January 27, 2017

Good evening,

Have you heard the news?  Hardin County OSU Extension will be the live host of a Corn Production Issues seminar from Ohio State University Extension’s Agronomic Crops Team on Tuesday, January 31 at 7:00 pm.  The location of the seminar will be the Community Room at Mid-Ohio Energy Cooperative, 1210 West Lima Street, Kenton.  Dr. Peter Thomison, OSU Extension Corn Specialist and Dr. Pierce Paul, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center Corn and Wheat Disease Specialist will be in Kenton to discuss how to assess growing conditions and their impact on ear rots, mycotoxins and malformation in corn.  Their presentations will give farmers the skills to recognize ear development problems and minimize the grain quality issues experienced in 2016.  See the attached news release and flyer for more details and how to register as I hope to have a sizable live audience for this event which will be recorded and broadcast around Ohio.

Corn Production News Release

Corn Production Issues

Last week I told you about a Cover Crops workshop being held at the Plaza Inn on February 10.  Be sure to get your registration sent in by February 3 to attend this all day event.  I’ve attached the flyer to this email.   Read more about it in the articles below.  Darke County Extension has some events coming up as well in the near future.  See that attached flyers for Soybean College (2/7), Waterhemp –Time to Take Action (2/7), Using Aerial Imagery to make Agronomic Decisions (2/8), and Planning for the Future of Your Farm (2/15 & 2/22).  I have also attached a news release titled SBA Offers Working Capital Loans to Ohio Small Businesses Following Secretary of Agriculture Declaration for Drought for your information.  These low interest loans are available for both eligible farm-related and nonfarm-related entities that suffered financial losses as a direct result of this disaster.  Counties included are Allen, Auglaize, Darke, Defiance, Fulton, Hancock, Hardin, Henry, Logan, Lucas, Mercer, Putnam, Shelby, Van Wert, Williams and Wood in Ohio.

2017 Cover Crops Flyer Hardin County

2017 Soybean College Flyer

2017 Waterhemp Time to Take Action

2017 Using Aerial Imagery to make Agronomic Decisions

2017 Future of Farm Brochure

SBA Offers Working Capital Loans Due to Drought

I wanted to make you aware that Farm Credit Mid-America is taking applications for scholarships from now through the end of January.  Each year, they award more than 60 $1,000 scholarships to college students who are studying agriculture or finance and attending technical or four-year colleges.  The application is open to children or grandchildren of Farm Credit customers.  More information on the scholarship program and the application can be found on their website at www.e-farmcredit.com/scholarships.

Other local events happening this coming week include the New & Small Farm College on Thursday, February 2 at OSU Lima starting at 6:00 pm.  Join us for Ag Council breakfast on Friday, February 3 as I share information about the Hardin County Nitrogen Rate trials.  This meeting is open to all interested individuals and will also include a round-table discussion of Hardin County agriculture and events.  We will begin at 7:00 am in the banquet room at Henry’s Restaurant in Kenton with breakfast on your own.  The Fairboard is meeting Saturday, February 4 at the fair office starting at 7:30 pm.  I have included some articles below for your reading.




Working Cover Crops into your Operation – Mark Badertscher

Have you thought about planting cover crops or maybe experimented with some cereal rye but want to know more?  Maybe you have heard about how cover crops can improve soil health but need more information.  Plan on attending a workshop this winter that will explain the benefits of cover crops, which cover crops to plant based on your goals and crop rotation, when to plant various cover crops, methods of planting cover crops, how to terminate cover crops, selecting seed mixes, and dealing with voles, moles, and slugs.  Are these topics that have caught your interest?  Maybe you have had questions that you would like to get answers.  If so, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2017-2/working-cover-crops-your-operation to find out more about this workshop.

Lake Erie Cyanobacteria Bloom- A Summary of the 2016 Season – Greg LaBarge

Cyanobacteria growth in the Western Lake Erie Basin (WLEB) has been a concern closely monitored over the past 10 years. The presence of cyanobacteria leads to a pea soup appearance of water that causes aesthetic concerns. Cyanobacteria also produce toxins which cause human health concerns, especially contact during recreational uses or at municipal water intakes. This article compares the 2016 bloom to years back to 2002, plus identifies target loadings for the WLEB to lessen the incidence of blooms.  Go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2017-2/lake-erie-cyanobacteria-bloom-summary-2016-season to finish reading this article.

Making Sense of Soil Health Testing: Ohio State’s Path Forward – Steve Culman

The topic of soil health has been receiving a great deal of attention lately and farmers are increasingly interested in understanding more about their soils. There are a number of labs that now offer some sort of soil health package, typically made up of tests that reflect biological, chemical and physical components of the soil. Some of these tests have been around for some time, while others are relatively new. But as a farmer, how do you make sense of all these new soil tests, and what they mean for your operation and management?  To read more, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2017-2/making-sense-soil-health-testing-ohio-state%E2%80%99s-path-forward.

2017 Soybean College Offered in Darke County – Sam Custer

OSU Extension, Darke County will be hosting the 2017 Soybean College on Tuesday, February 7.  This will be a rare opportunity where The Ohio State University will have all of its state specialists working with soybeans at one meeting focusing on soybean production. This workshop will feature Dr. Laura Lindsey, Soybean/Wheat Extension Specialist; Dr. Kelley Tilmon, Field Crop Extension Entomologist; Dr. Mark Loux, Research and Extension Weed Science; Greg Labarge, Agronomic Systems Field Specialist; Dr. John Fulton, Precision Agriculture Engineer; and Dr. Anne Dorrance, Field Crop Extension Pathologist.  To find out more, you can read the entire article at http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2017-2/2017-soybean-college-offered-darke-county.

Cover Crop Class in Morrow County – Mary Griffith

Cover crops are a growing topic in the agriculture world.  Many farmers are already using cover crops to improve soil heath, increase organic matter, decrease erosion and help hold nutrients on their fields. If you are not using cover crops but are curious about their benefits please join us at the OSU Extension Office (5362 US HWY 42 Mt. Gilead Ohio 43338) for a FREE day long class on February 8th taught by Jim Hoorman and Alan Sundermeier on February 8th from 8:30 to 3:30. Lunch will be provided by Morrow Soil and Water Conservation District.  Click on http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2017-2/cover-crop-class-morrow-county to finish reading this article.


The Ohio State University

Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office




January 21, 2017


Another week into January and we are getting spring-like temperatures.  You might remember that last week I shared the Northwest Ohio Region Agriculture and Natural Resources Newsletter.  This week I have attached the Top of Ohio Extension Education and Research Area Newsletter, which contains the winter programs for Hardin County and the other nine counties to our southwest that are part of this region.  Monday I will be helping out teaching at a pesticide recertification and fertilizer training in one of these counties, Auglaize, as the Extension Educators work together to conduct programs in our region.  This enables a large variety of events available to local farmers, including those in Hardin County.  I hope you take the time to look through this newsletter for programs and events that might interest you.

ANR Winter Newsletter 2017

This week is the second Conservation Tillage Club breakfast, starting at 7:30 am on Tuesday, January 24 at the Plaza Inn.  This program will feature Dr. Jeff Stachler, Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Educator in Auglaize County.  Stachler received his Ph.D. in Weed Science and has worked out of state before coming back to Ohio to serve as a county extension educator.  Stachler will address New Weed Control Options such as the Roundup Ready 2 Xtend program and other new pesticide programs to help farmers control problem weeds such as marestail, giant ragweed, waterhemp, and Palmer amaranth.  His talk will discuss using fall or spring burndowns, pre-emerge, post-emerge, and use of residuals to help control problem weeds in soybeans and corn. See the attached flyer for more information about this series.

Conservation Tillage Club

The Corn, Soybean and Wheat Connection webinars will begin Tuesday (1/24) evening at 7:00 pm.  The first session on January 24 will feature Drs. John Fulton and Elizabeth Hawkins on how to efficiently utilize data from precision agriculture technology to guide farm management decisions.  If you would like to view this webinar at home, you must have pre-registered one week before the session.  To receive login information for future agronomy webinars, go to go.osu.edu/cswconnection2017.  See the attached flyer for future webinar topics and locations.  Only the January 31 webinar will be hosted by Hardin County Extension.  Watch for details about how to participate in this local event coming up soon.  The Tractor Safety & Machinery Operation for Youth course has been moved back one week to allow for more participation.  See the attached registration flyer for details about how to register by January 25 for this course which will begin on February 8 at the Extension office.

CSW 2017 Flyer

Tractor Safety for Youth Flyer

Farmers will have the opportunity to learn about cover crops in a one day workshop at the Plaza Inn Restaurant in Mt. Victory on Friday, February 10.  This program will be held in the banquet room of the Plaza Inn, 491 S Main Street, Mount Victory, OH 43340.  The workshop will begin at 8:30 am and end at 3:30 pm.  The cost of the all day Cover Crops Workshop will be $25 and will include lunch, snacks, and reference materials.  This workshop will review some key cover crops knowledge taught at last year’s program as well as build on that subject matter by offering advanced cover crop information and timely topics related to this conservation and cropping practice.  See the attached news release and flyer to find out how to register for this workshop by February 3.

Cover Crops Workshop News Release

2017 Cover Crop Flyer Hardin County

Other upcoming events that you may be interested include On Farm Manure Research on February 1 and an Ag Outlook meeting being held February 3 in Darke County.  If you are interested in attending either of these events, see the attached flyers for more details and registration information.  More local events include a Soil and Water Conservation District meeting on Thursday (1/26) at SWCD office starting at 7:30 am, the New & Small Farm College on Thursday (1/26) at OSU-Lima starting at 6:00 pm, and a Pork Producers meeting on the same evening at Ag Credit, starting at 6:30 pm.  As usual, I have included some articles below for your reading.

2017 On Farm Manure Research Review Flyer

2017 Ag Outlook Flyer











Fertilizer Applicator Certification Needed by 9/30/2017 – Greg LaBarge

We are entering the last few months for fertilizer applicator certification which involves attending a training program offered by Ohio State University Extension then being issued a certification from the Ohio Department of Agriculture. Through the first two years of the program 12,000 farmers and ag retailers who apply fertilizer have been certified.  Some common questions are answered at http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2017-1/fertilizer-applicator-certification-needed-9302017 along with a link to the upcoming schedule through April.







2016 Northwest Ohio Corn Silage Test (Web Extra) – Rich Minyo, Bill Widdicombe, Peter Thomison, Allen Geyer

In 2016, 47 corn silage hybrids representing 16 commercial brands were evaluated in a joint trial with Michigan State University (MSU). One Ohio location is combined with Michigan’s two southern (Zone 1) silage locations. The Ohio test site was located in our Northwest Region at Hoytville (Wood County). The two MSU sites were located in Branch and Lenawee counties, which are on the Ohio/Michigan state line.  The test results from the three 2016 locations are treated as one region. Go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2017-1/2016-northwest-ohio-corn-silage-test-web-extra to read more about this silage test and results.








Soybean College Offered in North Central Ohio – Mike Gastier

Join OSU Extension on Tuesday, January 31, 2017 as we present a hands-on, intensive soybean management workshop that may help Ohio growers become more profitable soybean producers.  This workshop deals with all management aspects of soybean production and will feature Dr. Laura Lindsey, Soybean/Wheat Extension Specialist; Dr. Kelley Tilmon, Field Crop Extension Entomologist;  Dr. Steve Culman, Soil Fertility Extension Specialist, and Dr. Anne Dorrance, Field Crop Extension Pathologist.  If interested in more details, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2017-1/soybean-college-offered-north-central-ohio.








Northern Ohio Crops Day February 2nd – Alan Sundermeier

The annual Northern Ohio Crops Day will be held on February 2, 2017 at Ole Zim’s Wagon Shed, 1375 N. St. Rt. 590, Gibsonburg, Ohio.  Registration is requested by January 27 by calling Al Gahler at 419-334-6340 or email at gahler.2@osu.edu.  Cost is $15 for lunch and $35 if pesticide recertification credits are needed, this is payable at the door.  Certified Crop Advisor CEU and Fertilizer Certification is offered.  To view the agenda, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2017-1/northern-ohio-crops-day-february-2nd.






Revisit the 2016 Ohio Beef School Webinar Series – Stanley Smith

In case you missed one of the 2016 Ohio Beef Cattle School presentations, or would like to review one, find the recordings of each evenings’ presentations linked here at http://u.osu.edu/beef/2016/02/17/revisit-the-2016-ohio-beef-school-webinar-series/.  These are the Ohio Beef Cattle School webinar programs from last year.  This year’s beef school is currently going on with the next presentation at the Hardin County Extension office on February 7 at 7:00 pm.




Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office


January 13, 2017

Good evening,

I just returned from a week of vacation and it is time to get back into the ‘swing’ of things.  It seems like everyone was waiting to January to schedule programs.  There are definitely many things going on, so I have attached a copy of the Northwest Ohio Region Newsletter in case you did not receive one in the mail.  It lists most of the Extension programs planned for this winter in the northwest corner of our state, including Hardin County as well as neighboring counties.  Before you look at that booklet, I want to highlight what is going on in Hardin County the next week.  The Hardin and Auglaize County New and Small Farm College eight week short course will start Thursday, January 19 at OSU Lima campus at 6:00 pm.

NW Ag Newsletter Winter 2017

The Ohio Beef Cattle School will start up on Tuesday, January 17 at the Extension office at 7:00 pm.  Dr. Justin Rhinehart, Associate Professor, Extension Beef Cattle Specialist, University of Tennessee Department of Animal Science, will focus on key management practices that will help the cow/calf producer stay viable in the beef cattle business.  He will discuss how genetics and nutrition are key components of reproduction management that will keep females productive.  Dr. Amy Radunz, Associate Professor, Beef Cattle Production, University of Wisconsin – River Falls will follow with “Achieving the genetic potential of your calf crop – it starts at conception!”  This presentation will cover how nutrition and management during gestation impacts the lifetime development of the resulting calf.  This year’s Ohio Beef Cattle School is being brought to you from Farm Credit Mid-America in Bellefontaine.  If you plan to attend, please contact the Extension office or reply to this email.  See the attached flyer for more information.

Beef Cattle School Flyer

A Tractor Safety and Machinery Operation certification course for youth has been scheduled for Wednesday evenings from February 1 through March 8 through OSU Extension.  March 15 is a possible make-up day in the event of inclement weather.  The six sessions will go from 6:00-9:00 pm in the OSU Extension office Spark Lab, 1021 W Lima Street, Kenton.  There will be an exam at the conclusion of the course, along with a hands-on operation skills course component that is planned for Saturday, March 18 at the Hardin County Fairgrounds as part of the Community Farm Safety Day planned by OSU Extension and Farm Bureau.  This certification course is recommended for youth ages 14-15 who will be operating farm machinery either on their parents’ farm or someone else’s farm.  Individuals successfully completing the course will receive a certification card.  Other ages can observe the class, but are not able to be certified until age 14. Older youth can participate at the recommendation of their parent or employer.  If you know of someone who should participate in these sessions, please see the attached news release and registration flyer.

Tractor Safety Course News Release

Tractor Safety Course Flyer

Ohio State University Extension announces a series of four webinars available to producers, Certified Crop Advisers, and industry offered throughout January and February 2017.  The Corn, Soybean and Wheat Connection series is scheduled to begin on January 24, 2017 and will focus on issues and updates in grain crop production.  Each webinar will begin at 7:00 pm and can be viewed at several host sites across the state or from your home computer.  Certified Crop Adviser credits will be available each evening at physical locations only.  The first session on January 24 will feature Dr. John Fulton and Dr. Elizabeth Hawkins on how to efficiently utilize data from precision agriculture technology to guide farm management decisions.  For more information about how to participate, see the attached news release. 

Agronomy Webinars News Release

Now for what is going on in other counties:  If you hire farm workers who work with pesticides, you need to be aware of the new Worker Protection Standards that have gone into effect as of the new year.  Who needs to know about revised WPS?

FARMS, FORESTS, NURSERIES, and GREENHOUSES ……….. especially horticultural growers & employers of custom agricultural applicators!  One way to become informed is to attend a scheduled workshop that is listed on the Worker Protection Standard flyer that is attached to this email.  Want to attend an Agronomy Day close to Hardin County?  You might be interested in the Wyandot Agronomy Day described on the attached flyer from Crawford County Extension Educator Jason Hartschuh.  Registration is due January 19 for the Wyandot Agronomy Day on January 26.  He is also hosting a Livestock Mortality Composting Certification workshop along with the local SWCDs on January 24.  See the attached flyer for registration due January 20.  I thought that I should mention there are additional agronomy articles below, but maybe I better quit while I’m ahead.

Worker Protection Standard flyer

FCTPAT Region-Hartschuh Flyer 2017

Mortality Composting 2017




Early Look Ahead to Spring Planting Season and Growing Season – Jim Noel

Winter so far has seen major swings in weather patterns but in the end we are close to normal temperatures and precipitation. For the remainder of January milder and wetter are the words. The attached graphic shows the NWS Ohio River Forecast Center’s 16-day precipitation outlook which is wet. Normal precipitation is near 2 inches with the mean forecast being 2-5 inches. Going forward for the remainder of winter it looks a little warmer and wetter than normal with still significant swings in weather patterns. To read more about the weather, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2017-1/early-look-ahead-spring-planting-season-and-growing-season.



Seed treatments for Watermolds and Fungi that affect soybean in Ohio – Anne Dorrance

There are some new fungicide seed treatments and an updated efficacy chart from the North Central Extension Research Committee, my soybean colleagues across the region. We look at all of our results across our trials and make modifications to this list. The table is posted online so if you are interested in reading the full article and looking at the table about seed treatments, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2017-1/seed-treatments-watermolds-and-fungi-affect-soybean-ohio.


Software for Developing Nutrient Management Plans Workshop – Greg LaBarge

Nutrient management plans provide a field by field risk evaluation for sediment, phosphorus and nitrogen loss and nutrient recommendations for crop production. The workshop will demonstrate one method to develop plans for general use and is accepted for Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) practice cost share program.  The software used is open access and works on PC platforms. There is not cost.  To find out more about these workshops coming up in Ottawa and London, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2017-1/software-developing-nutrient-management-plans-workshop.


2017 Putnam County Agronomy Night – Glen Arnold

The annual OSU Extension Putnam County Agronomy Night is scheduled for Thursday, January 19 at the Kalida Knights of Columbus Hall starting at 6:30 p.m. Topics for the evening will include “Soybean Damage From Stinkbugs and other Pests this Past Growing Season” by Kelley Tilmon, The Ohio State University. “Weed Control – The New Herbicide and Seed Options Coming” will be the second topic for the evening. The presenter will be Jeff Stachler, Extension Educator – Auglaize County. Glen Arnold, OSU Extension Field Specialist will be reporting on “Using Liquid Manure to Sidedress Corn.” The final topic at Agronomy Night will be an update on the Putnam County SHARP Test Plot, presented by Putnam County Soil & Water. There is no cost to attend Agronomy Night thanks to financial support from local agricultural businesses. Preregistration is not necessary. Continuing Education Units and Certified Livestock Manager credits are available. 



2017 Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council Conference – Mark Sulc

The Ohio Forages and Grasslands Council Annual Conference will be held February 3, 2017 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Ohio Department of Agriculture in Reynoldsburg, OH. The program theme is “High Quality Forages.” The keynote speaker will be Dr. Kim Cassida, Forage Extension Specialist at Michigan State University, who will discuss “Managing Grass-Legume Mixtures” based on extensive research and experience in Michigan and her prior work in West Virginia. She and Dr. Jeff McCutcheon (OSU Extension, Southeast Region Director) will discuss “High Energy Pasture for Grass-Finished Beef” and two Ohio producers, Bill Lawhon of Knox County and Jeff Ramseyer of Wayne County will expand on that topic by discussing how they utilize annual and perennial forages in their grass-based beef operations. Go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2017-1/2017-ohio-forage-and-grasslands-council-conference to read more about this conference.


The Ohio State University

Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office




January 4, 2017

Good evening, 

If you are reading this, you have made it through to the new year.  We are gearing up for what plans to be a very busy winter with several programs coming up soon.  You won’t want to miss the Conservation Tillage Club Breakfast series starting Tuesday, January 10 at 7:30 am at the Plaza Inn Restaurant in Mt. Victory.  The first program will feature Dr. John Fulton speaking on Precision Ag & the 4Rs.  Fulton is from The Ohio State University, Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering.  He has been a national leader in Precision Agriculture, doing research in this area.  His presentation at the Conservation Tillage Club breakfast will focus on using precision ag to determine fertilizer needs and then using equipment technology available to farmers to get the right source of fertilizer applied at the right time, using the correct rate, and the proper placement.  See the attached flyer and article below for more details.

Conservation Tillage Club

The Hardin County Extension office will once again serve as a host site for this winter’s Ohio Beef Cattle School series.  The 2017 Ohio Beef School webinar series will begin on January 17 with a close look at what the cow/calf sector can do in the foreseeable future that will enhance profitability.  As in the past, each evening’s webinar will be broadcast live beginning at 7:00 pm from host locations throughout Ohio as well as one in West Virginia.  If you would like to attend any of these Ohio Beef Cattle School presentations, please call the Hardin County Extension office at 419-674-2297 or email Mark Badertscher at badertscher.4@osu.edu to RSVP so that preparations can be made to accommodate the number of people interested in attending.  See the attached news article for more information about these upcoming Ohio Beef Cattle School programs.

Ohio Beef School News Release

There are also programs taking place in other area counties that you may be interested in attending.  The West Ohio Agronomy Day is coming up January 9 in Ft. Loramie along with an evening program on January 17 in Sidney.  See the attached flyer for more information on this pesticide recertification and fertilizer certification opportunity.  If you are interested in Weed Management, there is a program coming up January 11 in Mercer County.  This Weed Management 101 program includes both an afternoon and evening sessions with meals included for no cost.  Although the attached news release says pre-registration is due January 4, you can still contact Mercer County OSU Extension Office at 419-586-2179 or email Denny Riethman at riethman.24@osu.edu to reserve your spot for this program.

West Ohio Agronomy Days 2017 

Weed 101 News Release

Other upcoming local events include Sheep Improvement Association meeting Tuesday, January 10 at 7:30 pm at the Extension office, and Ag Council on Friday, January 13 at 7:00 am at Henry’s Restaurant.  Feel free to join us for Ag Council as I plan to share information from this year’s Soybean Population plot which had both 15 and 30 inch rows with several different seeding rates.  As usual, I have included some articles below for you to read if interested.




Hybrid performance with and without various transgenic traits – Ohio trends – Peter Thomison, Rich Minyo, Allen Geyer

According to the USDA-Economic Research Service in 2016, 86% of Ohio’s corn acreage was planted to transgenic corn hybrids with 66% of total acreage planted to stacked trait hybrids. Some corn growers want to grow non-GMO corn or transgenic hybrids with fewer traits to reduce seed costs. Others want to take advantage of the premiums offered for non-GMO corn. Growers who have not experienced serious problems with rootworm and corn borer and who have controlled weeds effectively with traditional herbicide programs question the need for transgenic hybrids.  Go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2016-40/hybrid-performance-and-without-various-transgenic-traits-%E2%80%93-ohio to read more.


OSU Agronomy Webinars Planned – Amanda Bennett

Ohio State University Extension announces a series of four webinars available to producers, Certified Crop Advisers and industry offered throughout January and February 2017. The Corn, Soybean and Wheat Connection series is scheduled to begin on January 24, 2017 and will focus on issues and updates in grain crop production. Each webinar will begin at 7:00 p.m. and can be view at several host sites across the state or from your home computer. Certified Crop Adviser credits will be available each evening at physical locations only. To read more about these upcoming webinars, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2016-40/osu-agronomy-webinars-planned.


Conservation Tillage Club Breakfast Series – Mark Badertscher

The 2017 Conservation Tillage Club breakfast program series will begin on Tuesday, January 10 at the Plaza Inn Restaurant in Mt. Victory. Each session will start at 7:30 am with complimentary buffet breakfast followed by the program at 8:00 am. Other sessions will be held on January 24, February 7 and 21. On January 10, the program will feature Dr. John Fulton, Precision Ag & the 4Rs. Fulton is from The Ohio State University, Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering.  Fulton has been a national leader in Precision Agriculture, doing research in this area. His work has him studying drones and aerial imagery to help make management decisions with crop production. He has also been using variable rate technology and multi-hybrid seeding in plots around Ohio. He is working on compaction studies and its effect on yields.  Go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2016-40/conservation-tillage-club-breakfast-series to finish reading this article.


Northwest Ohio Corn & Soybean Day – Eric Richer

The annual Northwest Ohio Corn & Soybean Day is scheduled for Friday, January 20th in Founders Hall at Sauder Village in Archbold from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The program has a variety of speakers, a farmer to farmer panel made up of local producers and nearly 30 exhibitors sharing information on management practices for the 2017 crop production season. This year’s Corn/Soybean Day offers the 3 hour Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training, (FACT), pesticide applicator credits for private and commercial applicators and CCA credits.  For more information about the Northwest Ohio Corn & Soybean Day, go to http://agcrops.osu.edu/newsletter/corn-newsletter/2016-40/northwest-ohio-corn-soybean-day.



Managing Stockpiled Forages – Chris Penrose

If you have stockpiled forages like orchardgrass and fescue, sometimes the question of when and how should we feed it to our cattle comes up? There are many variables, but let’s start with a few basic principles. The earlier you initiated stockpiling, the more yield you will have, but the lower the quality will be. Conversely, the later in the year you start to stockpile, the lower the yield will be and the higher the quality. Go to http://u.osu.edu/beef/2017/01/04/managing-stockpiled-forages/#more-2624 to read more about managing stockpiled forages.


The Ohio State University

Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office
