Winter wheat harvest in Hardin County is mostly completed with he exception of some fields that were late and have been held back by recent rains. I noticed corn beginning to tassel this past week in some early fields around the county while several soybean fields have begun flowering. According to the latest Ohio Crop Weather report dated July 12, 69% of Ohio wheat has been harvested, 10% of the corn is silking, and 43% of the soybeans are blooming. Wheat yield reports are coming in with high yields around the county, some ranging from 95-120 bushel per acre with good test weights and good grain quality. Later harvested wheat fields may be at risk to lower test weights, decreased yields, and possible grain quality issues if left in the field too long. Rainfall reported in the county for the April 15-30 time period was 1.29 inches less than the ten-year average rainfall as noted by our township rainfall reporters. For the month of May, the average rainfall in the county was 4.08 inches compared with 4.73 inches in 2020. Rainfall for May 2021 was 0.33 inches less than the ten-year average rainfall for the month setting the stage for beginning of the crop season. See the attached April and May rainfall summaries for more information about how local rainfall affected the county crops.
Since the last Hardin County Agriculture and Natural Resources Update, I have submitted several articles to the local news media that you might be interested in reading if you missed them earlier. These articles included “How Long Will Crop Emergence Take?, Corn Replant Decisions, Recommendations for Soybeans Planted in June, Invasive Pests Topic of Evening Garden Affair, Don’t Delay Wheat Harvest, Double Crop Soybean Recommendations, and Friendship Gardens Open House. Most of these articles touched on timely topics regarding crop production, while others focused on efforts with our consumer horticulture educational programming. Upcoming regional events that you may be interested in include the Manure Science Review being held August 10 at MVP Dairy in Mercer County, the Tri-State Precision Agriculture Conference being held August 11 in Henry County and a Sheep 101 Field Day being held August 14 in Morrow County. I have included flyers for each of these events with this email that includes further details and registration information.
Corn Replant Decisions News Release
June Planted Soybeans News Release
An Evening Garden Affair News Release
Double Crop Soybean News Release
Friendship Gardens Open House News Release
Other local events that you may be interested in knowing about include tonight’s Allen County Ag Hall of Fame Banquet, where long time Hardin County Extension Agent Gene McCluer is being inducted. Another event that you may be interested in is the Friendship Gardens Open House, hosted by the Hardin County OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteers happening July 22 starting at 6:00 pm. The Friendship Gardens of Hardin County are located at 960 W Kohler Street in Kenton. The Farm Bureau is having a board meeting the same evening starting at 6:30 pm at Layman Farms. As usual, I have included some ag crops articles from the CORN Newsletter that you may be interested in reading.
Fungicide Efficacy for Control of Corn Diseases – Pierce Paul, Stephanie Karhoff
Many corn fields in Ohio are rapidly approaching silking (R1), and foliar diseases such as Gray leaf spot have been observed where the environment has been conducive to disease development, prompting growers to consider fungicide applications. The information below was developed by the Corn Disease Working Group as part of the Crop Protection Network. The Crop Protection Network is a multi-state and international collaboration of university and provincial extension specialists, and public and private professionals who provide unbiased, research-based information to farmers and agricultural personnel. Read more at https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/22-2021/fungicide-efficacy-control-corn-diseases.
Soybean Defoliation: It Takes a lot to Really Matter! – Curtis Young, Kelley Tilmon
The mid-season defoliators are beginning to show up in soybean fields across Ohio. These defoliators include first generation bean leaf beetles, Japanese beetles, grasshopper nymphs and several different caterpillars such as silver-spotted skippers, painted-lady butterflies and green cloverworms. Since all of these insects collectively add to the defoliation of soybeans, their collective feeding is used in the threshold to determine the need for an insecticide treatment, but it takes a lot of feeding to add up to significant damage. It often looks worse than what it truly is. Continue reading this article at https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/22-2021/soybean-defoliation-it-takes-lot-really-matter.
Nutrient Value of Wheat Straw – Laura Lindsey, Ed Lentz
Before removing straw from the field, it is important farmers understand the nutrient value. The nutrient value of wheat straw is influenced by several factors including weather, variety, and cultural practices. Thus, the most accurate values require sending a sample of the straw to an analytical laboratory. However, “book values” can be used to estimate the nutrient values of wheat straw. In previous newsletters, we reported that typically a ton of wheat straw would provide approximately 11 pounds of N, 3 pounds of P2O5, and 20 pounds of K2O. Finish reading this article at https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/22-2021/nutrient-value-wheat-straw.
Steps to Speed up Field Curing of Hay Crops – Mark Sulc, Jason Hartschuh, Allen Gahler
The rainy weather in many regions of Ohio and surrounding states is making it difficult to harvest hay crops. We usually wait for a clear forecast before cutting hay, and with good reason because hay does not dry in the rain! Cutting hay is certainly a gamble but waiting for the perfect stretch of weather can end up costing us through large reductions in forage quality as the crop matures. As we keep waiting for perfect haymaking weather, we will reach the point where the drop in quality becomes so great that the hay has little feeding value left. In such cases, it may be better to gamble more on the weather just to get the old crop off and a new one started. Some rain damage is not going to reduce the value much in that very mature forage. Learn more at https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/22-2021/steps-speed-field-curing-hay-crops.
Western Bean Cutworm Numbers Begin to Increase Across Ohio – Amy Raudenbush, Suranga Basnagala , Aaron Wilson, Olivia Lang, Kyle Akred, Angela Arnold, Mark Badertscher, Jordan Beck, Frank Becker, Lee Beers, Bruce Clevenger, Tom Dehaas, Taylor Dill, Nick Eckel, Allen Gahler, Jamie Hampton, Andrew Holden, James Jasinski, Stephanie Karhoff, Alan Leininger, Ed Lentz, Cecilia Lokai-Minnich, David Marrison, Jess McWatters, Sarah Noggle, Les Ober, Maggie Pollard, Eric Richer, Beth Scheckelhoff, Clint Schroeder, Mike Sunderman, Curtis Young, Chris Zoller, Andy Michel, Kelley Tilmon
Western bean cutworm (WBC) numbers for the week ending July 11 have increased to the point where scouting for egg masses is recommended in Fulton, Henry, Lorain and Lucas counties. Traps were monitored from July 5 – 11 and resulted in a statewide average of 3.9 average moths per trap, though higher in the counties noted. Average Western bean cutworm adult per trap followed by total number of traps monitored in each county for week ending July 11, 2021. We used growing degree day calculations to predict approximate percentage of adult WBC flight as of Sunday July 11th. At this time, the majority of counties in NW Ohio are seeing approximately 25% adult flight, whereas counties in central and NE Ohio remain at 10%. Once GDD numbers accumulate to 2704, approximately 50% of WBC flight will have occurred. Go to https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/22-2021/western-bean-cutworm-numbers-begin-increase-across-ohio for more information.
Mark A. Badertscher
Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator
OSU Extension Hardin County
1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326