday, July 25 starting at 9:00 am at St. Henry High School. See the attached flyer and RSVP by July 22 if interested in attending this timely event. Otherwise, see the articles below for more information about ag crops.
Forages for the Future Regional Program Flyer
Hay and Straw Barn Fires a Real Danger – Jason Hartschuh, Mark Sulc, Sarah Noggle, David Dugan, Dee Jepsen
Usually, we think of water and moisture as a way to put a fire out, but the opposite is true with hay and straw, which when too wet can heat and spontaneously combust. Most years this is more common with hay than straw because there is more plant cell respiration in the hay. This year the wheat is at various growth stages and straw seems to have more green stems than normal. When baled at moistures over 20% mesophilic bacteria release heat-causing temperatures to rise between 130⁰F and 140⁰F. These bacteria cause the internal temperature of hay bales to escalate, and can stay warm for up to 40 days depending on the moisture content when baled. If bacteria die and the bales cool, you are in the clear but if thermophilic bacteria take over temperatures can rise to over 175⁰F. Read more at https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2019-21/hay-and-straw-barn-fires-real-danger.
Use More Caution this Year to Reduce Spray Drift – Erdal Ozkan
Spray drift not only results in wasting expensive pesticides and pollution of the environment, it may damage non-target crops nearby, and poses a serious health risk to people living in areas where drift is occurring. Drift happens! It accounts for about half of all non-compliance cases investigated by the Ohio Department of Agriculture. As you know, we are experiencing an unusual weather situation in Ohio and several other corn-belt states this year. Wet fields have made planting of corn and soybeans delayed or in many cases forced farmers to abandon it altogether looking for alternatives such as planting cover crops. Either situation presents added caution when applying herbicides in terms of spray drift which is defined as movement of pesticides by wind from the application site to an off-target site during or soon after application is done. Go to https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2019-22/use-more-caution-year-reduce-spray-drift to finish reading this article.
Thinking about Cover Crops…… thoughts to consider – Sarah Noggle, Alan Sundermeier
Decisions, decisions these days. When it comes to selecting the right cover crop for your farm, there is no one-size-fits-all option. This document is to help those of you new to cover crops with the thoughts, questions, and decisions, one needs to make when selecting cover crops. Planting cover crops on prevent planting acres protects the soil from further water and wind erosion. This is here to help you make a plan and eliminate stress. Cover Crop selection is based on many different factors. What works on one field may not work on an adjacent field. Each farmer has different goals and ideal practices for their farms. Doing your homework prior to purchasing or planting cover crops can save you time and money. Click on https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2019-22/thinking-about-cover-crops%E2%80%A6%E2%80%A6-thoughts-consider to read more about cover crops.
The Ohio Noxious Weed Law – A Tool in the Prevention of Waterhemp and Palmer Amaranth – Mark Loux
Waterhemp and Palmer amaranth are both now listed on the Ohio noxious weed law, which means that landowners must take steps to control infestations and prevent further spread. Since these are annual weeds, preventing spread is achieved by preventing plants from reaching maturity and producing seed. This is the basis for our “No pigweed left behind” effort, for which the goal is to create an understanding that the only way to beat these weeds is to prevent seed. Prevention needs to occur in any area that might be subject to infestation, such as roadsides, parks, conservation seedings, etc, in addition to agricultural fields. The entities managing these areas are responsible for recognizing and controlling infestations of waterhemp and Palmer amaranth, but this does not always occur. Not everyone involved in crop production or land management is aware of the waterhemp/Palmer problem to begin with, and many managers are busy enough that preventing noxious weed problems has low priority. Finish reading this article at https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2019-22/ohio-noxious-weed-law-tool-prevention-waterhemp-and-palmer.
Western Bean Cutworm: Numbers Starting to Increase – Amy Raudenbush, Kimberley Gault, Mark Badertscher, Lee Beers, Bruce Clevenger, Sam Custer, Tom Dehaas, Allen Gahler, Jason Hartschuh, Andrew Holden, Stephanie Karhoff, Ed Lentz, Rory Lewandowski, David Marrison, KJ Martin, Cecelia Lokai-Minnich, Les Ober, Eric Richer, Garth Ruff, Mike Sunderman, Jeff Stachler, Alan Sundermeier, Curtis Young, Chris Zoller, Andy Michel, Kelley Tilmon
Week three of The Ohio State University Western bean cutworm (WBC) monitoring network has resulted in an increase of moths captured. Last week’s trap count included WBC adults captured from July 8 – July 13. A total of 24 counties monitored 75 traps across Ohio. Overall, trap counts increased, resulting in a total of 287 WBC adults (18 total last week) and a statewide average of 3.8 moths/trap (up from 0.3 average last week) While it is not likely we are at peak flight for WBC in Ohio just yet, there are counties that reported a trap average that indicates scouting for egg masses should begin. These counties include: Champaign, Clark, Coshocton, Fulton, Hardin, Lucas and Miami. Go to https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2019-22/western-bean-cutworm-numbers-starting-increase to see more details.
Mark A. Badertscher
Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator
OSU Extension Hardin County
1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326
419-674-2297 Office