Good afternoon,
There have been a lot of interesting field days going on this month, with more to follow. These are excellent opportunities to increase your knowledge and possibly expand your opportunities for your operation. This week I had the opportunity to learn more about precision agriculture in Miami County and spray diagnostics in Auglaize County. I have attached a couple of other field day flyers to this email for the Nutrient Management and Placement Field Days being held both at the Southwest OARDC Research Station in South Charleston and the Northwest OARDC Research Station in Custar. You can choose the date and location which is most convenient to you as both programs are identical, but make sure you pay attention to the registration deadlines on the flyer.
Nutrient Mgt FD Flyer 2016 Southwest
Nutrient Mgt FD Flyer 2016 Northwest
Another event that is coming up is the North American Manure Expo. If you are a livestock producer or have manure spread on your farm from a commercial livestock operation, you won’t want to miss this two day expo which is being held this year at the Molly Caren Ag Center in London (Farm Science Review site). There will be tours, demonstrations, educational sessions, and a trade show. See the attached flyer for more details and information about registration.
This week I have been working in the Nitrogen Rate plots taking GreenSeeker remote crop sensor readings in the corn. These readings can be used to determine nitrogen recommendations for growing corn. The sensor uses an infrared NDVI chlorophyll meter to determine the dark green color of the corn, which can be used to make a nitrogen recommendation based on a yield goal. Although this sounds good, it is only about 50-62.5% accurate, so it is another tool that is available for farmers to use to manage nitrogen inputs.
The Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents document has been updated for 2016 by The Ohio State University. According to this survey, both cropland values and cash rents in Western Ohio are expected to decrease in 2016. See the attached news article and a copy of this document. When using this information, make sure you look at data for Northwest Ohio, which includes Hardin County. This is just a survey, so you may have heard of values either above or below the amounts listed, but it can give you an idea of ranges that are typical for average (70% of land), top (15% of land), and poor (15% of land) in this part of the state. Upcoming events this week are a Soil and Water Conservation District meeting on June 21, starting at 7:30 am at the SWCD office. I have also attached some ag crops articles that you may be interested in reading.
Land Values and Cash Rents News Release 2016
Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2015-16
Low Head Scab and Vomiitoxin and Very Good Grain Yield and Quality – Pierce Paul, Laura Lindsey
Thanks in part to cool spring conditions followed by relatively dry weather during early grain-fill, head scab and other disease levels were generally low in most areas; and low disease severity often means very good grain yield and quality. Stripe rust was our biggest disease problem this year, but outbreaks only occurred in pockets within and across fields. Moreover, several of the affected fields were treated with a fungicide which helped to keep this and other later-season diseases in check. Harvest numbers are showing yields above 80 bushels per acre and test weight in the upper 50s. While we expect these numbers to vary from field to field, if the rain stays away as harvest continues, we expect to have very good grain yield and quality. Lodging has been reported in some fields, but unless it becomes very windy and rainy, this will likely not be a major problem. However, getting the wheat off as soon as possible minimizes the chance of lodging and other late season problems. If you opted to harvest early (moisture in the upper teens or lower 20s), make sure you dry the grain down to minimize post-harvest problems.
Have you been slimed? Slug damage reports are coming in – Kelley Tilmon, Andy Michel
Numerous locations in Ohio have reported slug problems early this season, especially on soybeans. With late planting in many areas, the small size of both soybean and corn lead to a greater damage potential from slugs. Although all fields should be scouted, focus on those with a history of these pests, where weed control was less than effective, or with a lot of residue left on the field. To read more about slug damage to crops, go to
Is it Phytophthora stem rot? Is it flooding injury? Or is it both? – Anne Dorrance
It can take a while for some pathogens to develop symptoms and impact their hosts, and by the end of June 29/30th, reports were coming in on dying plants from the areas of the state that received 2 to 5 inches of rain during the week of June 20th. Technically this is called the latent period, from the time of infection until symptom development or sporulation (the next generation of spores that are ready to infect the crop). Phytophthora stem rot was evident in many of our historical fields that did not have the full resistance package. Symptoms include dying plants, wilting and a characteristic root rot and brown coloration at the base of the stem. To learn more about Phytophthora stem rot, go to
How Can the Timing of Stress Affect Yield in Corn? – Alexander Lindsey, Peter Thomison
Extreme weather events have begun again in 2016 with renewed force. Frost damage in May impacted early planted corn in parts of the state, with exposed leaf tissue showing extreme necrosis. Alternating periods of wet and dry conditions has also led to some variability in crop stage in some fields. Corn ear development occurs throughout the growing season, and extreme temperature or moisture stress at different growth stages will decrease different aspects of grain yield. Go to for a quick summary of the yield component most affected by environmental stress at different growth stages.
Time to stock up on nozzles now! But do you know which one to buy? – Erdal Ozkan
Although nozzles are some of the least expensive components of a sprayer, they hold a high value in their ability to influence sprayer performance. Nozzles meter the amount of liquid sprayed per unit area, controlling application rate, as well as variability of spray over the width of the sprayer boom. Nozzles also influence droplet size, affecting both target coverage and spray drift risk. Nozzles come in a wide variety of types and sizes. The best nozzle for a given application will maximize efficacy, minimize spray drift, and allow compliance with label requirements such as application rate (gallons per acre) and spray droplet size. To read more about sprayer nozzle selection, go to
Mark A. Badertscher
Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator
OSU Extension Hardin County
1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326
419-674-2297 Office