Good evening,
Wheat harvest has begun in Hardin County. Yesterday while out doing farm visits, I stopped by to talk to a farmer who was opening up his field. The wheat was testing 15.8% moisture so he decided that he was going to wait and let it dry down. Today while out visiting farms and agribusinesses, I saw a couple other farmers combining wheat in the northern part of the county. According to our weekly Ag Crops team conference call on Monday, southern Ohio has reported very high yields. This year with less disease pressure in wheat, hopefully Hardin County will have good wheat harvest. The local wheat crop looks encouraging, but I am wondering if our dry spell in June will hold yields below what was reported in southern Ohio.
Do you have the tallest corn in Hardin County? The 4th of July is just around the corner, and the Kenton Times is looking for a picture of tall corn. If you have a field that you think qualifies, they will need to take the photo no later than Friday to have it appear in the Saturday, July 2 issue. Contact Tim Thomas at 419-674-4066, ext. 232 or by email, if you are interested. Remember that time is limited, so the quicker you respond, the better chance he will be able to get your picture.
This past week I wrote an article describing the results of our Soybean Yield-Limiting Factor Research that we conducted the past three years in Hardin County. I would like to thank Craig Geberin, Ted Griffith, Paul Ralston, Jan Layman, and Mark & Trent Watkins for allowing me to use their soybean fields over the past three years to collect data for this statewide project. This research kept me busy collecting soil samples for nutrients and soybean cyst nematodes, taking leaf samples for nutrient analysis, scouting for weeds, insects, and diseases as well as grain samples for protein and yield information. Of course, these cooperating farmers were asked to complete management surveys as part of the process. Hopefully the knowledge gained from this study will help all farmers increase soybean yields over time. If you are interested in finding out more about this completed project, see the attached article.
There are several field days and events coming up that you might be interested in attending. July 9 is the Northwest Ohio Beekeepers Association Summer Field Day. This is a hands-on field day, so you will want to bring your beekeeping equipment to this event near Continental. See their attached June newsletter for more details. July 12 will be the Western Ohio Precision Ag Day in Covington. This field day will focus on nutrient management with precision agriculture, so topics will include managing nitrogen, phosphorus, using imagery to make nutrient decisions, as well as nutrient placement demonstrations. See the attached flyer for more details and registration information. July 12 is also the Allen County Ag Hall of Fame Banquet. This year they will be recognizing Fred Arnold, Lester Fleming, Thomas Fleming, and Russell Long. I have attached a copy of the invitation with details about how to make a RSVP if you know these individuals and would like to attend. There will be a Spray Diagnostics Field Day on July 14 in Wapakoneta. This event will include plot demonstrations, modes of action symptoms, spray drift demonstration, tank contamination and cleanout, and spray nozzle selection. For more information and registration, see the attached document.
2016 Ag Hall of Fame Invitation – Allen County
2016 Spray Diagnositics Field Day Flyer
Upcoming local events this week include Ag Council tomorrow morning (7/1) starting at 7:00 am at Henry’s Restaurant in Kenton. The Fairboard will meet Saturday (7/2) starting at 7:30 pm in the fair office. Farm Bureau will meet Wednesday (7/6) starting at 7:30 pm at Ag Credit. Below are some articles about ag crops that you may be interested in reading.
White Wheat Heads: Freeze Damage, Wheat Take-All, or Fusarium Head Blight? – Laura Lindsey, Pierce Paul
We’ve received a few reports of white (or bleached) wheat heads which can be a result of freeze damage or disease. Freeze damage: In mid-May temperatures dipped to high 20s/low 30s in several parts of the state. At heading-flowering growth stages, wheat should be able to withstand temperatures of 28°F for two hours. Freeze damage at the heading and flowering stages can severely impact wheat yield by causing sterility. Depending on where flowering was occurring at the time of the freeze, wheat kernels may be absent in the center, top, and/or bottom of the wheat head. Freeze damage should not be confused with diseases that result in bleached, discolored heads. To understand the difference between freeze damage and disease in wheat, go to
Localized Flooding and Ponding in Corn – Peter Thomison
Rainfall was mixed across Ohio over the past weekend. According to preliminary reports of OSU county agricultural educators, some areas of SW Ohio received as much as 6-inches whereas other areas, e.g. west central Ohio, received little or no rain with corn. In areas where rainfall was heavy localized ponding and flooding may occur. If ponding and flooding was of a limited duration, i.e. the water drained off quickly within a few hours, the injury resulting from the saturated soil conditions should be minimal. To read more about localized flooding and ponding in corn, go to
Western Bean Cutworm Trapping Should Begin Soon – Andy Michel, Kelley Tilmon
Western bean cutworm (WBC) is an ear-feeder of corn, but the adults begin to emerge in late June. The number of adults caught in traps give us an indication of when to scout for eggs (note: it is NOT a measurement of economic threshold). Usually peak flight occurs anytime between the 2nd to 4th week of July, and, based on the spring temperatures, we seem to be headed in that direction. We have just put out our WBC traps in Hardin County this week, so go to to find out more about this pest and our trapping efforts.
Flooded Soybeans in Some Areas of the State – Laura Lindsey
June 22-23, some areas of Ohio received a significant amount of rain with some areas receiving as much as 4 to 5 inches. When plants are completely underwater for approximately 24-48 hours under high temperatures (>80°F), they will likely die. Plants respire more under high temperatures, oxygen is depleted, and carbon dioxide builds up suffocating the plant. Cool, cloudy days and cool, clear nights increase the survival of a flooded soybean crop. If the waters recede quickly and the plants receive some light rain, they can recover. To learn more about survivability of flooded soybeans, go to
Potato Leafhopper in Alfalfa – Kelley Tilmon, Andy Michel, Mark Sulc
Although populations of potato leafhopper on alfalfa have been somewhat low in June, a few locations are reporting growing numbers. Second cut has happened or is happening in many locations. But if alfalfa is more than 7 days from a cut, a rule of thumb threshold for plants under normal stress is: when the average number of leafhoppers in a single sample (10 sweeps) equals or is greater than the height of the alfalfa, treatment should be considered if harvest is more than 7 days away. For example, if the alfalfa is 8 inches tall and the average number of leafhoppers per sample is 8 or higher, treatment is warranted. If the average is 7 or lower, the grower should come back within a few days to see if the population is higher or lower. To finish reading this article, go to
Mark A. Badertscher
Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator
OSU Extension Hardin County
1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326
419-674-2297 Office