Beef Quality Assurance Certification Training

Hardin County – Join Hardin County OSU Extension for a Beef Quality Assurance certification training scheduled for Tuesday, May 31 from 7:00-8:30 pm at the Extension office located at 1021 W Lima Street in Kenton. Beef Quality Assurance training is for beef cattle producers, needing to recertify or certify to sell cattle at auctions and other markets. Many of the major beef processors, auctions, and other markets began requiring producers to have a BQA certificate at the beginning of 2019. Beef Quality Assurance certification is for a period of three years and was previously held in Kenton in December 2018 and February 2021. Several local producers need to recertify in addition to any cattle producers who need to gain BQA certification for the first time.

Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) does more than just help beef producers capture more value from their market cattle. BQA also reflects a positive public image and instills consumer confidence in the beef industry. When producers implement the best management practices of a BQA program, they assure their market steers, heifers, cows, and bulls are the best they can be. Today, the stakes are even higher because of increased public attention on animal welfare. BQA is valuable to all beef and dairy producers because it demonstrates commitment to food safety and quality; safeguards the public image of the beef industry; upholds consumer confidence in valuable beef products; and improves the sale value of marketed beef cattle.

Training enhances herd profitability through better management. Ohio State University Extension, in cooperation with the Ohio Beef Council, the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association, and Ohio’s cattle auction markets, is working to offer Ohio’s cattle producers several opportunities to become Beef Quality Assurance Certified. Certification can also take place online at Register for this Kenton training at or call 419-674-2297. Registration is required and space is limited for this local no cost in-person training that is good for both initial BQA certification or recertification.


May 27, 2022

Good evening,

If you are fortunate enough to have your corn and soybeans planted, you may be part of the few farmers who are done in the county. However, according to the latest Ohio Crop Weather report, only 52% of the corn is planted and 36% of the soybean fields are planted across Ohio. I was out staging crops today and did notice some corn in the 4 leaf stage, but most soybeans that were up were VE emergence stage or VC cotyledon stage. Some wheat has flowered in earlier planted fields. We are definitely behind compared to last year and also compared to the 5 year average because of the cool spring and rain. As you get fields planted and think about nitrogen application to corn or fungicide applications to soybean or corn, you might consider cooperating with OSU Extension with on-farm research. I have attached an article about this subject so please me know if you are interested in setting up any field trials. Currently, I have black cutworm, true armyworm, and European corn borer traps set around the county that I have been monitoring. So far, weekly catches of adult moths have been low. Soon I will be setting western bean cutworm traps, which is a pest of corn. So let me know if you are interested in having a trap near the edge of one of your corn fields.

Ohio Crop and Weather Report

On-Farm Trials News Release

There is a Beef Quality Assurance certification training set up for Tuesday, May 31 at the Extension office starting at 7:00 pm. Beef Quality Assurance training is for beef cattle producers, needing to recertify or certify to sell cattle at auctions and other markets. Many of the major beef processors, auctions, and other markets began requiring producers to have a BQA certificate at the beginning of 2019. Beef Quality Assurance certification is for a period of three years and was previously held in Kenton in December 2018 and February 2021. Several local producers need to recertify in addition to any cattle producers who need to gain BQA certification for the first time. Certification can also take place online at Register for this Kenton training at or call 419-674-2297. Registration is required and space is limited for this local no cost in-person training that is good for both initial BQA certification or recertification. See the attached news release and flyer for more information.

Beef Quality Assurance Training News Release

Hardin BQA Flyer

The online Summer Northwest Ohio Agriculture Newsletter is now available for reading. It includes events including programs, meetings, and field days being held in our part of the state. There are several Hardin County OSU Extension events listed in this digital publication that I have attached to this edition of the Hardin County Agriculture and Natural Resources Update. Make sure you check it out so you can plan to attend our upcoming events being planned. I have also included some timely ag crops articles bellow that you may be interested in reading. Hopefully the fields will become fit again soon so planting can resume. Have a safe Memorial Day weekend.

2022 Summer NW Ohio Newsletter



Lep Monitoring Network Update – True Armyworm vs Fall Armyworm, Trap Count Updates – Amy Raudenbush, Suranga Basnagala , Kyle Akred, Mark Badertscher, Lee Beers, Alan Leininger, Clifton Martin, James Morris, Eric Richer, Beth Scheckelhoff, Cindy Wallace, Curtis Young, Andy Michel, Kelley Tilmon

True Armyworm vs Fall Armyworm— We all remember last year’s outbreak on alfalfa and forage from fall armyworm. Many growers are hearing “armyworm” again, and are worried about infestations in corn, wheat, oats and other small grains this spring. Keep in mind that we have two completely different species of armyworm:  True (or common) armyworm (Mythimna unipuncta) usually occurs in the spring.  Infestations are typically found in wheat or oats, before marching onto corn and turf later in the season. Read more at


Low Head Scab Risk Across Ohio: A May 23 Update – Pierce Paul

Wheat is, or will soon be, flowering in parts of central and northern Ohio. After a relatively slow start to the season, several days of warm weather caused the crop to advance, reaching anthesis (Feekes 10.5.1) a few days earlier than usual in some locations. Feekes 10.5.1 is the growth stage at which wheat is most susceptible to infection by the fungus that causes head scab and produces vomitoxin. However, according to the FHB risk tool (, fields across the state are currently at low risk for head scab. Finish reading about head scab risk at


Replanting Decisions in Corn and Soybeans… What to Consider – Osler Ortez, Laura Lindsey, Alexander Lindsey

Early plantings, cold air and soil temperatures, precipitation, wind, and warmer temperatures during or after planting may lead to reduced stands in planted fields due to factors such as imbibitional chilling, frost damage, soil crusting, and standing water. These factors (or combinations of them) can negatively affect seedling vigor, plant growth, crop establishment, and plant stands. Reduced stands may result in lower yields. If reduced stands are a concern, a potential solution is to replant fields. However, before replanting, make sure you read this article at


Soybean Planting Progress and Vegetative Growth – Laura Lindsey

Cool, wet weather in April and early May delayed soybean planting progress; however, with some warmer and drier days, soybean planting was 18% complete by the second week of May. Soybeans that were planted the end of April or first week of May are likely at the VC growth stage or will be at the VC growth stage soon. There are several common misconceptions about soybean plants at the VC to V3 growth stage. Read about these misconceptions versus reality at


Update of Corn Nitrogen Recommendations from MRTN – Greg LaBarge

This article provides an updated Maximum Return to Nitrogen Rate recommendation table for corn planted after soybean. There are a couple of changes to note with these revised tables. First, due to continued concerns about nitrogen source availability, urea was added to the source list to provide per unit N prices. In addition, a nitrogen rate quick lookup table is updated to reflect new data in the Corn Nitrogen Rate Calculator tool. The database for soybean-corn and corn-corn rotations now includes trials through 2021. Finish reading this article that includes urea pricing information and updated data at


Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326



May 6, 2022

Good afternoon,

The combination of cold weather and frequent rains have kept local farmers from getting a good start on the planting season. According to the latest attached USDA Ohio Crop Weather report, only 3% of the corn and 2% of the soybeans have been planted statewide. I checked a wheat field this past Friday and it was still in Feekes 6 with one joint on the stem, slowed down by the cool weather. It looks like the weather is set to warm up and we should see a dryer period to allow a window to plant corn and soybean fields. I have seen weed growth in fields since neither tillage or spring burn downs have happened in most fields. The unfavorable field conditions have also shortened the window for planting spring forages. I have included an article regarding forage legume stand evaluation for those who are questioning what to do with those fields that are questionable. Some early season manure applications have taken place so I have also included an article about using manure as a nutrient source. A few soybean fields have been planted in the county along with some corn fields. I have included an article titled “Set-Up Soybeans for Success in 2022” taking a look at best management practices.

Ohio Crop and Weather

Forage Stand Evaluation News Release

Early Season Manure Application News Release

Soybean Planting Recommendations News Release

There are a few events coming up locally that you may be interested in attending. OSU Extension is teaming up again with the Hardin Soil and Water Conservation District to offer the Hardin County Pond Clinic on Thursday, May 12. This event will start at 6:30 pm at Neil and Amy Dumbaugh’s pond located at 1547 County Road 50, Ada. It will include a tour of Ada Fish Farms, LLC with a discussion on using Tilapia fish as a way to control weeds. The main speaker will be Steve Fender from Fender’s Fish Farms, author of “Farm Pond Management, The Common Sense Guide” who will also be able to answer pond owner management questions. See the attached article and flyer for more information.

Pond Clinic News Release

Pond Clinic Flyer

The OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteers are hosting their annual Hardin County MGV Plant Sale on Saturday, May 14. This event will be from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm at the Friendship Gardens of Hardin County located at 960 W Kohler Street. In addition to plants and garden items from the Hardin County MGVs, the Hardin County Men’s Garden Club and Star Farms Native Plants will have plants available for sale. Come and get your garden questions answered and pick-up free seed packets from the Ohio Victory Gardens program that OSU Extension is cooperating with the Ohio Department of Agriculture this year. If you are unable to attend the plant sale, extra seed packets will be made available at the Extension office and selected local libraries after this date. See the attached news releases and flyers for more details about the Hardin County MGV Plant Sale and Ohio Victory Gardens program.

Hardin County Plant Sale News Release

Plant Sale Flyer

Victory Gardens News Release

Ohio Victory Garden Flyer

That’s about all for this edition of the Hardin County Agriculture and Natural Resources Update. I have begun setting up insect traps around the county with three black cutworm traps this past week and today I will add three true armyworm traps as part of this statewide monitoring and research program. Each Friday I check these traps and report the data to entomologists at OSU, which is usually followed up by an article similar to the one below which will provide information and recommendations for management if necessary. Remember to be safe as the weather breaks and field work becomes more active. Tractors and equipment will be working for long hours in the fields and also on the roads. I have provided some ag crops articles below that you may be interested in reading that I believe are relevant and timely for Hardin County.




Lep Monitoring Network Update – Amy Raudenbush, Suranga Basnagala , Kyle Akred, Mark Badertscher, Lee Beers, Clifton Martin, James Morris, Eric Richer, Beth Scheckelhoff, Cindy Wallace, Curtis Young, Andy Michel, Kelley Tilmon

Eleven counties in Ohio will be monitoring for various agronomic Lepidopteran (moth/caterpillar) pests during the 2022 field season. These counties include Adams, Brown, Clark, Fulton, Hardin, Madison, Muskingum, Trumbull, Van Wert, Wayne and Wood. This network was established to monitor the current pest populations in various regions of Ohio for black cutworm (BCW), true armyworm (AMW), European corn borer (ECB-IA, ECB-NY), corn earworm (CEW), and fall armyworm (FAW). We will report regular updates on this trapping in CFAES’s C.O.R.N newsletter to track the status of these pests in Ohio. Traps for each pest will be deployed when the pest is most likely to be active throughout the season. Read more about this effort at


Imbibitional Chilling – Is it a concern? – Alexander Lindsey, Laura Lindsey, Osler Ortez

Warmer temperatures combined with the excitement (and need) to get crops in the ground triggered planting around the state last week (April 18 to April 24) or even before. With some warm days without much precipitation forecasted this week (April 25 to May 1), planting will continue. However, cold temperatures and precipitation after planting can cause imbibitional chilling, and this is something that we should certainly be aware of (watch for!). Imbibitional chilling may occur in corn and soybean seeds if the soil temperature is below 50°F when the seed imbibes (rapidly takes up water from the soil, usually within 24 hours after planting). Imbibitional chilling can cause reductions in stand and seedling vigor. If seeds were planted into soil with at least 50°F of temperature and adequate moisture (at least 40-50% plant available water) for at least one day, the drop in temperature is not likely to lead to imbibitional chilling issues. Cold injury to seedings during emergence may still be a possibility, but until we know how cold the soil gets its unclear how severe that issue may be (if evident at all). Finish reading this article at


Springtime is Spray Time — Here are Some Tips for Better Spraying – Erdal Ozkan

Applying pesticides requires a high level of skill and knowledge. Increases in the size and complexity of sprayers over the years require even more attention to efficiency, efficacy, and safety. Although each crop requires a slightly different approach to the application of pesticides, some general principles apply to almost all spraying situations. Here are my top 10 recommendations (not in a particular order) that will make spraying efficient and effective resulting in a higher level of biological efficacy expected from pesticides applied. Continue reading at


Making On-Farm Trials Easy – Taylor Dill, Elizabeth Hawkins

Planting season is upon us and is a little behind in comparison to last year. Many producers are planning on evaluating input costs and management practices on their farm this season to improve economic efficiency and stay profitable. However, there are some ways to plan on-farm research to get the most accurate data, and therefore make the best decision for your farm. The first element to establish is what are you trying to find out? Fully understanding the question and goal of the trial is imperative to set up the appropriate treatments. Maybe your question is “What is my most economically effective nitrogen rate?” or “Does this new fungicide increase yield and pay for itself?”. When doing on-farm research, consider assessing practices that are critical to the long-term success of the farm. Read more at


Alfalfa Weevil: Ready, Set, Scout! – Aaron Wilson, Kelley Tilmon, Mark Sulc, Andy Michel

Finally we’ve accumulated enough heat units that significant parts of Ohio are now or very soon will be in prime time for alfalfa weevil. Peak larval activity and feeding damage occur between 325 and 575 GDD. In short, most locations should begin scouting, especially in fields that were damaged last fall by the fall armyworm, because we don’t want to add more insult to those fields early this season. Alfalfa fields should be scouted weekly for weevils until at least the first harvest. Follow-up scouting may be needed after the first harvest in heavily infested fields. Spot problem fields early by checking alfalfa tips for feeding damage – small holes and a tattered appearance. Fields that have a south facing slope tend to warm up sooner and need to be checked for weevil earlier. Continue reading at


Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326
