June 30, 2016

Good evening,

Wheat harvest has begun in Hardin County.  Yesterday while out doing farm visits, I stopped by to talk to a farmer who was opening up his field.  The wheat was testing 15.8% moisture so he decided that he was going to wait and let it dry down.  Today while out visiting farms and agribusinesses, I saw a couple other farmers combining wheat in the northern part of the county.  According to our weekly Ag Crops team conference call on Monday, southern Ohio has reported very high yields.  This year with less disease pressure in wheat, hopefully Hardin County will have good wheat harvest.  The local wheat crop looks encouraging, but I am wondering if our dry spell in June will hold yields below what was reported in southern Ohio.

Do you have the tallest corn in Hardin County?  The 4th of July is just around the corner, and the Kenton Times is looking for a picture of tall corn.  If you have a field that you think qualifies, they will need to take the photo no later than Friday to have it appear in the Saturday, July 2 issue.  Contact Tim Thomas at 419-674-4066, ext. 232 or by email, tthomas@kentontimes.com if you are interested.  Remember that time is limited, so the quicker you respond, the better chance he will be able to get your picture.

This past week I wrote an article describing the results of our Soybean Yield-Limiting Factor Research that we conducted the past three years in Hardin County.  I would like to thank Craig Geberin, Ted Griffith, Paul Ralston, Jan Layman, and Mark & Trent Watkins for allowing me to use their soybean fields over the past three years to collect data for this statewide project.  This research kept me busy collecting soil samples for nutrients and soybean cyst nematodes, taking leaf samples for nutrient analysis, scouting for weeds, insects, and diseases as well as grain samples for protein and yield information.  Of course, these cooperating farmers were asked to complete management surveys as part of the process.  Hopefully the knowledge gained from this study will help all farmers increase soybean yields over time.  If you are interested in finding out more about this completed project, see the attached article.

Soybean Research News Release

There are several field days and events coming up that you might be interested in attending.  July 9 is the Northwest Ohio Beekeepers Association Summer Field Day.  This is a hands-on field day, so you will want to bring your beekeeping equipment to this event near Continental.  See their attached June newsletter for more details.  July 12 will be the Western Ohio Precision Ag Day in Covington.  This field day will focus on nutrient management with precision agriculture, so topics will include managing nitrogen, phosphorus, using imagery to make nutrient decisions, as well as nutrient placement demonstrations.  See the attached flyer for more details and registration information.  July 12 is also the Allen County Ag Hall of Fame Banquet.  This year they will be recognizing Fred Arnold, Lester Fleming, Thomas Fleming, and Russell Long.  I have attached a copy of the invitation with details about how to make a RSVP if you know these individuals and would like to attend.  There will be a Spray Diagnostics Field Day on July 14 in Wapakoneta.  This event will include plot demonstrations, modes of action symptoms, spray drift demonstration, tank contamination and cleanout, and spray nozzle selection.  For more information and registration, see the attached document.

Beekeepers Field Day

Western Ohio Ag Day Flyer

2016 Ag Hall of Fame Invitation – Allen County

2016 Spray Diagnositics Field Day Flyer

Upcoming local events this week include Ag Council tomorrow morning (7/1) starting at 7:00 am at Henry’s Restaurant in Kenton.  The Fairboard will meet Saturday (7/2) starting at 7:30 pm in the fair office.  Farm Bureau will meet Wednesday (7/6) starting at 7:30 pm at Ag Credit.  Below are some articles about ag crops that you may be interested in reading.




White Wheat Heads: Freeze Damage, Wheat Take-All, or Fusarium Head Blight? – Laura Lindsey, Pierce Paul

We’ve received a few reports of white (or bleached) wheat heads which can be a result of freeze damage or disease. Freeze damage: In mid-May temperatures dipped to high 20s/low 30s in several parts of the state. At heading-flowering growth stages, wheat should be able to withstand temperatures of 28°F for two hours. Freeze damage at the heading and flowering stages can severely impact wheat yield by causing sterility. Depending on where flowering was occurring at the time of the freeze, wheat kernels may be absent in the center, top, and/or bottom of the wheat head. Freeze damage should not be confused with diseases that result in bleached, discolored heads.  To understand the difference between freeze damage and disease in wheat, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/white-wheat-heads-freeze-damage-wheat-take-all-or-fusarium-head-blight.


Localized Flooding and Ponding in Corn – Peter Thomison

Rainfall was mixed across Ohio over the past weekend. According to preliminary reports of OSU county agricultural educators, some areas of SW Ohio received as much as 6-inches whereas other areas, e.g. west central Ohio, received little or no rain with corn. In areas where rainfall was heavy localized ponding and flooding may occur. If ponding and flooding was of a limited duration, i.e. the water drained off quickly within a few hours, the injury resulting from the saturated soil conditions should be minimal. To read more about localized flooding and ponding in corn, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/localized-flooding-and-ponding-corn.


Western Bean Cutworm Trapping Should Begin Soon – Andy Michel, Kelley Tilmon

Western bean cutworm (WBC) is an ear-feeder of corn, but the adults begin to emerge in late June.  The number of adults caught in traps give us an indication of when to scout for eggs (note: it is NOT a measurement of economic threshold).  Usually peak flight occurs anytime between the 2nd to 4th week of July, and, based on the spring temperatures, we seem to be headed in that direction.  We have just put out our WBC traps in Hardin County this week, so go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/western-bean-cutworm-trapping-should-begin-soon to find out more about this pest and our trapping efforts.


Flooded Soybeans in Some Areas of the State – Laura Lindsey

June 22-23, some areas of Ohio received a significant amount of rain with some areas receiving as much as 4 to 5 inches. When plants are completely underwater for approximately 24-48 hours under high temperatures (>80°F), they will likely die.  Plants respire more under high temperatures, oxygen is depleted, and carbon dioxide builds up suffocating the plant.  Cool, cloudy days and cool, clear nights increase the survival of a flooded soybean crop.  If the waters recede quickly and the plants receive some light rain, they can recover.  To learn more about survivability of flooded soybeans, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/flooded-soybeans-some-areas-state.


Potato Leafhopper in Alfalfa – Kelley Tilmon, Andy Michel, Mark Sulc

Although populations of potato leafhopper on alfalfa have been somewhat low in June, a few locations are reporting growing numbers.  Second cut has happened or is happening in many locations.  But if alfalfa is more than 7 days from a cut, a rule of thumb threshold for plants under normal stress is:  when the average number of leafhoppers in a single sample (10 sweeps) equals or is greater than the height of the alfalfa, treatment should be considered if harvest is more than 7 days away. For example, if the alfalfa is 8 inches tall and the average number of leafhoppers per sample is 8 or higher, treatment is warranted. If the average is 7 or lower, the grower should come back within a few days to see if the population is higher or lower.  To finish reading this article, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/potato-leafhopper-alfalfa.


The Ohio State University

Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office




June 23, 2016

Good evening,

It has been said that things in moderation are good.  It also has been said that you should be careful of what you wish for, because you just might get it.  Get it, we did, and in large amounts-fast.  After about a month without much rain, we made up for lost time and then some.  Early reports around the county are anywhere from 2 inches to 5 inches of rain last night.  The problem is that it came all at once and not in moderation.  I’m not complaining, but am thankful we finally received rain as the corn was really starting to look sick.  Hopefully this goose drowner will not cause too much loss of nitrogen that was recently sidedressed on the corn.  We’ll need to keep an eye on this crop and do some checks in our plots with the Greenseeker remote nitrogen sensor to help monitor this situation throughout the growing season.

If you are a gardener or know someone who is, make sure you read the attached news release and flyer about OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteers and Hardin County Men’s Garden Club program coming up Monday evening, June 27.  It is called ‘An Evening Garden Affair’ and will take place at the Friendship Gardens of Hardin County, located at 960 Kohler Street in Kenton. The program is from 6 to 9 pm and will feature Charles and Cynthia Lucius of Amity Abloom with a program entitled “Landscaping with Daylilies: Creating Stunning, Carefree Summer Gardens.”  The program will start at 7:00 pm will take place indoors with air conditioning and seating.  Refreshments will be served and Hardin County Master Gardener Volunteers will be present to help answer your gardening questions at this free program that is open to the public. 

An Evening Garden Affair News Release

An Evening Garden Affair 2016 Flyer

June 20-26 is Buy Local week in Hardin County.  I hope you are able to support local businesses and local producers.  Often times people have questions about the rules for selling eggs, poultry, and red meat in Ohio.  Can I sell them these products at my farm without a permit?  Does my farm need to be inspected?  What must be done to sell these products at a farmers market?  See the attached article written by Darke County Extension Educator Sam Custer to find the answers to these questions and more.  Since I brought up red meat, if you are a beef producer, you might be interested in reading this week’s Ohio Beef Cattle Newsletter.  Four new articles have been posted in this week’s 992nd issue of the Ohio BEEF Cattle letter: http://u.osu.edu/beef/

 2016 Egg and Meat Rules News Release

After a wet early spring in many parts of Ohio, most of us are suddenly looking for some showers. In fact, in some parts of the state pastures have already gone dormant and cattlemen are beginning to feed hay. This week, grazing management is the focus of our lead article.


Articles this week include:

•             Practice Good Grazing Management During the Summer

•             Future of North America’s Beef Industry . . .

•             Choice Select Spread Hits Record

•             Kentucky Beef Cattle Market Update


If you are not interested in beef cattle, but would like to read ag crops articles, below are some that might be of interest to you.




Announcement of Summer Field Day Dates – Greg LaBarge

Currently 24 field days on a variety of topics are being planned by Agriculture and Natural Resource staff starting June 1 through the fall with locations throughout the state. A complete calendar of dates can be found at http://agcrops.osu.edu/events. Full agendas are still being developed and you will want to check back for registration information along with other details about a month prior to the date.  To read more about upcoming field days being sponsored by OSU Extension, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/announcement-springsummer-field-day-dates.


Asiatic Garden Beetles in Northwest Ohio – Eric Richer, Andy Michel, Kelley Tilmon

We have been monitoring Asiatic garden beetle grubs (AGB, Maladera castanea) in Northwest Ohio since  2012. Typically known as a turf pest, the grub has caused varied economic damage to corn in Northwest Ohio since then. While 2014 remains the worst year for their damage to date, there were isolated outbreaks—including in soybeans–of the grub in 2015 but generally they had limited impact, perhaps due to weather related conditions.  Go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/asiatic-garden-beetles-northwest-ohio to learn more about the Asiatic Garden Beetle.


Wheat Diseases: Updated Facts and Pictures – Pierce Paul, Jorge David Salgado

Septoria, powdery mildew, and leaf rust are all capable of substantially reducing wheat yield and test weight, especially if your cultivar is susceptible and the flag leaf is damaged between Feekes 8 and Feekes 10.5, before grain fill is complete. Scout fields and look for these diseases and use this information to help you make your fungicide application decision.  As you are waiting to harvest this year’s wheat crop, here is a look at some of the more common wheat diseases that you should be aware. Check them out at http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2015-10/wheat-diseases-updated-facts-and-picturespart-1.


Disclosure, Use and Sale Limitations — The Big Data Confusion: Part 10 – John Fulton, Kaylee Port

Have you ever wondered why your recent web searches for items or information show up on other websites you visit?  Frequently, these recent searches appear in the form of advertisements along an edge of another webpage you are viewing.  These advertisements are typically provided by third party data aggregators.  These third party data aggregators play a crucial role in target advertising if a “data” company does not already have in-house capabilities to capture this type of data.  Read more at http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/disclosure-use-and-sale-limitations-big-data-confusion-part-9.


Time to Evaluate Soybean Stands – Laura Lindsey

The soybean agronomy team is busy travelling across the state conducting stand counts on our field trials. Target stand and actual stand can vary considerably depending on planter calibration (or lack there-of), environmental conditions (i.e., soil moisture, crusting, etc), and disease/insects. To quickly estimate soybean stand, count the number of plants in 1/1000th of an acre in several areas of the field. Roughly, this corresponds to the number of plants in 70 foot of row for 7.5 inch row spacing, 35 foot of row for 15 inch row spacing, and 17.5 foot of row for 30 inch row spacing.  Need to know more?  Go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/time-evaluate-soybean-stands.


The Ohio State University

Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office



June 13, 2016

Good afternoon,

We could sure use a rain.  Although it seems very dry, we are not too far off from where our precipitation normally is this time of year.  The difference was that we received it all in a short period of time and have not seem much rain since then in most areas.  For the time period of May 1-May 31, Extension rainfall reporters recorded an average of 3.27 inches of rain in Hardin County.  Last year, the average rainfall for the same time period was 3.70 inches.  Rainfall for May 1-May 31, 2016 is 0.62 inches less than the ten year average rainfall during the same dates.  The old trick of making hay hasn’t brought rain as I have seen several people baling hay during this dry spell.  The payoff has been some really nice hay.  To read more about our May rainfall, see the attached May 2016 Rainfall Summary.

May 2016 Rainfall Summary

Since last week, we have been laying out test strips and soil sampling in the second Nitrogen Rate plot and also flagged and sampled one of the two Nitrogen Timing plots.  The other Nitrogen Timing plot will also need to be sampled for soil nutrients before moving on to soil sampling in the Nutrient Placement plot.  I hope to finish this work by tomorrow so that we can move on with other plot work.  I’ve been trying to stay ahead of the sidedress applications, so that the cooperating farmers can get their work done in a timely manner.  One of the purposes of doing nitrogen studies is to update what we know about proper rate, placement, timing, and sources of nitrogen.  There’s some new technology out there, and we plan to use some of it in our on-farm research plots.  For more information about some of this new technology, see the attached article written by Putnam County OSU Extension Educator Jim Hoorman.

Nitrogen Management Technology News Release

OSU Extension has a Direct Marketing team that works with growers to develop and grow their agribusinesses whether they be small farms, alternative agriculture, produce farms, greenhouse, and other non-traditional operations.  There are several of these types of operations in Hardin County, so I have included a schedule of upcoming webinars that you can participate in for free from the comfort of your own home or office.  The next one on the schedule is ‘Product Labeling’ and it will be live on June 16 at noon.  You can see a full listing of these webinars on the document that I have attached to this email.  If there is one of interest to you that has already been held, you can go back and watch a recording of the program at http://go.osu.edu/DirectMarketingWebinars.

DM Webinar Series 2016 Flyer

Wednesday through Friday of this week I will be in southern Ohio at Hueston Woods State Park participating in the OSU Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Summer Retreat.  We will have training, tours, and meetings to share information about the latest issues and technology in agriculture.  This is a good time to reflect on where we have been, what we are doing, and what work needs to be done in the next year.  I know that I have some horticulture leaf disease samples, tree issues, and insects to take along and get some expertise from colleagues who will be at this conference.  When I come back I hope to see some more moisture in the soil along with corn and soybeans that have advanced in their growth stages.  Until then, below are some agronomic crop articles that you may be interested in reading.





Soybean Stands — Lots of Changes – Anne Dorrance

From too wet, too cold, to too dry and too hot.  It seems like Ohio has seen quite a range of conditions this spring. All of these conditions can influence stand. Go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/soybean-stands-lots-changes to read a summary of potential issues that will affect stands.



Terms and Definitions — The Big Data Confusion: Part 9 – John Fulton, Kaylee Port

When it comes to making decisions around selecting a data service(s), understanding “Terms and Definitions” becomes an important component of the decision.  The Privacy and Security Principles for Farm Data published by AFBF states that “Farmers should know with whom they are contracting if the ATP contract involves sharing with third parties, partners, business partners, ATP partners, or affiliates. Go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/terms-and-definitions-big-data-confusion-part-9 to read more about terms and definitions.



June Small Grains Field Days – Greg LaBarge

There are three excellent field day opportunities being planned for small grain producers across the state. The three days cover a variety of production issues, nutrient management practices, and small grain uses. Locations are in Pickaway, Wayne and Wood Counties. Topics include: Wheat freeze tolerance, minimum wheat stand, wheat fertility, Wheat disease identification and management and Ohio Wheat Performance Test. Be sure to check out the location closest to you! For upcoming dates and locations, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/june-small-grains-field-days.



Planting and Pollinators – Reed Johnson, Doug Sponsler, Andy Michel, Kelley Tilmon

Beekeepers in Ohio benefitted from the generally mild winter of 2015-2016.  In Columbus we lost less than 20% of our colonies over winter.  Spring is the only reliably good season for bees in Ohio.  Colonies that survived the winter and new colonies brought up from the Gulf Coast or California are currently in the process of harvesting nectar and pollen from spring-blooming trees and weeds. Continue reading this article at http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/planting-and-pollinators to find out what farmers can do to help prevent bee losses.



Predicting leaf development in corn using accumulated heat units – Peter Thomison

When estimating yield losses in corn due to hail, frost, and other types of plant injury, it’s essential to establish the stage of plant growth at the time damage occurred. It’s also important to know corn stage of development in order to apply post-emergence chemicals effectively with minimum crop damage. Counting leaf collars to determine the vegetative stage is feasible until the lower leaves can no longer be identified. At about the V6 stage, increasing stalk and nodal growth combine to tear the smallest lower leaves from the plant. This results in degeneration and eventual loss of lower leaves which makes it difficult to locate the lower leaves (especially the first rounded leaf).  Go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/predicting-leaf-development-corn-using-accumulated-heat-units to read more about predicting leaf development in corn.


The Ohio State University

Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office



June 7, 2016

Good evening,

As I write this, most Hardin County farmers have completed planting operations for this spring.  Now we need a good rain to help the crops along.  Earlier this week, WLIO-TV 35 out of Lima did a story on this subject along with the challenging planting season.  You can view this video temporarily on their website at http://www.hometownstations.com/category/191231/video?autoStart=true&topVideoCatNo=default&clipId=12487082 to see Hardin County farmer Paul Ralston and myself discuss this topic on this past Sunday’s evening news.  The video segment about Hardin County corn and soybean planting starts at about 4:00.  Because of the favorable weather, summer intern Taylor McNamara and I were able to take soil samples in one of our Nitrogen Rate plots today and get it staked for upcoming sidedress application.

Last Tuesday we were able to get our Nutrient Placement plot in thanks to the help of cooperating farmer Russ Ludwig, Brian Spencer from Crop Production Services, and Crosby McDorman from Findlay Implement Company.  This plot is testing the placement of fertilizer effect on yields with four different hybrids of corn, ranging in 102-109 day maturity.  There are four test strips including a 0 phosphorus control strip, broadcast phosphorus strip, broadcast and incorporate phosphorus strip, and a band injected phosphorus strip.  Each 60 foot test strip is replicated four times across the plot.  I plan to discuss this research at the Hardin Field Day in August and most likely it will be a topic of a Twilight Tour this summer.  This research is also funded through a grant from the Conservation Tillage Conference and The Ohio State University.  You can view a video of this plot planting at https://t.co/mOfeaAMTBE.

Have you seen the new National Academy of Sciences ‘Genetically Engineered Crops: Experiences and Prospects’ yet?  While recognizing the inherent difficulty of detecting subtle or long-term effects in health or the environment, the study committee found no substantiated evidence of a difference in risks to human health between currently commercialized genetically engineered (GE) crops and conventionally bred crops, nor did it find conclusive cause-and-effect evidence of environmental problems from the GE crops.  You can find a brief summary of this report attached to this e-newsletter.  Also find attached a couple of news releases that were sent out locally, one on Dairy Beef Feeder Queen Applications and the other on Cressleaf Groundsel that I discussed in the past  week’s Hardin County Agriculture and Natural Resources Update.

GE Crops Report 2016

Dairy Beef Feeder Queen News Release

Cressleaf Groundsel News Release

Upcoming local events this week include Hardin County Fair Lamb Tagging & Weigh-in on Saturday (6/11) from 8:00-10:00 am at the fairgrounds.  The OSU Extension Master Gardeners ‘Children’s Day at the Friendship Gardens’ will also be held this Saturday from 10:00 am-noon so if you haven’t yet registered your kids or grandkids grades K-5, make sure you call the Extension office this week and get them signed up for this excellent educational opportunity to learn about ‘What’s Buzzing in the Garden.”  Below are some articles for you to read and catch up on some agronomic news after spending so much time in the fields getting the crops planted.



Early postemergence plus residual in soybeans and other weed issues – Mark Loux

It’s possible to find just about everything in this year’s weed control situation – cover crops that didn’t die, marestail that didn’t die, early burndown plus residual treatments that worked but are now breaking because soybeans haven’t been planted, PRE herbicides that did not or may not receive enough rain, and of course more cressleaf groundsel than in an average year.  Read http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/early-postemergence-plus-residual-soybeans-and-other-weed-issues for comments about how to deal with these weed issues.


Time to Scout for Black Cutworm in Corn – Kelley Tilmon, Andy Michel

We have started to see cutworm damage in Ohio corn.  Black cutworm (BCW) is the prime offender, though other species exist.  Adult BCW (moths) are migrants from the south that start moving into Ohio in April, and lay eggs that hatch into the cutworm caterpillars.  Although there are some hotspots for egg laying, these predictions are far from exact.  Moths tend to seek out fields with a lot of weeds, especially winter annuals such as chickweed, to lay their eggs. The eggs are laid in the weeds and the tiny larvae feed on the weeds until the weeds are killed by herbicide or tillage at which time the larvae will move onto the corn planted in the fields.  To read more, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/time-scout-black-cutworm-corn.


Wheat Scab Update: Late-May 2016  – Pierce Paul, Jorge David Salgado

Wheat is now flowering in parts of central Ohio and will continue to flower in more northern counties later this week and into next week. According to the FHB forecasting system (http://www.wheatscab.psu.edu/), the risk for scab is low in central and northern Ohio for fields flowering at this time (May 23). Although it has rained fairly consistently over the last 7-14 days, conditions were relatively cool last week, which likely reduced the risk of the scab fungus infecting the wheat spikes.  Go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2016-13/wheat-scab-update-late-may-2016 to finish reading this article.


Make Hay When the Sun Shines…What Sun? – Mark Sulc

Getting our first cutting of forages this year seems to be shaping up to be another frustrating experience, although we can only hope it won’t be as bad as last year. The outlook for the end of May does not look very promising for a nice stretch of dry weather. While the recent cool weather has slowed development and growth of our forage crops, in central Ohio forage grasses are entering or already well into the heading stage and alfalfa is beginning to show buds. So it is time to start thinking about that first harvest soon, along with getting corn and soybeans planted!  Go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/make-hay-when-sun-shines%E2%80%A6what-sun for more hay making tips.


PORTABILITY – The Big Data Confusion: Part 8 – John Fulton, Kaylee Port

Data portability is a critical principle for farmers understand in order to capitalize on when using their farm data.  Today, some Ohio farmers are sharing data with up to three trusted advisors and we see the potential to share with 8 or more in the coming years in order to receive information and recommendations.  The main point is that farmers need to have the flexibility to share data with who they want.  Therefore, data portability or simply the ability for farmers to reuse their data across interoperable applications is important to maximize options, benefit and value.  Go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/portability-big-data-confusion-part-8 to read more.


The Ohio State University

Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office
