June 30, 2015


Rainfall has continued to be the pattern as the growing season progresses.  Now the concern also shifts to wheat harvest.  Continued rain can have an undesirable effect on wheat grain quality and test weight.  Although our wheat is past flowering when Fusarium Head Blight first appears, I have attached an article about why this disease is so common with today’s crop production practices.  This article was written by Ed Lentz earlier this month and compliments the agronomy articles that I have included on the subject in these newsletter updates.

Fusarium Head Blight

I have also attached the May 2015 Rainfall Summary to this email.  For the time period of May 1-May 31, Extension rainfall reporters recorded an average of 3.70 inches of rain in Hardin County.  Last year, the average rainfall for the same time period was 3.51 inches.  Rainfall for May 1-May 31, 2015 matches the 3.70 inches for the ten year average rainfall during the same dates.  We will soon be receiving June’s township rainfall reports and those will tell a different story.

May 2015 Rainfall summary

The Kenton Times is once again looking for a farmer with a tall corn crop to photograph and publish in advance of the Fourth of July. If you have tall corn or know of someone with a tall crop, please let Tim Thomas know.  You can call him at 419-674-4066, ext. 232 or email him at tthomas@kentontimes.com.  The latest day they can take the picture is Thursday, July 2.  This is an annual tradition that this local newspaper has been doing for several years, so any help you can provide would be appreciated.


I continue to wait for suitable weather and field conditions to do some plot work.  I have received a GreenSeeker handheld crop sensor to use to measure the health and vigor of crops.  This instrument is used to make objective decisions regarding the amount of fertilizer needed by a crop.  The plan is to use it in the two county Corn Response to Nitrogen plots to collect data and compare the results with the amounts of nitrogen that were applied in each test area of the plots.  Readings will be taken at different growth stages and will compliment other lab testing procedures.


Below are some agronomy related articles that you might find useful.








Rootworm Hatch is Underway  –  Andy Michel

Larry Bledsoe from Purdue University reported that corn rootworm hatch occurred on June 3 (see http://extension.entm.purdue.edu/pestcrop/2015/Issue11/).  With the exception of 2012, this seems to be in line with past few years.  The bad news is that these young larvae will start to munch on the developing corn roots. The good news is that the heavy recent rain we are receiving will help saturate the soils.  This heavy moisture will tend to increase mortality of these very small larvae.  How much mortality remains to be seen, and, although this can severely impact rootworm populations, feeding can still be observed.  There are good management tools to protect against rootworm feeding, including transgenic hybrids.  As most are aware of, rootworm resistance to some Bt proteins has occurred in parts of the Western corn belt.  We have not seen any substantial evidence of resistance in Ohio.  Regardless of your rootworm management tactic, it is always a good idea to dig roots later in July after larvae development is complete to determine how well the product performed.






Western ARS Agronomy Field Day, July 15th  –  Harold Watters

The Western ARS Agronomy Field Day will be held July 15, 20015, with registration at 8:30AM until 9, then end the day at 3PM. The farm is located at 7721 South Charleston Pike, South Charleston, Ohio. The Western Agricultural Research Station is the University research center for agronomy in western Ohio. This site carries a significant load of work on soils and conditions that closely resemble much of western Ohio cropping systems. Join us to learn how to improve conditions on your farm.  For more information about this annual field day, go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-17/western-ars-agronomy-field-day-july-15th.  Pre-registration is requested by July 10th to get a count for lunch from Rudy’s BBQ, the cost is $20 per person payable at the door. Contact Harold Watters Extension Field Specialist at 937-599-4227, watters.35@osu.edu or Joe Davlin Western farm manager at 937-462-8016, davlin.1@osu.edu to register.






Fungicide Options for Soybeans – Anne Dorrance

I looked at the soybean prices on Sunday – all were still less than $10/Bushel.  This price combined with yield losses due to late planting, extra expenses for additional late weed control, and flood injury really put the kibosh on all but the most guaranteed return on investment for the remainder of 2015. Foliar pathogens have the most impact on soybeans at the later growth stages (R3 to R6) by reducing the photosynthetic area of the leaves that contribute to pod development and seed growth. Soybeans also have an uncanny ability to compensate for missing neighbors.  The profitability measure for the 2015 season will be to scout for the occurrence of diseases after flowering R3 and choose the best fungicide if necessary.  Go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-18/fungicide-options-soybeans to continue reading this article.








Wet Weather and Weed Management  –  Mark Loux

Wet weather has delayed POST herbicide applications in both corn and soybeans.  This can result in weeds and crops that are larger and more advanced in growth stage than anticipated.  The larger crop is primarily a problem in corn, where a more advanced growth stage can start to limit herbicide options.  Be sure to check labels and the OH/IN/IL Weed Control Guide for information on maximum crop size and stage for herbicides. Larger weeds may require higher rates or more complex POST herbicide mixtures.  Click on http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-18/wet-weather-and-weed-management for more information on controlling weeds that are larger and further along in their growth stages.






Be Patient with Wet Hay Fields  –  Mark Sulc

I know many hay producers reading this article are frustrated by the rainy weather. They know that forage quality is declining with each day that goes by (and why did I have to state the obvious, right?). However, I want to urge hay producers to change their focus and be patient, to make sure their hayfields are dry enough to support their equipment before they try to get out on them once the sun starts to shine again. The loss of quality in one cutting, even the complete loss of the value of one cutting, is less than ruining a forage stand for the remainder of its productive life by running equipment on ground that is still too soft, especially if it is a younger stand. So do what is really easy for me to say, but super hard to practice right now – just be patient. Take the long look and wait until the field is dry enough to support the equipment without damaging the forage stand.  Go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-18/be-patient-with-wet-hay-fields to read more.




Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office



June 22, 2015

Good afternoon,

This past week we had our OSU Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Summer Retreat in southern Ohio at the Shawnee State Park.  I had an opportunity to visit the Beef Research Facility in Jackson, learn about the management of the Shawnee State Forest, and find out  about the fruit and vegetable research being conducted at OSU South Centers in Piketon.  Most of all, it was a chance to get updated on OSU Extension business and network with other Extension Educators to ask questions and share information.


Back here in Hardin County the rain continued to fall as it did in southern Ohio.  I received reports of the rain while down south and then began to add things up.  Several of the rainfall reports we received from the township reporters for the month of May were around 4 inches.  Add to that an average of 6.25 inches from the CoCoRaHS rainfall reporters, with one reporter registering 7.86 inches in the week Friday-Friday, and you get the pattern.  Allen County seemed to get even more rainfall than us.  Take a look at the attached rainfall report map for the week ending 6/21 and also the one for the month ending 6/21 and you will see where I am going with this.

Rainfall Report Map

What effect does this have on the crops?  It doesn’t take too much of a drive around the county roads to see the impact of these most recent heavy rains.  How will this affect the potential loss of nitrogen?  What is causing the soybeans to turn yellow?  And how much disease pressure will we see as a result of this weather?  Read the attached news article from this past week for more information about the heavy rain’s effect on corn and soybeans.  Hopefully the soil will soon drain from these recent events and roots will take off.  Once the roots continue to grow and are able to access the nutrients, there should be an improvement with the corn.  Also, warm weather and drier soil conditions will encourage nodule growth on soybeans, causing the beans to green up if they haven’t already been drowned out from water sitting too long in field.  I have also included a timely article from Ed Lentz which helps explain the challenges of this year’s crop season so far and what one should be on the lookout for as they scout the crops.

Heavy Rains Affect Corn-Soybeans

Crop Growing Season Challenges

Upcoming events this week include ‘An Evening Garden Affair’ with former NBC4 garden expert Tom Wood at Harco Industries tonight (6/22), starting at 6:00 pm.  Livestock Quality Assurance Training for Jr. Fair Livestock Exhibitors will be Wednesday, June 24 starting at 6:30 pm in the Community Building at the fairgrounds.  The Farm Bureau Annual Meeting and Summer Party will also be in the Community Building at the fairgrounds on Thursday, June 25 starting at 7:00 pm.  Coming up on June 29 is Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Educator Kathy Oliver’s Retirement Celebration.  See the attached flyer about this memorable event and come wish Kathy the best as she begins this new phase of her life.  Previously, I mentioned it was going to be held at the Extension office, but now the location is the Abundant Life Assembly of God church.  Below are some agronomy articles that you may be interested in reading.

Kathy Invitation








What’s the Right N Rate for Corn in Ohio?  –  Harold Watters

The first answer is we don’t know. The truth is that our soils, rainfall, temperatures, the year-to-year variation and cropping systems are different enough that any rate we tell you will be wrong. We formerly used crop yield goal to determine our nitrogen (N) rate. With a corn yield of 160 bu/A we would recommend 190 pounds of N per acre in a corn after corn situation, and 160 pounds after soybeans. We gave a credit of 30 pounds nitrogen for soybeans. Those assumptions of the need for about 1 pound of N/bushel of corn and 30 pounds of N credit after soybean were wrong. To read the full article, go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-16/what2019s-the-right-n-rate-for-corn-in-ohio.






OSU Weed Science Field Day  –  Mark Loux

The 2015 OSU Weed Science Field Day will be held on Wednesday July 8 at the OARDC Western Ag Research Station.  Registration starts at 8:30 and a field tour with presentations by OSU faculty, staff and students will start at 9 am.  There is also, as usual, the opportunity to view studies of interest on your own. The cost is $30, which includes the tour book and lunch.  Please RSVP to Bruce Ackley, Ackley.19@osu.edu, and include the number of people in your group.  Payment can be via cash or check the day of the event.  Address of the research station – 7721 South Charleston Pike, South Charleston, OH.  Location – about 5 miles south of I-70 on SR 41.






Look Out for Potato Leafhoppers in Alfalfa  –  Andy Michel

Now that most alfalfa has had its first cutting, it is time to begin sampling for potato leafhoppers as the crop reaches a sufficient height for sweep-net sampling.  A single sample is 10 sweeps of a sweep net. When the average number of adults and nymphs in a sample is equal to or greater than the average height of the alfalfa stand, insecticide treatment is warranted.  For example, if the alfalfa is 6 inches tall and the average number of leafhoppers is 6 or higher, you should consider an insecticide application. If the average is lower, then re-sample the field in a few days.  Go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-16/look-out-for-potato-leafhoppers-in-alfalfa to finish reading this article.






NOAA Lake Erie Algal Bloom Projection  – NOAA

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has combined data from the National Center of Coastal Ocean Science and Heidelberg University’s National Center for Water Quality Research to predict the severity of harmful algal blooms in western Lake Erie. The first projection is as follows: The severity of the western Lake Erie cyanobacterial harmful algal bloom (HAB) is dependent on phosphorus inputs from March 1st through July 31st, called the loading season. This new experimental product projects the bloom severity based on the combination of measurements of discharge and phosphorus loading from the Maumee River for the loading season to date with historical records from past years to estimate the remainder of the loading season. For more information, go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-14/noaa-lake-erie-algal-bloom-projection.






Supplemental Forage Options for Early Summer Planting  –  Mark Sulc

Now that first harvest of forage crops is completed or in progress, some may be noticing the low yields in damaged forage stands, or they may realize the need for additional forage supplies this summer. There is always the temptation to no-till something into existing stands in an effort to produce more tonnage, but I believe that is a risky proposition this time of the year. The existing stand will compete heavily for moisture and regrowth of the existing stand will shade new seedlings struggling to get established. So at this point in the year, I think it is best to either kill a poor stand and seed an annual crop for summer forage production, or find open land available to seed an annual forage for supplemental feed.  To continue reading about forages, go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-16/supplemental-forage-options-for-early-summer-planting.





Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office



June 12, 2015

Good afternoon,

Thanks to the help of OSU Extension intern Bailey Wagner and cooperating farmer Jim Lyle, we were able to side-dress our muck Corn Response to Nitrogen plot yesterday.  This plot, which is  located near Alger, had nitrogen application strips of 0 lbs, 100 lbs, 150 lbs, 200 lbs, and 250 lbs per acre.  Each strip is randomly replicated three times across the plot.  Later in the growing season we will check this plot and the other one located near Dola for nutrient levels using a hand held nitrogen meter and tissue tests.  Results from these plots are part of local OSU Extension on-farm research to provide data to update the Tri-state Fertility Recommendations.  I have included some photos from Thursday’s field work.





Previous cool temperatures and rains have caused some ponding if fields.  I have attached an article written by Putnam County Extension Educator Jim Hoorman about ponding water and cool growing conditions and how it affects the growing corn and soybean crops.  Now that the temperatures are warming up, but rain is continuing, farmers need to be on the lookout for wheat diseases.  With additional wet/humid days  in the 7-day window used to make scab predictions, the scab forecasting system is now indicating that the risk for scab is moderate to high across the state of Ohio.  Over the period of June 6, 7, and 8, the risk has changed from moderate – moderate to high – high to moderate. This is sustained moderate-high risk.

Ponding Water and Cool Growing Conditions

While most of our wheat fields are now in early grain fill, there are a few fields in the northwestern portion of the state that are flowering this week.  Fields flowering this week are still at risk for scab and vomitoxin.  It has rained, it has been humid, and temperatures have increased.   If your field is flowering this week, consider putting on Prosaro at 6.5 fl oz or Caramba at 14 fl oz, and use a surfactant.  Our research has shown that you can get good scab control if fields are treated up to 5 days after flowering and that both fungicides are rainfast within an hour after application, once used with a surfactant.  Check out the risk tool at: http://www.wheatscab.psu.edu/, and call Pierce Paul (330-347-5878) if you have questions.   If you are not familiar with what head scab looks like, see the photo below on the left.  The second photo is another wheat fungi called Stagonospora and can be found on the flag leaf.






The Ohio Sustainable Farm Tour and Workshop Series schedule has been released for Ohio.  Go to http://franklin.osu.edu/news/2015-statewide-sustainable-farm-tour-series to find out more about this annual series of public tours which feature 30 organic and ecological farms and businesses in Ohio and Michigan.  These tours provide unique opportunities for farmers, educators, and conscientious eaters to learn more about sustainable agriculture and local foods on the farm from growers and producers with years of practical experience.  We have copies of the tour booklets at the Extension office if you are interested in one.


June 20 is the ‘No Sheep Lamb Show’ which is held at the OSU Sheep Facility in Columbus.  This provides an opportunity to learn more about the sheep industry without the lambs.  See the attached flyer if you are interested.  While I am talking about lambs, tomorrow morning (6/13) is Market Lamb Weigh-in, from 8:00 am – 10:00 am at the fairgrounds.  Also going on tomorrow morning is the ‘Children’s Day in the Friendship Gardens,’ which is a gardening educational program put on by the Master Gardener Volunteers in the Friendship Gardens behind Harco Industries at 960 Kohler Street in Kenton.  This program will start at 10:00 am and end at 12:30 pm and is designed for kids K-5th grade.

2015 No Show Lamb Show

Last week I told you about the Dairy Beef Queen contest in which applications are due June 21st, but did not include the application.  Please find an attached application if you know someone interested in applying for this honor who shows either dairy beef feeders or dairy beef steers at the Hardin County Fair.  Speaking of fairs, Ohio State Fair entries are due June 20.  The Hardin County Men’s Garden Club and Master Gardeners will be sponsoring ‘An Evening Garden Affair’ featuring former NBC4 garden expert Tom Wood.  Tom’s presentation will be on the ‘Dos and Don’ts of Landscaping’ and is free and open to the public.  See the attached news article and flyer for more information.  Finally, I have included some agronomy articles for your reading below.

DBF queen application

An Evening Garden Affair News Release

An Evening Garden Affair








Wheat Flowering Growth Stage  –  Pierce Paul,  Karasi Mills, Laura Lindsey

Wheat continues to go through the heading and flowering growth stages across central and northern Ohio. Depending on the weather and the variety, flowering usually occurs about 3-5 days after full head emergence (Feekes 10.5) – earlier under warmer conditions and delayed by up to 5 or more days after heading under cooler conditions. Flowering is marked by the extrusion of anthers from the spikelets; the reason for which this process is also referred to as anthesis. Flowering will continue over the next 7-10 days. The identification of this growth stage is very important for the management of Fusarium head blight (head scab) with fungicides.  To continue reading this article about wheat flowering stage, go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-14/wheat-flowering-growth-stage.







Damping-off is Not Always Caused by Water Molds and Fungi; Insects Can Play a Role Too  –  Anne Dorrance, Andy Michel, Meredith Eyre

Though soil borne pathogens are usually the cause of damping off in Ohio’s poorly drained soils, seedcorn maggot infestation may cause similar symptoms.  This maggot is easy to diagnose in the field because it causes very characteristic tunnels as it burrows through any plant material below the soil line (see Figure A).  The maggots are small, yellowish-white, and legless (Figure B).  If scouting your fields this week, you may find the larvae or perhaps the pupae, which look like small grains of brown rice (Figure C).  To read more about damping off and related insect damage, go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-15/damping-off-is-not-always-caused-by-water-molds-and-fungi-insects-can-play-a-role-too.






June Weather  – Jim Noel

There is not much change from the last article. It appears June will remain a warm and humid month overall. Most daytime temperatures will remain at or below 90 degrees but nighttime low temperatures will be much above average due to more clouds and humidity during June. Expect lots of lows in the 60s and even some 70s in June. Even though there are pockets of dry areas, expect a wetter month of June. There are some scattered rain chances early and again the middle of the week but it will be scattered. Rain chances appear to increase into the week of June 14-21 with locally heavy rain possible.  To find out more about Jim’s June crop weather forecast, go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-16/june-weather.









Corn Leaf Striping  –  Peter Thomison, Steve Culman

I’ve received reports of corn plants exhibiting varying degrees of leaf striping (interveinal chlorosis) across the state.  There are several nutrient deficiencies (including sulfur, zinc, magnesium, and manganese) that result in leaf striping and some of these look similar. The severity of the striping may vary considerably within a field and may be associated with differences in soil pH, organic matter, compaction, tillage, temperature and moisture. Bright yellow to white interveinal striping running the length of leaves may be the result of “genetic stripe”, but it’s usually limited to scattered plants within a field.  Go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-16/corn-leaf-striping to finish reading this article.






Still Working on Planting Soybeans?  –  Laura Lindsey

The majority of the soybean acres in Ohio have been planted.  (According to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service, 85% of the soybean acres were planted by May 31.)  However, even if 5% of the soybean acres are not yet planted, with 5.1 million acres of soybean in Ohio, there are still 255,000 acres left to plant.  There are three things to consider when planting soybean in June: 1.) row width, 2.) seeding rate, and 3.) relative maturity. Go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-16/still-working-on-planting-soybeans to learn more about recommendations for late soybean planting.





Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office



June 8, 2015

Good afternoon,

Friday morning one of our OSU Extension interns, Tina Hiller and myself pulled soil samples from the Corn Response to Nitrogen plot near Dola.  Because this plot already was side-dressed with nitrogen on May 22, we took the samples in the strips that had 0% nitrogen applied (other than starter fertilizer) and will use these samples as a comparison with the grid sampling that was done there at an earlier date.  Howard Lyle from the Soil and Water Conservation District office assisted with the soil sampling and plot layout of our second Corn Response to Nitrogen muck plot near Alger. Thanks to the help of Tina and Howard, we were able to get both plots sampled even though it rained in-between sampling the fields.  We hope to side-dress this plot during the week, weather permitting.  Once we get the muck corn plot side-dressed, I plan begin working on the on-farm soybean research plots in the county.





In case you haven’t heard, in an aggressive move designed to help protect Ohio’s $2.3 billion poultry industry from the avian flu that has so negatively impacted other poultry-producing states, this past Tuesday, June 2  the Ohio Department of Agriculture canceled all live bird exhibitions this year. The ban includes county and independent fairs, the Ohio State Fair, and all other gatherings of birds for show or for sale, including auctions and swap meets.  This action will affect the Hardin County Fair and all those who participate in this poultry show.  For further information about this ban, read the attached news release from the ODA as well as a joint statement put out by the Hardin County Extension office and the fair.  After meeting with the poultry committee and Hardin County Fair Board Saturday night, a decision was reached regarding, what will be offered as alternative learning experiences for the youth who have poultry projects at the county fair.  See the attached documents for details.

ODA Cancels bird shows across Ohio to Prevent Avian Flu

Hardin Poultry Response

Hardin County Poultry Projects

Dairy Beef Queen applications are now available and due June 21 to Jolene Buchenroth.  See the attached application for more information.  This year’s Manure Science Review is set for August 12 in Darke County.  The Manure Science Review is an educational program designed for those involved in any aspect of manure handling, management or utilization, including livestock and crop producers, ODNR-DSWR and SWCD personnel, USDA-NRCS personnel, Extension Educators, Certified Crop Advisors, and Professional Nutrient Applicators.  See the attached brochure for more information.

Dairy Beef Feeder Queen

MSR Flyer

Upcoming events in Hardin County include Market Lamb Weigh-ins Saturday, June 13, from 8:00-10:00 am at the fairgrounds.  The Master Gardener Volunteers are holding their annual ‘Children’s Day in the Friendship Gardens’ on the same day, from 10:00 am-12:30 pm at the Friendship Gardens located behind Harco Industries.  I have included some agronomy articles below in case you are interested.








Wheat Heading Growth Stage  –  Pierce Paul, Jorge David Salgado , Laura Lindsey

After seemingly being behind throughout the month of April, the wheat crop in Ohio “changed gears” over the last week and is now heading-out in some areas – do not be deceived by the fact that plants still look short in some fields. Heading will continue over the next week to 10 days across the state. This is a very important growth stage from the standpoint of disease management, since it is critical to maintain healthy heads and leaves during grain fill to enhance yield. Go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-12-1/wheat-heading-growth-stage to continue reading this article about the wheat heading growth stage.






Residual Herbicide Issues – were they applied, are they working, what to do  –  Mark Loux

While a variety of rainfall and soil moisture conditions can be found around Ohio, a shortage of rain following application of residual herbicides seems to be common.  We are hearing about weeds emerging early in the season even where residual herbicides were applied, which is an indicator of inadequate herbicide “activation”, or lack of downward movement into the upper inch or two of soil where weed seeds germinate.  Herbicides vary in the amount of rain required for activity, due to differences in water solubility and adsorption to soil, and whether absorption into the plant occurs via roots or shoots.  Ignoring all of this though, the general rule is that a half to one inch of rain is needed within about a week after application to ensure activity.  Go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-14/residual-herbicide-issues-2013-were-they-applied-are-they-working-what-to-do to finish reading this article.






Weather Update –  Jim Noel

The weather pattern will be shifting to a warm and humid pattern with wetter than normal conditions going into June 2015. Temperatures the next 4 weeks will average a few degrees above normal. The maximum temperatures will likely be to close to normal but with increased humidity and cloud cover minimum temperatures will be held up. This will result in overall temperatures being above normal. This will also result in increased dew overnight into the morning hours for extended periods.  Go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-14/weather-update-may-26-2015 to find out more information about the June weather forecast.






Purple and Yellow Corn, What is Going On?  – Robert Mullen, Steve Culman, Peter Thomison

Corn seedlings often turn yellow (due to low nitrogen uptake and/or limited chlorophyll synthesis) or purple (reduced root development) under cool, wet conditions. Some hybrids are more likely to increase anthocyanin (purple pigment) content when plants are cool. Yellowing or purpling of corn plants at this stage of development generally has little or no effect on later crop performance or yield potential. If it’s induced by environmental conditions, the yellow or purple appearance should change to a healthy green after a few sunny days with temperatures above 70 degrees F. If plants remain yellow then closer inspection and assessment is needed to determine if yellowing is caused by nutrient deficiency or some other factor.  Go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-14/purple-and-yellow-corn-what-is-going to continue reading this article.






Updated Scab Forecasting System 2015  – Pierce Paul, Jorge David Salgado

The Wheat Scab forecasting system (www.wheatscab.psu.edu) is up and running and is now available for use in Ohio. This is an excellent tool to help guide fungicide application decisions. Based on the flowering date of your crop and the weather conditions leading up to flowering, you can estimate the risk of scab occurring and make a timely fungicide application to reduce scab and vomitoxin. This year, the forecasting tool looks a little different, but it still works in essentially the same way. Now in addition to selecting your flowering date (day when anthers are first seen sticking out of the heads) and wheat type (winter wheat in Ohio), you can also selected the scab susceptibility of your variety. To read more about the updated scab forecasting system, go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-12-1/updated-scab-forecasting-system-2015.





Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office
