Good evening,
The snowblower is ready to go and I’m as prepared as needed for what sounds like what might be a major storm. Did you make it to the grocery store today to get your needed supplies? Let’s just hope that this much talked about snowstorm isn’t as bad as predicted. This week we have several programs planned so I am hoping that we can proceed without issues. If there are any cancelations, they will be on WKTN 95.3 Kenton. So you might be asking, just what is planned for this week?
The Sheep and Goat webinar series kicks off Monday evening at 7:00 pm at the Extension office. This year’s theme is Tips for Productivity Improvement. The dates for the programs are Monday, February 2, 9, 16, and 23. The series will begin Monday, February 2 as Clif Little, Ohio State University Extension, Guernsey County Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator will present “Tips for Fine-Tuning your Flock/Herd FAMACHA Program.” If you would like to attend any of these Sheep and Goat presentations, please call the Extension office at 419-674-2297 or email me at to RSVP so that preparations can be made to accommodate the number of people interested in attending. These programs are sponsored locally by Farm Credit Mid-America, with an office in Bellefontaine. Refreshments will be provided to those who attend. See the attached news release for more information.
Sheep Goat Webinars News Release
Tuesday, February 3 is the next Conservation Tillage Club breakfast program, starting at 7:30 am at the Plaza Inn Restaurant in Mt. Victory. Dr. Barry Ward, OSU Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics, will present a program on budgets, cash rent, and the bottom line. Topics that will be addressed are decisions in the area of farm management that will take into consideration relatively high input costs such as land, equipment, fuel, seed, fertilizer, and pesticides, with regard to decreasing crop receipts. Managing input costs will be an increasingly important aspect of farm operation profitability. See the attached flyer for details.
Later Tuesday (2/3) evening, we will have our second agronomy webinar that will focus on soybean production. This will be at the Extension office, starting at 7:00 pm and ending at 8:30 pm. ‘Agronomic Practices to Maximize Soybean Yield’ will be the topic of the first presentation. This first part will be taught by Dr. Laura Lindsey, Extension Specialist-Soybean and Small Grain Production, OSUE. Following her presentation, ‘Late Season Soybean Pest issues’ will be taught by Dr. Andy Michel, Extension Specialist-Entomology, OSUE. For more details, see the attached flyer.
Hardin 2015 CSW Connection Series
A Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) class has been planned for Hardin County. GAPs classes are training sessions for fruit and vegetable producers taught by personnel from Ohio State University’s Fruit and Vegetable Safety Program. The February 10 program will be from 9:00 am-12:00 noon at the Scioto Valley Produce Auction, 18715 County Road 200, Mt. Victory. For more information on this upcoming program, see the attached news release and registration form.
Other events to be aware of this coming week include Farm Bureau Board meeting at Henry’s Restaurant Tuesday (2/3) at 5:30 pm. Ag Council is is also meeting at Henry’s Restaurant Friday (2/6), starting at 7:00 am with breakfast and sharing of information. That same day, Dairy Princess applications are due. The Fairboard is scheduled to meet Saturday (2/7), starting at 7:30 pm at the fair office. So as you can see, there are plenty of programs and meetings for you to take advantage of this week, weather permitting. Finally, I have included some articles below that you may be interested in reading.
Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification Update – Greg LaBarge
The Ohio Department of Agriculture has begun issuing the new Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification cards. Those who attended the September, 2014 educational programs in Archbold, Findlay and Paulding should have already or will soon receive a mailing with a certificate for those who already have a Pesticide Applicator License or a bill for the $30 fee if you did not have a Pesticide License. People attending other programs will be getting information over the next few weeks. Go to to continue reading this article.
Agronomic Crops Extension publications to help make plans for 2015 – Harold Watters
We are just into January but well into our winter meeting season. Several requests have come up for publications we reference in our talks. The first is the Corn, Soybean, Wheat and Alfalfa Field Guide – newly updated and in a new larger format this year. The Field Guide is available on OSU Extension’s eStore for sale, or may be ordered from county Extension offices. For more informaiton about agronomic crops Extension publications, go to
Register Now for Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council Conference – Mark Sulc
The Ohio Forages and Grasslands Council Annual Conference will be held February 6, 2015 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Ohio Department of Agriculture in Reynoldsburg, OH. The program focus is “Take the Next Step” in your forage management program. Details of the program and registration can be found at The featured speaker will be Dr. Ed Rayburn, Extension Specialist at West Virginia University, He will discuss pasture ecology and animal responses to grazing management, including rotational and “mob-stocking.” Dr. Rayburn will also discuss best management practices for plastic wrapped bales learned from on-farm research and experience. Go to to continue reading about this conference.
Fulton Soybean College, February 17, 2015 – Eric Richer
Want to maximize your soybean production and profitability? Join OSU Extension in Fulton County Tuesday, February 17 from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. as we present a hands-on, intensive soybean management workshop for Ohio Crop Producers that will help you become a more profitable soybean producer. This workshop will be held at the Robert Fulton Agriculture Center, 8770 State Route 108, Wauseon, Ohio. The workshop will feature Dr. Laura Lindsey, Ohio State University Soybean/Wheat Extension Specialist; Dr. Andy Michel, Ohio State University, Field Crop Extension Entomologist; Dr. Steve Culman, Ohio State University’s Soil Fertility Specialist and Dr. Anne Dorrance, Ohio State University’s Field Crop Extension Pathologist. Go to to read more.
AgCrops Calendar for February 2015 – Harold Watters
February is a big Extension meeting month. Please pick out the one you like and join us. For more details on the following programs check our calendar ( or call your local Extension office. Go to to see a statewide listing of upcoming agronomic crop production programs coming up in February. Some programs may have pre-registration deadlines and travel, so check now to find out which programs you may be interested in attending.
Mark A. Badertscher
Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator
OSU Extension Hardin County
1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326
419-674-2297 Office