January 31, 2015

Good evening,

The snowblower is ready to go and I’m as prepared as needed for what sounds like what might be a major storm.  Did you make it to the grocery store today to get your needed supplies?  Let’s just hope that this much talked about snowstorm isn’t as bad as predicted.  This week we have several programs planned so I am hoping that we can proceed without issues.  If there are any cancelations, they will be on WKTN 95.3 Kenton.  So you might be asking, just what is planned for this week?


The Sheep and Goat webinar series kicks off Monday evening at 7:00 pm at the Extension office.  This year’s theme is Tips for Productivity Improvement.  The dates for the programs are Monday, February 2, 9, 16, and 23.  The series will begin Monday, February 2 as Clif Little, Ohio State University Extension, Guernsey County Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator will present “Tips for Fine-Tuning your Flock/Herd FAMACHA Program.”   If you would like to attend any of these Sheep and Goat presentations, please call the Extension office at 419-674-2297 or email me at badertscher.4@osu.edu to RSVP so that preparations can be made to accommodate the number of people interested in attending.  These programs are sponsored locally by Farm Credit Mid-America, with an office in Bellefontaine.  Refreshments will be provided to those who attend.  See the attached news release for more information.

Sheep Goat Webinars News Release

Tuesday, February 3 is the next Conservation Tillage Club breakfast program, starting at 7:30 am at the Plaza Inn Restaurant in Mt. Victory.  Dr. Barry Ward, OSU Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics, will present a program on budgets, cash rent, and the bottom line.  Topics that will be addressed are decisions in the area of farm management that will take into consideration relatively high input costs such as land, equipment, fuel, seed, fertilizer, and pesticides, with regard to decreasing crop receipts.  Managing input costs will be an increasingly important aspect of farm operation profitability.  See the attached flyer for details.

Conservation Tillage Club

Later Tuesday (2/3) evening, we will have our second agronomy webinar that will focus on soybean production.  This will be at the Extension office, starting at 7:00 pm and ending at 8:30 pm.  ‘Agronomic Practices to Maximize Soybean Yield’ will be the topic of the first presentation.  This first part will be taught by Dr. Laura Lindsey, Extension Specialist-Soybean and Small Grain Production, OSUE.  Following her presentation, ‘Late Season Soybean Pest issues’ will be taught by Dr. Andy Michel, Extension Specialist-Entomology, OSUE.  For more details, see the attached flyer.

Hardin 2015 CSW Connection Series

A Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) class has been planned for Hardin County.  GAPs classes are training sessions for fruit and vegetable producers taught by personnel from Ohio State University’s Fruit and Vegetable Safety Program.  The February 10 program will be from 9:00 am-12:00 noon at the Scioto Valley Produce Auction, 18715 County Road 200, Mt. Victory.  For more information on this upcoming program, see the attached news release and registration form.

GAPs Class News Release

Hardin GAPs Reg Form

Other events to be aware of this coming week include Farm Bureau Board meeting at Henry’s Restaurant Tuesday (2/3) at 5:30 pm.  Ag Council is is also meeting at Henry’s Restaurant Friday (2/6), starting at 7:00 am with breakfast and sharing of information.  That same day, Dairy Princess applications are due.  The Fairboard is scheduled to meet Saturday (2/7), starting at 7:30 pm at the fair office.  So as you can see, there are plenty of programs and meetings for you to take advantage of this week, weather permitting.  Finally, I have included some articles below that you may be interested in reading.








Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification Update – Greg LaBarge

The Ohio Department of Agriculture has begun issuing the new Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification cards. Those who attended the September, 2014 educational programs in Archbold, Findlay and Paulding should have already or will soon receive a mailing with a certificate for those who already have a Pesticide Applicator License or a bill for the $30 fee if you did not have a Pesticide License. People attending other programs will be getting information over the next few weeks.  Go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-2/agricultural-fertilizer-applicator-certification-update to continue reading this article.








Agronomic Crops Extension publications to help make plans for 2015 – Harold Watters

We are just into January but well into our winter meeting season. Several requests have come up for publications we reference in our talks. The first is the Corn, Soybean, Wheat and Alfalfa Field Guide – newly updated and in a new larger format this year. The Field Guide is available on OSU Extension’s eStore for sale, or may be ordered from county Extension offices.  For more informaiton about agronomic crops Extension publications, go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-2/agronomic-crops-extension-publications-to-help-make-plans-for-2015.








Register Now for Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council Conference – Mark Sulc

The Ohio Forages and Grasslands Council Annual Conference will be held February 6, 2015 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Ohio Department of Agriculture in Reynoldsburg, OH. The program focus is “Take the Next Step” in your forage management program. Details of the program and registration can be found at http://afgc.org/ohio.php  The featured speaker will be Dr. Ed Rayburn, Extension Specialist at West Virginia University, He will discuss pasture ecology and animal responses to grazing management, including rotational and “mob-stocking.” Dr. Rayburn will also discuss best management practices for plastic wrapped bales learned from on-farm research and experience. Go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-2/register-now-for-ohio-forage-and-grasslands-council-conference to continue reading about this conference.







Fulton Soybean College, February 17, 2015 – Eric Richer

Want to maximize your soybean production and profitability? Join OSU Extension in Fulton County Tuesday, February 17 from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. as we present a hands-on, intensive soybean management workshop for Ohio Crop Producers that will help you become a more profitable soybean producer. This workshop will be held at the Robert Fulton Agriculture Center, 8770 State Route 108, Wauseon, Ohio. The workshop will feature Dr. Laura Lindsey, Ohio State University Soybean/Wheat Extension Specialist; Dr. Andy Michel, Ohio State University, Field Crop Extension Entomologist; Dr. Steve Culman, Ohio State University’s Soil Fertility Specialist and Dr. Anne Dorrance, Ohio State University’s Field Crop Extension Pathologist. Go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-2/fulton-soybean-college-february-17-2015 to read more.








AgCrops Calendar for February 2015 – Harold Watters

February is a big Extension meeting month. Please pick out the one you like and join us. For more details on the following programs check our calendar (http://agcrops.osu.edu) or call your local Extension office. Go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-2/agcrops-calendar-for-february-2015 to see a statewide listing of upcoming agronomic crop production programs coming up in February.  Some programs may have pre-registration deadlines and travel, so check now to find out which programs you may be interested in attending.




Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office


January 25, 2015

Good Evening,

It doesn’t take long for Mother Nature to change the landscape.  As I prepare this week’s Hardin County Agriculture and Natural Resources Update, I’m keeping a watchful eye on the weather. Tomorrow I will be in Mercer County helping with their pesticide and fertilizer training.  Later this week I will be in Champaign County, working together with the other Extension Educators in our region to provide training.  This is the time of year for winter meetings and along with that, the winter weather.


One of my goals has been to provide programming for livestock producers.  The Hardin County Extension office will serve as a host site for this winter’s Ohio Beef School series. The dates for the school are Tuesday, January 27 and continue on February 10 and February 24, and will start each evening at 7:00 pm.  The school begins this Tuesday by addressing a pair of topics in the thoughts of many beef producers today.  John Grimes, OSU Extension Beef Coordinator, will present the topic “Capitalizing on the Historic Beef Economy.”  This presentation will discuss specific management decisions that a producer can make to take full advantage of the beef economic outlook in the present and for years to come.


Troy A. Brick DVM, Assistant Professor, The Ohio State University Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine will discuss a frequently debated topic in the popular press today, “The Future of Antibiotic Use in Beef Cattle.”  If you would like to attend any of these Ohio Beef Cattle School presentations, please call the Extension office at 419-674-2297 or email me at badertscher.4@osu.edu to RSVP so that preparations can be made to accommodate the number of people interested in attending. These webinar programs are sponsored locally by Farm Credit Mid-America. Refreshments will be provided to those who attend.  See the attached news release for more information.

Ohio Beef School News Release

The annual Hardin County Dairy Banquet will be held on Saturday, February 21 at 12:00 noon at the Walnut Grove United Methodist Church north of Kenton. Tickets this year are $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children 12 and under. Junior Fair Dairy Exhibitors from the 2014 Hardin County Fair are eligible for a complimentary ticket by contacting the Extension office.  Tickets can be purchased until February 16 from the following county Dairy Service Unit Directors: Philip Bauer, Peg Cahill, Nate Cromer, Keith and Jean Dirkson, Mary Gurney, Chad Hazelton, Bret Rager, Larry and Janice Rall, Vaughn Rall, Clair and Sue Sanders, Dan and Molly Wagner, or from the Extension Office at 1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton. The guest speaker for the banquet will be Dr. Don Sanders D.V.M.  See the attached news release for more information.

Dairy Banquet News Release

Were you still thinking about whether or not to enroll in the upcoming OSU Extension Grain Marketing online course with Dr. Matt Roberts?  If so, registration is due January 28 for this course which begins February 3.  See the attached flyer for more information along with the class dates and details about how to register.  There are several other educational programs going on around Northwest Ohio that are too numerous to mention in this newsletter.  Several of you may have already received the Northwest Ohio Agriculture and Natural Resources Newsletter in regular mail, but if not, I have attached a copy to this email so you can read about other programs that are happening in this part of the state.

Grain Marketing Flyer

2015 Jan AGNR news

The 45th annual Power Show Ohio will be held indoors at the Ohio Expo Center at the State Fairgrounds in Columbus on January 29-31, from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm daily.  Please note that this year’s show is Thursday-Saturday.  Discount ticket prices can be obtained from the Extension office. This show includes agricultural equipment, construction equipment, outdoor power equipment, educational seminars, kiddie tractor pull, cooking demonstrations, and much more.  Locally, there is a Hardin County Fair Sale Committee meeting Wednesday, January 28, starting at 7:00 pm in the fair office.  I have included some articles below for your reading if interested.








Weather Outlook: Close to Normal – Jim Noel

The rest of winter looks to see big fluctuations in temperatures averaging close to normal. Precipitation will also fluctuate above and below normal ending close to normal. This winter will not be like the last is the sense it will be a warmer winter. This is what we were saying in the fall and it still holds true. Winter so far is warmer than normal with near normal precipitation. As for spring growing season, early indications are normal or slightly warmer than normal with normal to slightly drier conditions yielding better early planting conditions in 2015 over 2014. We will update you in early February as confidence grows.







Introductory & Advanced Field Crop Management Workshops March 5 and 6 – Pierce Paul

The 2015 agronomy workshops are scheduled for March 5 and 6, 2015 on the OARDC Wooster campus of The Ohio State University. This continuing program, offered every other year, is designed to give Extension Educators, ag retailers and Certified Crop Advisers up-to-date and hands-on training on disease, insect, fertility, and general crop management issues facing the corn, wheat, and soybean industries in the state and across the country. For more information about these workshops, go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-1/oardc-agronomy-in-service-march-5-and-6-2015.





Applications For Pork Industry Scholarships Now Being Accepted – Pork Checkoff

All juniors and seniors in college who plan to pursue a career in swine production management or a related field, or will be seeking to attend graduate school and major in a discipline with an emphasis on swine, are invited to submit an application for one of 19 available scholarships sponsored by the Pork Checkoff. Go to http://www.pork.org/pork-checkoff-research/college-scholarships/ for more information about how to apply.







Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference – Randall Reeder

The CTC is an annual 2-day educational program with ~60 speakers in concurrent sessions. Session titles typically are: Corn University, Soybean School, Cover Crops, Nutrient Management, Soil & Water Quality, Precision Agriculture, Planters, Advanced Scouting Techniques, and No-till Systems. Attendance each of the last 4 years has been over 900, including about 400 crop consultants.  This year’s CTC will be held March 3-4 at Ohio Northern University in Ada.  For more information, go to http://fabe.osu.edu/CTCon.






Mineral Supplementation for Beef Cows – Mark Landefeld

Measuring the consequences of mineral deficiencies in cow-calf operations can be difficult. Weight gains, which are off a few pounds usually go unnoticed, reduced milk production can’t really be measured in beef cows, and the cow that is limping must have stepped on something causing her sore foot. Reproduction losses may not readily be noticed either because most all the cows had a calf, even though some were a month and a half or two months later than expected. Any of these sound familiar? Lack of sufficient mineral(s) may be the problem.  Go to http://u.osu.edu/beef/2015/01/21/mineral-supplementation-for-beef-cows/#more-391 to continue reading this and other beef cattle articles.




Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office


January 16, 2015

Good evening,

Well it finally warmed up.  I know it is normal for it to get cold in the winter but that blast earlier this past week had my water frozen in the hose.  Everything is thawed out and fixed now, so things can get back to normal.  Normal that is if you are a Buckeye football fan who expects national championships every year.  Now that the football comment is out of the way, I want to let you know that this coming week will be the second Conservation Tillage Club breakfast meeting at the Plaza Inn Restaurant in Mt. Victory.  The complimentary breakfast will begin at 7:30 am.  This Tuesday???s (1/20) program will feature Cal Whewell, Risk Management Consultant, FC Stone.  Whewell will present a program on the grain marketing outlook, addressing what to expect in the 2015 crop year in regards to the agricultural commodity markets and the risk associated with marketing options for corn, soybeans, and wheat.  This information will provide additional tools for the farmer???s marketing toolbox to use when considering their marketing strategy.  See the attached flyer for more information.

Conservation Tillage Club

Have you been in to see Doug Dyer at the FSA office about the Farm Bill yet?  The January 7 Farm Bill Update program held at the courthouse had 83 farmers and landowners in attendance.  Doug has been busy doing reallocations and yield updates.  Don???t wait until the last minute to get your farm taken care of as his staff is limited.  For more information on the new farm bill, go to http://go.osu.edu/farmbill.  The Dairy Service Unit has applications available for Hardin County Dairy Princess and also their dairy scholarships.  The dairy scholarship application must be completed and returned to the Extension office by February 11.  The dairy princess entry form must be completed and returned to the Extension office by February 6.  See the attached news release and applications for more information about these awards which will be presented at the Hardin County Dairy Banquet on February 21.

Dairy Scholarship Princess Applications News Release

Dairy Scholarship Application

Dairy Princess Entry Form

This year we are hosting the Corn, Soybean and Wheat Connection webinars again at the Hardin County Extension office.  January 20 will be the first webinar concentrating on Precision Agriculture.  It will start at 7:00 pm and end at 8:30 pm.  ???Using Precision Ag to Make Informed Decisions??? will be the topic of the presentation.  It will be taught by Dr. John Fulton, Extension Specialist-Machinery Systems, OSUE.  ???Can Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) be an Agronomic Tool???? will also be presented by John Barker, Extension Educator, Knox County.  If you would like to attend this webinar presentations, please call the Extension office at 419-674-2297 or email Mark Badertscher at badertscher.4@osu.edu to RSVP so that preparations can be made to accommodate the number of people interested in attending.  These webinar programs are sponsored locally by Farm Credit Mid-America, with an office in Bellefontaine.  Refreshments will be provided to those who attend.  See the attached news release and flyer for more information on this series.

Corn Soybean Wheat Connection News Release

Hardin 2015 CSW Connection Series

Grain marketing will be increasingly more important to future success of the farm business in the next few years due to tighter profit margins associated with lower grain prices.  Ohio State University Extension and the OSU Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Developmental Economics are offering a grain marketing series titled Grain Marketing in Challenging Times.  This series, offered through a weekly webinar for five weeks, will allow farmers to learn how to set critical grain pricing targets and strategies from the comfort of their home.  The series of classes will focus on using futures and options; making a marketing plan to fit your farm business; utilizing crop insurance as a grain marketing tool; and financial statement analysis in relationship to your grain marketing plan.  If you are interested in participating in this course, make sure you read the attached news release and register by January 28.  I have included some agronomy related article below for your reading interest.

Grain Marketing Course News Release







Agronomy Educational Program Listing – Greg LaBarge

Many dates for agronomic educational programs being held in the upcoming months can be found at http://agcrops.osu.edu/calendar. A variety of Agronomy Update Programs, Intensive Crop Workshops, Webinars and programs which offer Pesticide Applicator License Recertification, Certified Crop Adviser or Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification credits are listed. The calendar will be completed in the next couple of weeks with even more offers. We would suggest bookmarking this page http://agcrops.osu.edu/calendar and visiting it often over the next month to know what is happen in your area.







Large Variation in Forage Grass Performance in 2014 –  Mark Sulc

This past growing season demonstrated that forage grasses are not created equal. Following one of the coldest winters on record in Ohio, there were large differences among forage grass species and varieties for winter injury and yield. We all remember the bitter cold days of last winter. Surprisingly enough, the temperatures at the two-inch soil depth never fell below 25 F all winter across most of Ohio. We had enough snow cover during the coldest days to moderate soil temperatures, but the cold air temperatures still had very damaging effects on some grass species and varieties. Go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2014/2014-41/large-variation-in-forage-grass-performance-in-2014 to continue reading this article.







Ohio State University Extension Announce Two Corn Colleges Set For January 2015  – Tony Nye

Corn Colleges are high impact programs that are designed for producers wanting to be on the ???Cutting Edge??? of corn production for their operations. Topics will include: Agronomic Practices that Optimize Profitability in Corn Production-Perception vs. Reality ??? Dr Peter Thomison, OSU Extension, Corn production;  Nitrogen Timing and Needs During Corn Development ??? Dr. Steve Culman OSU Extension, Soil Fertility;  Influence of N Source on Timing of Application ??? Dr. Steve Culman OSU Extension, Soil Fertility; Fungicide Effects on Disease, Ear Rot and Yield in Field Corn ??? Dr. Pierce Paul, OSU Extension, Plant Pathology; Real Field Experiences with Variable Rate Nitrogen Applications ??? Tim Norris, Ag-Info Tech.  To continue reading about the Corn Colleges, go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-1/ohio-state-university-extension-announce-two-corn-colleges-set-for-january-2015.








2015 Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council Conference –  Mark Sulc

The Ohio Forages and Grasslands Council Annual Conference will be held February 6, 2015 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Ohio Department of Agriculture in Reynoldsburg, OH. The program focus is ???Take the Next Step??? in your forage management program. The featured speaker will be Dr. Ed Rayburn, Extension Specialist at West Virginia University, who will provide an introduction to pasture ecology and plant and animal responses to management. Go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2014/2014-41/2015-ohio-forage-and-grasslands-council-conference to continue reading this article about the 2015 Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council Conference.








Northwest Ohio Corn-Soybean Day set for January 22  – Eric Richer

The annual Northwest Ohio Corn-Soybean Day will be held on Thursday, January 22 at Founders Hall on the campus of Sauder Village in Archbold, Ohio.  Registration will begin at 8:30 am with donuts and coffee available as you visit exhibitors. After an on farm research update, the keynote speaker Dr. Bob Nielson of Purdue University will discuss ???Nitrogen Management in Corn.???  This year???s line-up will also include OSUE???s Greg Labarge discussing ???Phosphorus Best Management Practice??? and Bruce Clevenger discussing ???Quality Soil Sampling for High Quality Nutrient Recommendations.???  The day will feature Jim Noel of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to lay out climate predictions for the 2015 production year.  This portion of the program will run from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm and will fulfill the 3 hour Ohio Fertilizer Applicator Certification & Training (FACT) requirement for all farmers who apply fertilizer on 50 acres or more of farmland.  Go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-1/northwest-ohio-corn-soybean-day-set-for-january-22 to finish reading this article.





Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office


January 6, 2015


Saturday we weighed in approximately 65 head of cattle for the 2015 Hardin County Fair.  It seems like just yesterday the fair was going on.  Time marches on.  A new year is upon us and winter programs have been planned for Hardin County farmers.  First, I need to let everyone know that the Stored Forage Production School which was slated to begin this week has been canceled due to low statewide enrollment.  As an alternative, the 2014 Forage Production School has been made available online.  See the attached news release that explains how to access the three different sessions from last year’s program.

Forage School Cancelled News Release

Did you miss the December Farm Bill Update meeting? As previously mentioned, another meeting has been scheduled for Hardin County farmers to help them understand their options for the new Food, Farm and Jobs Bill that was passed with the Agricultural Act of 2014. This meeting will present the same content, and will be held Wednesday, January 7. Featured presenters include Doug Dyer from the Farm Service Agency and Amanda Douridas from OSU Extension.  The meeting will be from 6:30-9:00 pm in Veterans’ Hall at the Hardin County Courthouse, One Courthouse Square, Kenton.  See the attached document which compares the current Farm Bill with the past Farm Bill.  We hope to see you at tomorrow evening’s Farm Bill Update meeting.

USDA 2014 Farm Bill Highlights

Today we had an agronomy inservice training at OSU to prepare for upcoming winter meetings.  Many have participated in the Conservation Tillage Club breakfast series in the past.  This winter’s program’s are set to begin Tuesday, January 13 at the Plaza Inn Restaurant in Mt. Victory.  The first meeting will start with a complimentary breakfast at 7:30 am, thanks to the generous support of several ag lenders and other agribusinesses.  It will feature Dr. Mark Loux, Weed Scientist, Department of Horticulture and Crop Science, The Ohio State University.  Dr. Loux will present a program on New Weed Management Options.  He will provide information about new herbicide management options that are on the horizon for control of resistant weeds, as well as current weed management programs to control problem weeds while increasing crop yields.  Continuing Education Units (CEUs) will be available for Certified Crop Advisers (CCAs).  See the attached news article and flyer for more information.

Tillage Club Breakfast News Release

Conservation Tillage Club

Jerry McBride, who farms near Dola, will see the installation of his new solar power system taking place this week.  Jerry not only becomes the first farmer in Hardin County to produce his own electricity with solar, he is the first anywhere to have a rooftop system designed in a shape other than the conventional rectangle – instead, in the shape of “OSU”.  And if Mother Nature cooperates, his 40-kilowatt solar system will be up and ready to go before the opening kickoff in OSU’s bid for the National Championship next week.  Those interested in seeing Jerry’s solar power system being installed are invited to the farm this Thursday afternoon (weather permitting).  Ecojiva Solar will be on hand to explain the solar system’s components and how they fit together to produce electricity.  The address of the McBride farm is 11312 County Road 60, Dola.  Please call Jess Ennis, Senior Sales Director of Ecojiva, at 330.835.7704 to confirm the best day and time to visit the installation.


Did you recently get your property tax statement in the mail and have questions about Current Agricultural Use Value (CAUV)?  Hardin County Auditor Mike Bacon plans to be at this Friday’s (1/9) Ag Council meeting to answer questions about CAUV and other property tax questions.  The meeting will be at 7:00 am at Henry’s Restaurant in Kenton.  The Sheep Improvement Association Directors will meet Tuesday, January 13 at 7:30 pm at the Extension office.  The Soil and Water Conservation District Board will meet Thursday, January 15 at 7:30 am at the SWCD office.  I have included some articles below for your information.







Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training Events – Greg LaBarge

The Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification Program administered by the Ohio Department of Agriculture came into law this past summer. The program is a certificate program that requires training (or meeting equivalent requirement), application for the certificate and continuing education to maintain the certificate. Those required to obtain the certificate prior to September 30, 2017, are anyone applying fertilizer to 50 or more acres of agricultural production. Agricultural production means the cultivation primarily for sale, of plants or any parts of plants, excluding start-up fertilizer. Go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2014/2014-41/agricultural-fertilizer-applicator-certification-training-events to continue reading this article.







Sorting through Residual Soybean Herbicide Options – Mark Loux

There are a bunch of residual herbicide premixes available now for use in soybeans.  Most of these are listed in the 2015 edition of the Weed Control Guide, but it seems like there’s always one or two that we don’t know about.  Many new premixes are essentially generic versions of products that had already been available.  Example – Boundary, Ledger, and Tailwind are premixes of metribuzin and metolachlor from different companies that are essentially identical in formulation and label.  Once there are more than a couple of trade names for the same herbicide or herbicide premix, we usually list them in the guide by active ingredient, with a list of trade names underneath.  So we now have a listing for “flumioxazin” instead of Valor, but show the trade names for flumioxazin underneath – Valor, Encompass, Outflank, and Panther. Go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2014/2014-41/sorting-through-residual-soybean-herbicide-options to continue reading this article.






2014 Forage Performance Trial Results – John McCormick, Mark Sulc

Results from the 2014 Ohio Forage Performance Trials are now available online at http://oardc.osu.edu/forage2014/. The report includes yield trials of commercial varieties of alfalfa, red and white clover, orchardgrass, tall fescue, and annual ryegrass in tests planted in 2011 to 2014 across three sites in Ohio: South Charleston, Wooster, and North Baltimore. There is also a downloadable pdf file for easy printing of the results, as well as downloadable Excel files. Go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2014/2014-41/2014-forage-performance-trial-results to continue reading this article.








Weed Management Resources – Mark Loux

Reminders about some the resources available to help with weed management and herbicide selection, and resistance issues.  The 2015 Weed Control Guide is available for purchase online at the OSU Extension estore (http://estore.osu-extension.org) or local extension offices:  hardcopy – $14.75; pdf (searchable with live menu links) – $9.99.  A free basic pdf is available on the OSU Weed Science website (http://u.osu.edu/osuweeds), along with the updated version of the marestail control fact sheet and various other resources. Go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2014/2014-41/weed-management-resources to continue reading this article.






Northern Ohio Ag Day/Wyandot Agronomy Day – Jason Hartschuh

On January 29th at the Wyandot County Fair Grounds, Masters building, OSU Extension Erie Basin, will be hosting the Wyandot Agronomy day. This program will focus on Corn and Soybean production, but pesticide credits will be available for all categories. Three hours of Fertilizer Applicator Certification, are also available. A few of the featured guests are- Dr. Matt Roberts –OSU Ag economist with grain market updates, Dr. John Fulton- OSU Ag engineering will be discussing Drone usage and nutrient management, Dr. Steve Prochaska- Weed management in 2015, and Greg Labarge- OSU Field specialist- Nutrient Management. Various other topics will be covered by County Extension Educators. To find out more information on topics and for mandatory preregistration by January 22, 2015 visit http://crawford.osu.edu/sites/crawford/files/imce/Program_Pages/ANR/PesticideTrns/2015%20wyandot%20ag%20day.pdf or call the Crawford County OSU Extension office at 419-562-8731.




Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office
