February 21, 2015

Good evening,

This morning I had the opportunity to spend time at the Hardin Northern FFA Ag Appreciation Breakfast.  I continue to be impressed with the work of the agricultural education programs in the county as they mold young people for ag careers and to become productive members of society.  As I talked with several adults that I have had the pleasure of meeting over the past year and half as the AgNR OSU Extension Educator, I was introduced to a couple new people I had yet to meet in person, one being someone I had just spoke with a few days ago on the phone.  It continues to be an enjoyable experience for me to meet new people and find out about their work in our industry.


Tomorrow marks the beginning of the winter livestock banquet season.  The Dairy Banquet will be at 12:00 pm at Walnut Grove United Methodist Church.  This will be followed by the first annual Horse Banquet at 6:30 pm at the Community Building on the fairgrounds.  To find out more about the upcoming Hardin County livestock banquets, read the attached article.

Livestock Banquet Season Article

Tickets are currently on sale for the Lamb Banquet.  They can be purchased until March 2 from the following county Sheep Improvement Association Directors: Adam Burbach, Megan Burgess, Scott Elliott, Barry Musselman, Cory Wagner, Dave Burkhart, Kristie Fay, Max Garmon, Don Haudenschield, Kenny Williams, Jeff Bowers, Bruce Oberlitner, Gene Haudenschield, Peter Previte, or Russell Senning. Tickets can also be purchased from Madelyn Lowery.  See the attached news release for more information.

Lamb Banquet News Release

Monday (2/23) will be the final Sheep & Goat webinar for this year.  The program will begin at 7:00 pm at the Extension office with the topic being Tips for Improving Lambing and Kidding Percentages through Management, Genetics and Selection being presented by University of Maryland Small Ruminant Specialist Susan Schoenian.  Feel free to join us.


The final installment of the Ohio Beef School will be held on Tuesday (2/24). Dr. Monique Pairis-Garcia, Assistant Professor, and Dr. Steve Boyles, Professor, both of the OSU Department of Animal Sciences, will discuss “Beef Animal Handling and Facility Design.” Videos will be used to demonstrate the positive and negative aspects of animal behavior and they will discuss how facilities can improve animal handling concerns. Dr. Bill Weiss, Professor, OSU Department of Animal Sciences will also address “Forage Evaluation and Making Quality Dry Hay, Balage, and Silage.”  This program will also be at the Extension office, starting at 7:00 pm if you would like to attend.  See the attached flyer for more information.

Ohio Beef School Series

Participants for the twenty-third annual Hardin Leadership class, a program designed for the development of informed and effective community leaders, are being recruited now until March 4.  Hardin Leadership is sponsored and conducted by the Hardin Leadership Steering Committee and the OSU Extension, Hardin County office.  Nine monthly sessions will focus on the knowledge/skills required by today’s community leader, such as team building, public speaking, and marketing.  This year’s program will be offered in morning sessions on the second Thursdays, March through November.  See the attached brochure for more details.

Hardin Leadership brochure

Agricultural fertilizer applicator certification is now required for farmers who apply fertilizer to more than 50 acres of agricultural production grown primarily for sale. This requirement was signed into law in June 2014, and also requires certification for commercial agricultural applicators. Farmers who have their fertilizer applied by co-ops or custom applicators are not required to be certified. A three-hour certification program will be offered March 5 from 9:00 am -12:00 pm in the McIntosh Center at Ohio Northern University in Ada. This free meeting will meet the certification requirements for those with and without a pesticide license. Pre-registration is required and online registration is available at nutrienteducation.osu.edu. You can also register by calling the Hardin County Extension office at 419-674-2297.  See the attached news release for more information.

Fertilizer Training Ada News Release

Other events happening include the first Master Gardener Volunteer meeting of the year, starting at 7:00 pm Monday (2/23) at Harco Industries.  The Soil and Water Conservation District is having its annual Planning Meeting on Thursday (2/26), starting at 7:00 am at Henry’s Restaurant.  I hope you have a good week.  Below are some agronomy articles for you to read if interested.








Warm days make me think of spring, or how to avoid disease losses in 2015 – Anne Dorrance

As I look back over my data and pictures of wipe outs in Ohio, the biggest losses have occurred when the super susceptible soybean variety or corn, or wheat, was planted into a field where inoculum (pathogen population) was high and environmental conditions often occur.  The disease triangle is a great tool to remind us that limiting one of the factors (susceptible variety, inoculum, or environment) can greatly reduce losses due to diseases.  Go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-03/warm-days-make-me-think-of-spring-or-how-to-avoid-diseases-losses-in-2015 to continue reading this article.





OARDC Agronomy In-service: March 5 and 6, 2015 – Pierce Paul

The 2015 OARDC Agronomy In-service is fast approaching. This in-service is designed to give Extension Educators, Certified Crop Advisors, and stakeholders up-to-date and hands-on training on disease, insect, fertility, and general crop management issues facing the corn, wheat, and soybean industries in the state and across the country, with presentations and demonstrations by Extension State Specialists Drs. Peter Thomison, Pierce Paul, Andy Michel, Anne Dorrance, Laura Lindsey, and Steve Culman. To encourage participation and facilitate hands-on exercises, the number of attendees will usually be limited to 35 per day (a total of 70 over the two days), on a first-come, first-serve basis. For program details visit: http://agcrops-cms.cfaes.ohio-state.edu/corn/newsletters/2015/2015-03/OARDC Agronomy In-service March 2015_Final.pdf and contact Teresa Funk at funk.67@osu.edu and 614-292-4077 regarding registration.







2015 Soil Fertility On-Farm Projects – Steve Culman

The Ohio State Soil Fertility Lab will be starting a number of projects this year that will only be successful with participation from farmer cooperators across the state. We are in the process of updating the Tri-State Recommendations, looking specifically at N, P and K in corn, soybean and wheat. This is a major undertaking that will require a collective effort from numerous OSU extension personnel, crop consultants and farmer cooperators. We will cast a broad net to collect data from a large number of farms across the state and determine economically-optimum fertilization rates to maximize farmer profitability.  For more information on this and other soils research, go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-03/2015-soil-fertility-on-farm-projects.








2014 Northwest Ohio Corn Silage Test – Rich Minyo, Allen Geyer, Peter Thomison

In 2014, 53 corn silage hybrids representing 16 commercial brands were evaluated in a joint trial with Michigan State University (MSU). One Ohio location is combined with Michigan’s two southern (Zone 1) silage locations. The Ohio test site was located in our Northwest Region at Hoytville (Wood County). The two MSU sites are located in Branch and Lenawee counties, which are on the Ohio/Michigan state line.  To read more about the 2014 Northwest Ohio Corn Silage Test, go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-03/2014-northwest-ohio-corn-silage-test.






Conservation Tillage & Technology Conference – Mark Badertscher, Ed Lentz, Randall Reeder

The Conservation Tillage & Technology Conference (CTC) will soon be upon us.  This year it will be held Tuesday, March 3 and Wednesday, March 4 at Ohio Northern University in Ada.  Each year the CTC gives farmers and crop consultants an opportunity to not only catch up on the latest conservation tillage information, but also serves as a valuable source of up-to-date Cover Crop and Soil Health programming in addition to the traditional Corn University and Soybean School programs which bring participants to this annual conference looking for ways to increase crop production efficiencies while stretching that bottom line.  To finish reading this article, go to http://corn.osu.edu/newsletters/2015/2015-03/conservation-tillage-technology-conference.




Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office


February 12, 2015

Good afternoon,

This week has been extremely busy, with several programs for producers to participate.  Monday we had a Sheep & Goat Webinar focusing on diseases.  Dr. Eric Gordon, Associate Professor, Ohio State Veterinary Clinical Medicine discussed “Tips for Managing Major Sheep and Goat Diseases: OPP, CAE, Caseous Lymphadenitis, Johnes, Scrapie and Cache Valley Virus.”  Tuesday morning we had the fruit and vegetable produce safety Good Agricultural Practices program at the Scioto Valley Produce Auction with 88 participants including both Amish and English growers.  Guidelines were presented to instruct produce growers how to ensure a safe food product for auction, farmer’s market, or roadside produce stand.


Tuesday evening was the second session of the Ohio Beef School with Kim Stackhouse-Lawson, PhD, Director of Sustainability Research for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association who addressed “Sustainable Beef Production.”  She highlighted how beef industry has used funding from the Beef Check-off Program to document the economic, environmental and social impacts from the beef industry and is identifying practical ways to improve the sustainability of beef and remain on the path of continuous improvement over time.  In Ohio, water quality concerns have led to new legislation regarding nutrient management in agriculture.  Kevin Elder, Chief of the Ohio Department of Agriculture’s Division of Livestock Environmental Permitting, covered “Manure Management and Fertilizer Application Issues for Beef Producers.”

Ohio Beef School Series

Sheep and Goat producers might be interested to know that this coming week’s webinar program is Monday, February 16 at 7:00 pm.  Dr. Bill Weiss, Ohio State Animal Sciences will share “Tips for Reducing Feed Losses From Silage and Hay.”  Check out the attached flyer for more information on this series.  Sheep producers should also be aware that both applications for Lamb and Wool Queen, as well as the Sheep Improvement Association’s $500 scholarship are both due February 20.  See the attached news release and applications for more information.

Sheep Goat Webinar Series

Queen Application

Lamb Queen Scholarship News Release

This week we also had another planning meeting for the Conservation Tillage Conference which will be held in Ada at Ohio Northern University on March 3 and 4.  See the attached news article and brochure for more detailed information.  There is an early bird registration deadline of February 21 which will save you some money if you are making plans to attend this conference which is one of the top agronomic crops conferences in our part of the state.

CTC News Release

CTC flyer 2015

Tuesday, February 17 will be the final Conservation Tillage Club breakfast series meeting at the Plaza Inn Restaurant in Mt. Victory.  Join us at 7:30 am for a dual presentation on Water Quality by Cheryl Rice, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Urban Conservationist from Lucas County.  With the algae bloom in Lake Erie this summer, this issue has been on the forefront of the public and government agenda.  Rice will be joined by Greg LaBarge, Agronomic Systems Field Specialist, Ohio State University Extension for a discussion on Best Management Practices in Nutrient Management and how the Ohio Agricultural Nutrients Law requirements will assist farmers in being proactive with use of fertilizer to increase crop yields, while at the same time keeping the nutrients in the field to protect the environment.

Conservation Tillage Club

Later on Tuesday (2/17) evening, there will be an agronomy webinar program concentrating on Corn Production.  It will start at 7:00 pm and end at 8:30 pm.  ‘Corn Interaction with Today’s Production Management Systems’ will be the topic of the presentation.  It will be taught by Dr. Peter Thomison, Extension Specialist-Corn Production, OSUE.  ‘What is the latest research on Ear Molds and Mycotoxins?’ will also be presented by Dr. Pierce Paul, Extension Specialist-Corn and Small Grain Plant Pathology, OSUE.


The Kenton-OHP FFA Chapter will be hosting their Annual Agricultural Community Breakfast on Wednesday, February 18 from 7:00-9:00 am in the Kenton High School Cafeteria.  All supporters of the Kenton-OHP are welcome to attend for a complimentary breakfast!  They look forward to seeing many of you there!


Well that’s it for now.  I need to get to a meeting on tax issues and water quality.  Have a good remainder of the week and I hope to see you at some of these upcoming events.






Mark A. Badertscher

Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County

1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326

419-674-2297 Office
