June 25, 2019

Good evening,

Even though there has not been much field work lately, farmers have been busy thinking about what to do with their fields that are unplanted.  Much thought goes into a decision about unplanted acres and the options for those fields, along with the crop insurance decisions that come with prevented planting.  I submitted an article to the media last week about this topic and have included it with this email.  As I write this edition of the Hardin County Agriculture and Natural Resources Update, today marks the end of the late planting period for corn.  Some additional corn will be planted, mostly to be chopped for silage as needed for dairy cattle.  Even so, it will be pushing the limit for quality silage but when it is needed for feed, it will need to be planted.  Now that June 20 has passed, we have several fields in the county that will be claimed for prevented planting for soybeans.  These fields, along with the prevented planting corn fields have weeds that need to be managed and other decisions to make about cover crops and possible forage harvest.  There are several factors that need to be considered and OSU Extension and the Ohio No-Till Council have planned a special meeting with several experts to help answer those questions on Thursday, June 27 from 6:30-9:00 pm at Ohio Northern University Mcintosh Center (402 W College Ave, Ada).  We will address weed control, crop insurance, and cover crops for unplanted acres.  See the attached news release for this meeting.  You won’t want to miss it.

Prevented Planting Decisions News Release

Cover Crops Meeting News Release

The USDA Risk Management Agency announced just the other day that cover crops planted on prevented planting acres can be grazed, chopped, or hayed for livestock beginning September 1.  This will help address the lack of forages for livestock producers.  See the attached news release from USDA to read more about this change.  However, it is important that you discuss this with your crop insurance agent to make sure you are following all rules before deciding to plant cover crops or harvest forages on prevented planting fields.  Also, if you have land in NRCS – EQIP or CSP programs, you will need to get any cover crop changes approved by your local NRCS office before you plant.  There are guidelines that need to be followed to make sure you remain eligible for these programs.  Also, make sure you do the necessary reporting with FSA for crops planted and crops that will be prevented planting.  Although the June 24 Ohio Crop Weather Report that I have attached says that 80% of the corn is planted and 65% of the soybeans are planted across Ohio, this is now intended planted acres as of this date.  Wheat harvest is just around the corner, so a timely harvest is important to maintain yield and quality.  Often times wet weather causes problems with yield, test weight, and grain quality so don’t delay harvesting this crop.

RMA Announces Change to Haying and Grazing Date News Release

June 24 Ohio Crop Weather Report

The Ohio Department of Agriculture has announced that the Ohio Working Lands Buffer Program sign-up period has again been made available as of June 17.  This program encourages producers in the Western Lake Erie Basin Watershed to establish year‐round vegetative cover on eligible cropland.  The program promotes the conversion, establishment and maintenance of forage/hay land on certain cropland acres.  As the name implies “Working Lands Buffers” act as a buffer on cropland and provides another line of defense to filter surface water while allowing participants to harvest forage from established areas.  See the attached flyer and stop by the Hardin SWCD office to apply.  An annual payment of $120 per acre per year over a 5‐year period is available for establishment and maintenance.

Working Lands Buffer Program Flyer

The Small Grains Program is also available through ODA.  It is a voluntary program that encourages producers in the Western Lake Erie Basin Watershed to plant small grains such as wheat, barley, oats or cereal rye on eligible cropland.  This program promotes the planting of small grains not only for the conservation benefits, but to provide livestock producers with a longer time period to land apply manure and nutrients.  As the “working lands” name implies participants can plant and harvest small grains, land apply manure, and plant a cover crop to receive a cost-share payment of $75 per acre to help offset operating costs.  Livestock producers are encouraged to work with neighboring grain farmers that are able to utilize manure as a source of nutrients for their crops.  Again, stop by the Hardin SWCD office if you want to apply.  See the attached flyer for more details about this program if you are interested.  Well, that is a lot of information to digest, but if you want more I have included some ag crops articles below.

Small Grain Program Flyer











Cover Crops for Prevented Planting Acres at ONU Thursday, June 27 – Mark Badertscher

Do you have questions about what cover crops should be used on Prevented Planting acres?  Do you have concerns about weed control for unplanted fields?  What are the rules regarding crop insurance and planting forages to be used for grazing, cutting, and haying for livestock?  Get these and other questions answered this Thursday, June 27.  The Ohio No-Till Council, in cooperation with OSU Extension, will host a meeting at Ohio Northern University Mcintosh Center in Ada.  The address is 402 West College Avenue, Ada, Ohio 45810.  The meeting will be from 6:30 to 9:00 pm and will be free to attend.  Read more about this meeting at https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/201919/cover-crops-prevented-planting-acres-onu-thursday-june-27.










How to store treated seed – Anne Dorrance

Let me say upfront that much of the information in this piece is based on a study published (Crop Science 53:1086-1095 in 2013) by Dr. Susan Goggi’s lab and others at Iowa State University, Dept. of Agronomy & Seed Science Center. As a scientist, we store both untreated and treated seed over years, but it is healthy and it is in cool and always dry conditions.  But this year we have several issues.  The seed raised in 2018, due to the rains through our long drawn out harvest, left a lot to be desired.  Last week, we had one day to plant and now we are making decisions on what to do with the seed we purchased that is treated.  Treated seed cannot enter the market and must be disposed of through planting, incineration, or burial based on the label. All of these are costly. Finish reading about proper storage of treated seed at https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/201918/how-store-treated-seed.










Using Corn as a Cover Crop – Peter Thomison, Ben Brown, Sam Custer, Greg LaBarge, Sarah Noggle, Mark Sulc, Eric Richer, Harold Watters

Based on information from across the Corn Belt, including states where they have more experience with delayed planting of corn (University of Wisconsin – http://wisccorn.blogspot.com/2019/06/B102.html) and Iowa State University – https://crops.extension.iastate.edu/cropnews/2019/05/cover-crop-options-prevented-planting-fields), these are our best recommendations for using corn as a cover crop. Although the yield potential of corn planted in July for grain and silage is very low, corn makes an excellent “emergency” forage when planted in July. Moreover, unlike some other forage crops, Ohio producers know how to grow it. We also are aware of limited seed supply for several alternatives that typically could be used. Farmers should consult with their insurance agent to see if harvesting as forage will affect any current or future insurance payments on prevented plant acres.  Read more at https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/201919/using-corn-cover-crop.










Forage Shortage and Prevented Planting Acres… think OATS! – Allen Gahler, Stan Smith

Last week, USDA released the declaration that a cover crop planted onto prevented planting acres can now be harvested as a forage after September 1st, rather than the normal date of November 1st, which provides a small glimmer of hope for some livestock producers and those equipped to harvest forages.  While Ohio is also experiencing a severe shortage of forages for all classes of livestock, weed control on prevented planting acres is a major concern, and with USDA’s declaration, we can now address both problems in one action – seeding cover crops that will be harvestable as a forage after September 1st. As with everything else this season, however, patience is the key!  Although an ideal situation would be cover crops that can be put out immediately and reduce the need for tillage, chopping, or spraying of weeds already present, there are unfortunately not many species of cover crop that will accomplish this and still provide significant tonnage or feed quality as a forage in September. Finish reading this article at https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/201919/forage-shortage-and-prevented-planting-acres%E2%80%A6-think-oats.










2019 Challenge: Forage Production Options for Ohio – Mark Sulc, Bill Weiss, Dianne Shoemaker, Sarah Noggle

Across Ohio, farmers are facing challenges unimagined just four months ago.  Widespread loss of established alfalfa stands coupled with delayed or impossible planting conditions for other crops leave many farmers, their agronomists and nutritionists wondering what crops can produce reasonable amounts of quality forage yet this year. In addition, frequent and heavy rains are preventing harvest of forages that did survive the winter and are causing further deterioration of those stands. With July 1st just around the corner, Mark Sulc, OSU Extension Forage Agronomist and Bill Weiss, OSU Extension Dairy Nutritionist, help address this forage dilemma.  If one is looking for quality and quantity, what are your best options? Read more about forage options at https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/201919/2019-challenge-forage-production-options-ohio.





Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office


June 18, 2019

Good afternoon,

The 2019 planting season is one that will be remembered for a long time.  Soils stayed wet from the April heavy rains through the month of May with persistent rainfall.  Cool temperatures during these months did not aid drying of fields and kept most planters in the barn.  A few small windows of opportunity existed for field work, but were short lived as constant rains returned.  Fields were saturated most of the time, with several wet areas having ponding.  This is a summary so far of the current planting season as described in the Extension Rainfall Report for May.  For the time period of May 1-May 31, 2019 Extension rainfall reporters recorded an average of 5.12 inches of rain in Hardin County.  Last year, the average rainfall for the same time period was 3.40 inches.  Rainfall for May was 0.89 inches more than the ten-year average rainfall for the month.  See the attached report for more information about rainfall received in Hardin County which has led to the wet June that we are experiencing now.  Although the attached Ohio Crop Weather Report for June 17 has Ohio listed at 68% corn planted and 46% soybeans planted, I would suggest that Hardin County is lower than that.  Some corn fields are up, although much corn is in wet, saturated soils or even ponded at the current time.  I did see a field of soybeans in the first trifoliate stage in Goshen Township Friday, the first soybean field that I have noticed emerged.

May 2019 Rainfall Summary

June 17 Ohio Crop Weather Report

I am in the process of setting armyworm, black cutworm, European Corn Borer, and Western Bean Cutworm traps near corn fields around the county.  Let me know if you would like a trap set near one of your fields to monitor these insect pest populations. The Hardin County OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteers along with the assistance of the Men’s Garden Club are sponsoring “An Evening Garden Affair” on Monday evening, June 24 at the Friendship Gardens of Hardin County located at 960 W. Kohler Street in Kenton.  The event is from 6 to 9 pm and will feature Sarah Noggle of OSU Extension-Paulding County with a program about how to grow vegetables with limited space.  This event is free and open to the public, rain or shine with the program inside the HARCO workshop with seating and air conditioning.  It will then move outside for a demonstration and questions.  The guest speaker will begin at 7:00 pm so you will want to mark this event on your calendar if you or someone you know is interested in vegetable gardening.  I have included both a news article and a flyer with more information about the event attached to this email.

An Evening Garden Affair News Release

An Evening Garden Affair Flyer

On Friday, July 12 the Ohio Forage and Grassland Council (OFGC) will offer a farm tour beginning in Jackson County and traveling through Ross and Vinton Counties to sheep farms in South Central Ohio.  This tour will take place the day before Ohio Sheep and Hay Day at the Jackson Agricultural Research Station on Saturday, July 13.  See the attached news release and flyer for more information about how you can register to participate in one or both of these upcoming events.  Other local event in the next week or so include a Soil and Water Conservation District meeting at the SWCD office starting at 7:30 am on Thursday, June 20; and I plan to discuss the current crop situation with Dennis Beverly of WKTN at 7:30 am Saturday, June 22 on 95.3 FM as part of the “Public Eye” radio program.  Until then, I have included some ag crops articles below.  June 20 is the prevented planting date that is coming up for soybeans so be sure to read the information provided about this option for farmers who have crop insurance coverage.

OFGC Tour 2019 News Release

2019 Sheep and Hay Day Flyer










Mid to Late June Prevented Planting Decisions – Ben Brown, Sarah Noggle, Barry Ward

Consistent rains across Ohio and the Corn Belt continue to delay planting progress as the June 17 USDA Planting Progress report showed that 68% of intended corn acres and 46% of intended soybean acres have been planted in Ohio. Nationwide, roughly 27 million acres of corn and soybeans will either be planted or filed under prevented planting insurance. Across Ohio, the Final Plant Date (FPD) for soybeans is June 20. Soybeans can be planted after the FPD, but a one percent reduction in the insurance guarantee occurs. This brief article outlines economic considerations for soybean prevented planting under three scenarios: planting soybeans on corn acres, planting soybeans late, and taking prevent plant soybeans. There are three sections to this article: a brief market update on corn and soybeans, a policy update on Market Facilitation Payments, and then finally the scenarios listed above. This article contains the best information available as of release, but conditions may change. Farmers should check with their crop insurance agents when making prevented planting decisions. OSU Extension is not an authorizing body of federal crop insurance policies. Read the rest of this article at https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/201918/mid-late-june-prevented-planting-decisions.









Don’t leave your fields naked if taking the prevent plant option on corn and soybean ground – Farms underwater won’t have a choice but farmers still have options – Sarah Noggle, Alan Sundermeier

It’s been a rough spring for much of Ohio and the counties that have received the most rainfall typically have less than 20% of the county planted. Many unplanted acres remain across the Corn Belt and in Ohio. The decision to plant or not to plant still lingers in a farmer’s mind. Farmers truly want to plant but with the June 20 deadline for planting soybeans or declaring prevent plant, many farmers will be taking the prevent plant option. Additionally, on the acres not planted, weed pressure is becoming more and more of a problem.  Prevent Planted fields should not be left bare/naked. Without competition for sunlight, weeds will continue to germinate and grow to create a weed seed bank for many years to come. Soil erosion on bare soil can occur even on flat fields. Therefore, make a plan to prevent planted fields: control weeds first to prevent seed set, if the soil surface is uneven, then tillage should only be done when soil is dry to avoid compaction. Cover crops can then be sown which will protect the soil until 2020 crop planting. Read more about this topic at https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/201918/don%E2%80%99t-leave-your-fields-naked-if-taking-prevent-plant-option-corn.









Don’t Delay Wheat Harvest (Well…If the weather cooperates) – Laura Lindsey, Pierce Paul

Wheat harvest date impacts both grain yield and quality. Delaying wheat harvest puts the crop at risk for increased disease, vomitoxin contamination, lodging, sprouting, and harvest loss. With funding from the Ohio Small Grains Marketing Program, we conducted wheat harvest date trials for three years. However, none of the years were similar to what we are experiencing this year. The biggest impact on wheat grain yield and quality seems to occur when the dry grain is re-wetted in the field prior to harvest. In 2016 in Clark Co., we evaluated wheat harvested on June 29 (at 12% moisture content) and July 8 (at 14% moisture content). Grain moisture increased between June 29 and July 8 due to 0.58” rain between the two dates. When the wheat harvest was delayed until July 8, yield decreased by 9 bu./acre, test weight decreased by 2.9 lb./bu., and vomitoxin level increased by 0.86 ppm. Using a grain price of $4.50/bu. and discounts from a local elevator, the difference the delayed wheat harvest resulted in a loss of $87/acre compared to the June 29 harvest.  Click on https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/201918/don%E2%80%99t-delay-wheat-harvest-well%E2%80%A6if-weather-cooperates to finish reading this article about harvesting wheat.









It’s All About the Weed Seedbank – Part 2: Where Has All the Waterhemp Come From? – Mark Loux

Weed populations are constantly shifting, in response to the pressure from our cultural and herbicide use practices, and how good our management of weeds is (or isn’t).  Two weeks ago in CORN, we wrote about the apparent decline in marestail in parts of the state, although in subsequent communication we heard fairly clearly that not everyone’s populations had declined yet.  And there is bad news – waterhemp is spreading at a rapid rate, and it’s a considerably more challenging pest than marestail for several reasons.  The question really is – why has waterhemp taken off over the past several years?  And not Palmer amaranth which we were more worried about? The difference may be is the initial source of the infestations as much as anything.  We did not know of any Palmer in the state prior to 2011 when we became aware of an infestation near Portsmouth.  We think of Palmer as still coming almost exclusively from distinctly new introductions, deriving from outside the state.  Go to https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2019-12/it%E2%80%99s-all-about-weed-seedbank-%E2%80%93-part-2-where-has-all-waterhemp to read more about waterhemp.









Agronomic Field Day June 20 – Alan Sundermeier

The Northwest Ag Research Station will be hosting a field day on June 20  at 9 am emphasizing “Lake Friendly Farming Research”.   Topics include Soil Drainage research, precision fertilizer placement, ultra-early corn, manure nutrient balancing, and soil health.  Management of prevented planting fields will also be discussed.  RSVP for lunch, no cost to attend.  See the flyer or www.wood.osu.edu for information. Some topics have been changed since this writing as a result of the weather events that have happened this planting season. There will be no wagon tours as part of this special field day.


Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office



June 11, 2019


There was progress made in the county this past week planting corn before it rained again.  It seems as though this weather pattern will continue with the possibility of another considerable rain event later this month.  This will continue to open small windows of opportunity to get crops planted as the calendar advances.  See the article below for more information about the weather forecast for June.  Statewide, 50% of the corn is now planted and 32% of the soybeans are planted.  It is difficult to estimate the amount of corn that will be in prevented planting acres.  I have attached the latest USDA Ohio Crop Weather Report for June 10.  Locally, some forages have been harvested, and more and more fields are being sprayed to control the weeds.  Several of the farmers I have spoke with have some corn planted with very little soybeans in the ground.  Some wheat fields are starting to turn, and some fertilizer and manure has been applied.

June 11 Crop Weather Report

Summer garden programs have been scheduled by our OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteers for June, July, and August.  The first program, ‘Getting Started in Beekeeping’ will be this Saturday at 9:00 am in the Friendship Gardens of Hardin County (960 W Kohler Street, Kenton).  See the attached news article and flyer advertising these events.  Soon I will be setting out traps for common armyworm, black cutworm, European Corn Borer, and Western Bean Cutworm.  If you are interested in having traps set near a corn field, let me know.  I try to locate them throughout the entire county.  These traps are set in mid-June and are checked weekly until they are pulled in late August.

Summer Friendship Garden Programs News Release

Saturday Mornings Garden Flyer

I have included a flyer for a farm bill Dairy Margin Coverage program workshop being held in Mercer County on June 19 in Celina.  Also, I have attached this year’s Ohio Sustainable Farm Tour booklet to this email.  There are several tours taking place with the closest being in Union County.  Other upcoming local events include Ag Council breakfast Friday, June 14 starting at 7:30 am at the Kenton McDonalds; Soil and Water Conservation District meeting, Thursday, June 20 starting at 7:30 am at the SWCD office; and the Farm Bureau Ag Policy breakfast Friday, June 21 starting at 7:00 am at the Plaza Inn.  See the articles below for ag crops information from the CORN Newsletter.

DMC Mercer Flyer

Ohio Sustainable Ag Tours










More Wet Weather Ahead – Jim Noel

After the wet spring which was forecast, we expected a transition in early/mid-June from the spring pattern to summer pattern with a relaxation of rainfall for a brief period. This appears to be happening. However, it won’t last too long as we expect above normal rainfall to return for the second half of the month. Over the last week, rainfall has been all over the place. Northern Ohio and far southern Ohio saw above normal rainfall above 1 inch. Central sections and far northwest Ohio saw below normal rainfall below an inch. Read more about the June weather forecast at https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/201917/more-wet-weather-ahead.









Ponding and Saturated Soils: Results of Recent Ohio Corn Research – Alexander Lindsey, Peter Thomison

Persistent rains during May and early June have resulted in ponding and saturated soils in many Ohio corn fields and led to questions concerning what impact these conditions will have on corn performance. The extent to which ponding injures corn is determined by several factors including (1) plant stage of development when ponding occurs, (2) duration of ponding and (3) air/soil temperatures. Corn is affected most by flooding at the early stages of growth.  Continue reading about ponding and saturated soils at https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/201917/ponding-and-saturated-soils-results-recent-ohio-corn-research.









Average Fall Freeze Dates for Corn Considerations – Aaron Wilson, Sam Custer

In last week’s C.O.R.N. newsletter, Peter Thomison provided useful information on tools available for switching corn hybrids (https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2019-15/more-switching-corn-hybrid-maturities). As Dr. Thomison points out, Dr. Bob Nielsen at Purdue University wrote an article describing the U2U Corn GDD Tool, available from the Midwest Regional Climate Center (https://mrcc.illinois.edu/U2U/gdd/), with caveats to keep in mind as one is making their decisions. Specifically, users are encouraged to modify their black layer GDDs within the tool in order to reflect a more accurate assessment of days to maturity. To aid in these decisions, we have provided two maps showing the average median date of the first fall freeze (based on 1981-2010 conditions) for selected sites across Ohio. To see these maps and their average fall freeze dates, go to https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/201916/average-fall-freeze-dates-corn-considerations.









Insecticidal Seed Treatments in Late-Planted Crops – Kelley Tilmon, Andy Michel

Many producers are planting late this year due to continued wet weather and may be wondering how insecticidal seed treatments should factor into their planting decisions.  While individual situations vary, here are some rules of thumb to consider. The most commonly available class of insecticidal seed treatments are neonicotinoids such as thiamethoxam, clothianidin, and imidacloprid.  The conventional wisdom is that late-planted crops stand to benefit less from these products than early-planted crops.  Warmer soil and air temperatures get the plant get off to a faster start and faster growth, allowing it to outpace insect pests.  Another important factor to keep in mind about insecticidal seed treatments is their window of activity. Finish reading this article at https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/201916/insecticidal-seed-treatments-late-planted-crops.









Fungicide for Scab Control: Late Application and Rain-fastness – Pierce Paul

Most of the wheat fields in the northern half of the state reached anthesis last week. The remaining fields will reach this critical growth stage during this week. According to the scab forecasting system (www.wheatscab.psu.edu), the risk for Fusarium head blight (FHB; commonly referred to as head scab) has been moderate-to-high over the last 5-7 days on susceptible varieties planted in the northwest corner of the state. However, persistent rainfall, soggy fields, and difficulties scheduling an aerial application, prevented some fields from being sprayed to control scab and vomitoxin at the anthesis/flowering growth stage. But although anthesis is the recommended growth stage for head scab fungicide application, missing this window does not necessarily mean that you have lost the opportunity to use an effective fungicide to suppress head scab and vomitoxin. Go to https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/201916/fungicide-scab-control-late-application-and-rain-fastness to finish reading.




Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office


June 4, 2019

Good afternoon,

Field work has begun in some parts of the county as conditions allow.  I saw corn up in the Hog Creek Marsh and was told that there is also corn up in the Scioto Marsh.  There were also some fields being sprayed and tilled around the county in areas that had less rain and good drainage.  According to the USDA Crop Weather Report that came out yesterday, Ohio is now at 33% corn planted with 18% emerged and 18% soybeans planted with 9% emerged.  65% of the winter wheat has headed, and first cutting of alfalfa (22%) and other hay (21%) has started.  The Prevented Planting date for corn is coming up tomorrow and I have included an article that I submitted to the media this past week.  See the articles below for timely information about ag crops.

June 3 Crop Weather Report

Prevented Planting News Release

One of the first field days to be held this summer is the Agronomic Field Day that is planned for June 20 at the Northwest Agricultural Research Station in Wood County.  This year’s topics are centered around ‘Lake Friendly Farming Research.’  Lunch is provided courtesy of Pioneer Hybrids but you need to register by June 14.  See the attached flyer for more information about this annual event and how to register.  One of the first programs to come out the 2018 Farm Bill is the Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC).  I have included a news release about this program and a flyer for a June 25 event in Darke County on which will provide information about changes in coverage levels, premiums and discounts, feed cost calculations, and more.  Join OSU Extension and the USDA Farm Service Agency for a free program to learn about the DMC and how to use decision tools to evaluate your farm’s coverage options and costs.

NW 2019 Agronomic Field Day Flyer

2019 Dairy Margin Coverage News Release

Dairy Margin Coverage Flyer

Parasites are the top issue facing sheep and goat producers in the Eastern United States.  FAMACHA© eye scores and fecal egg counts are helpful tools for small ruminant producers seeking better parasite control in their flocks. These workshops will provide training for producers to conduct FAMACHA© eye scores and fecal egg counts at home.  If you are a sheep or goat producer who wishes to be trained in these methods, there is a workshop being held in Noble County at the Eastern Agricultural Research Station on June 28.  I have included a flyer with more details if you are interested.

FAMACHA – Fecal Egg Count Flyer

Hopefully the weather will cooperate and allow more crops to be planted the rest of this week.  Be safe and good luck!











More on Switching Corn Hybrid Maturities – Peter Thomison

Corn GDD Tool to Identify “Safe” Hybrid Maturities for Late Planting.  Dr. Bob Nielsen at Purdue University has written an article describing a powerful decision aid, U2U Corn GDD Tool, which can be used to identify “safe” hybrid maturities for late planting. The GDD Tool is currently available for Ohio and it can estimate county-level GDD accumulations and corn development dates based on current and historical GDD data plus user-selected start dates, relative hybrid maturity ratings, GDDs to black layer, and freeze temperature threshold values. The article can be found here: (http://www.kingcorn.org/news/timeless/HybridMaturityDelayedPlant.html ). To read more about silage corn, ultra-early hybrids, and other hybrid maturity information, go to https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2019-15/more-switching-corn-hybrid-maturities.









Delayed Soybean Planting – A Yield Perspective – Laura Lindsey

Across the state, soybean planting is still on-hold due to continued wet weather. A few weeks ago, I wrote an article on recommendations for June-planted soybeans: https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2019-12/recommendations-late-planted-soybeans You can also find recommendations for late-planted soybeans in the Ohio Agronomy Guide available to download as a pdf here: https://stepupsoy.osu.edu/soybean-production/ohio-agronomy-guide-15th-edition (click on the picture of the guide to download). I think June-planted soybeans still have a great deal of yield potential; however, it will depend on how the rest of the year turns out. (Will there be water limitations during pod-setting and seed fill? Will we have an early frost?) Read more at https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2019-15/delayed-soybean-planting-yield-perspective.








Current Weed Issues II: Revised Herbicide Management Strategies for Late Planting – Mark Loux

We’re running about a month behind in many cases, and with respect to weeds we are a month later than normal in implementing herbicide programs.  The most important thing to know about this is that we are well into the period of summer annual weed emergence, most of which occurs between early May and the end of June, which overall shortens the period of weed control that we need and allows earlier application of POST herbicides.  There are some advantages to this – here’s what it means for those fields just planted or that will still be planted within the next couple weeks. Because we are this late, the burndown has become a major part of what is usually our in-season herbicide program, and is taking care of a good portion of the summer annuals that residual and POST herbicides would usually control. Finish reading this article at https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2019-15/current-weed-issues-ii-revised-herbicide-management-strategies.








Forages Continue to Mature – Mark Sulc, Rory Lewandowski, Jeff Stachler

Forage stands that have survived this year continue to advance in maturity. Some producers in northeast Ohio were able to harvest last week, and many wet-wrapped the forage. Unfortunately, in other parts of Ohio, the rains have continued, and the forecast is not good for drying conditions this week. Although forages are ready for harvesting, keep in mind that harvesting when the soil is too wet and soft will do non-reversible compaction damage to the stand and will lower the productivity the rest of this year and into future years. Continue reading about forages at https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2019-15/forages-continue-mature.









Fungicide for Scab Control: Late Application and Rain-fastness – Pierce Paul

Most of the wheat fields in the northern half of the state reached anthesis last week. The remaining fields will reach this critical growth stage during this week. According to the scab forecasting system (www.wheatscab.psu.edu), the risk for Fusarium head blight (FHB; commonly referred to as head scab) has been moderate-to-high over the last 5-7 days on susceptible varieties planted in the northwest corner of the state. However, persistent rainfall, soggy fields, and difficulties scheduling an aerial application, prevented some fields from being sprayed to control scab and vomitoxin at the anthesis/flowering growth stage. But although anthesis is the recommended growth stage for head scab fungicide application, missing this window does not necessarily mean that you have lost the opportunity to use an effective fungicide to suppress head scab and vomitoxin. Click on https://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/201916/fungicide-scab-control-late-application-and-rain-fastness to read more about fungicides for scab control.




Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office
